
tech2024-01-28  112


(Note: This post is just about Apple’s public perception — the iPhone and Safari both prove that Apple does get the web on a very real and important level and has a huge stake in its future.)

( 注:这篇文章只是关于苹果公司的公众看法-iPhone和Safari都证明苹果确实在非常真实和重要的水平上获得了网络,并且在其未来中拥有巨大利益。 )

A few days ago, search and advertising guru John Battelle put up his annual list of web tech predictions. About Apple, this is what he wrote:

几天前,搜索和广告大师约翰·巴特尔(John Battelle)提出了他的年度网络技术预测清单。 关于苹果,这是他写的:

Apple will see a significant reversal of recent fortunes. I sense this will happen for a number of reasons, but I think the main one will be brand related – a brand based on being cooler than the other guy simply does not scale past a certain point. I sense Apple has hit that point.

苹果将​​看到最近的命运发生重大逆转。 我认为这是有多种原因的,但我认为主要是与品牌相关的-一个比别人冷静的品牌根本无法超越某个特定点。 我感觉苹果已经达到了这一点。

After watching the lackluster keynote given by Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Product Marketing Phil Schiller earlier this week at MacWorld, it would be easy get on board with that prediction. Apple failed to really impress at the conference, offering not much more than really cool, but rather underwhelming software and hardware updates.

在本周早些时候,苹果全球产品营销高级副总裁Phil Schiller在MacWorld上发表了乏味的主题演讲后,很容易就接受了这一预测。 苹果公司未能在会议上给人留下深刻的印象,提供的不只是真正的酷,还提供了令人印象深刻的软件和硬件更新。

In a post today on his blog, marketing pro Steve Rubel offers three reasons why the Internet is to blame for the shine starting to wear off Apple. I’d encourage you to read the post, but his most interesting point is his third: cloud computing and netbooks are eroding Apple’s edge.

市场营销专业人士史蒂夫·鲁贝尔(Steve Rubel)在今天的博客中提供了三个理由,解释为什么互联网应归因于苹果的衰败。 我鼓励您阅读该文章,但他最有趣的一点是他的第三篇文章:云计算和上网本正在侵蚀苹果的优势。

Rubel says that most of his computing needs are now handled by online applications, and though he admits that as an ultra-early adopter he’s not like most users, he thinks cloud computing is the future for us all. The rise of web-based computing “means you will be able to be just fine using a netbook or even a phone. The category is still emerging and many are still 1.0 products. But I expect that to change and if the current economic climate continues, then it could erode Apple’s notebook share,” he writes.

鲁贝尔说,他的大部分计算需求现在都由在线应用程序处理,尽管他承认作为超早期采用者,他不像大多数用户那样,但他认为云计算是我们所有人的未来。 基于网络的计算的兴起意味着您将可以使用上网本甚至是电话都可以。 该类别仍在兴起,许多仍然是1.0产品。 但我预计这种情况将会改变,如果当前的经济形势持续下去,那么它可能会侵蚀苹果的笔记本电脑市场份额。”他写道。

We wrote earlier this week that web applications reset the playing field, and have created new opportunities for companies to compete in areas they were never before competitive. That goes for heavyweights like Apple, Google, and Adobe, the same as it does for small, web development upstarts.

我们在本周早些时候写道, Web应用程序重新设置了竞争环境 ,并为公司创造了新的机会,使其可以在从未竞争过的领域中竞争。 对于像Apple,Google和Adobe这样的重量级企业来说,情况就是如此,与小型Web开发新贵一样。

Unfortunately, what we thought would be Apple’s first major push into the SaaS world (not counting the rocky launch of MobileMe last July),, turned out to be a disappointment. iWork and MobileMe are “gorgeous, for sure,” says Rubel. “However, functionally, they don’t hold a candle to Google or Adobe’s web apps. And I think Microsoft’s products here for sure will be strong.” They also don’t hold a candle to apps from smaller web startups, such as Zoho or Sharpcast.

不幸的是,我们认为这是苹果对SaaS世界的首次重大推动(不算去年7月MobileMe的艰难发布),iWork.com实在令人失望 。 鲁贝尔说,“当然,iWork和MobileMe非常出色”。 “但是,从功能上讲,它们并没有像Google或Adobe的网络应用程序那样令人难忘。 而且我认为微软在这里的产品肯定会很强大。” 他们也不会对小型网络创业公司(例如Zoho或Sharpcast)的应用程序大加赞赏。

So far, the shift to cloud computing seems to be an area where Apple is asleep at the wheel. has the feel of a missed opportunity for the time being, though Schiller hinted at potentially more impressive things on the horizon during his MacWorld address.

到目前为止,向云计算的转变似乎是苹果睡着了的领域。 尽管Schiller在MacWorld演讲中暗示可能会出现更多令人印象深刻的事情,但iWork.com暂时感到机会错失。

Another reason why Apple is starting to see their mojo fade was articulated by a commenter on Rubel’s post: Apple is not participating in the conversation.


“Others have always carried out the conversation for them (and nicely so) but this means that when they don’t like the way the conversation is going (a problem that is only slowly happening now from time to time) they have nothing established to be part of it, or to steer it a bit,” writes Kris Hoet, who works for Microsoft Europe.

“其他人一直在为他们进行对话(很好),但这意味着当他们不喜欢对话的进行方式(这个问题有时不时在慢慢发生)时,他们并没有建立起成为其中的一员,或者有所作为 。”在Microsoft Europe工作的Kris Hoet写道 。

We reported on a Forrester Research study in December that found that the most trusted sources of brand information were those that were conversational. The Internet and social media have made getting in the conversation a necessary part of the maintaining a PR edge. Apple needs to wake up to that fact.

我们在12月进行的一项Forrester Research研究中报告说,最值得信赖的品牌信息来源是对话式的。 互联网和社交媒体已使参与对话成为维持PR优势的必要部分。 苹果需要唤醒这一事实。


