
tech2024-01-28  110


You’ve thought about all of the considerations of subcontracting work, prepared for the transition and found a great subcontractor. You’re ready to start outsourcing. Here are 31 tips to make your outsourcing experiences as smooth as possible.

您已经考虑了转包工作的所有注意事项 ,为过渡做准备,并找到了一个出色的转包商。 您已准备好开始外包。 这里有31条技巧,可以使您的外包体验尽可能地流畅。

Come to an Agreement


One of the most important elements of subcontracting is making sure you and the subcontractor are on the same page and that there are no surprises. Keep these things on your list to help facilitate a smooth working relationship:

分包商最重要的要素之一是确保您和分包商在同一页面上并且没有意外。 将这些内容保留在您的列表中,以帮助建立顺畅的工作关系:

1. Use a contract 2. Make sure you agree on payment terms up front 3. Don’t pay in full until the job is complete 4. Be clear on how and when you plan to pay the subcontractor 5. Agree on a timeline for the work 6. Include a non-disclosure/non-competition provision in your contract 7. Determine how you will receive project updates 8. Clarify confidentiality expectations 9. Build in a “de-bugging” provision that identifies a specific period of time the subcontractor will be on call to fix potential problems that arise 10. Clarify the ownership of the project in writing


Protect Your Business


When you outsource, you are giving up some of your control over the project. Consider these tips to help you protect your business, interests and reputation:

外包时,您将放弃对项目的某些控制。 请考虑以下提示,以帮助您保护自己的业务,利益和声誉:

11. Check references 12. Review the subcontractor’s portfolio 13. Verify skills 14. Consider a small test project first 15. Be prepared to review all work before turning it over to the client 16. Be very clear about expectations 17. Don’t leave any details out when relaying the project request to the subcontractor 18. Send all work requests in writing 19. Schedule an initial call and regular check-ins, if necessary 20. Be available throughout the duration of the project 21. Track all payments for your books


Client Relations


The goal of the project should be to meet and exceed the client’s needs. In order to do that, follow these tips to manage your relationship with your client:

该项目的目标应该是满足并超越客户的需求。 为此,请按照以下提示管理与客户的关系:

22. Be the middleman 23. Tell your client you are using a subcontractor, if appropriate 24. Pad the time estimate provided by the subcontractor in your estimate for the client 25. Don’t forget to add in time for your management role 26. Be accountable for your work AND your subcontractor’s work


Aside from the Work


Remember the importance of the personal side of your subcontractor relationship. Here are some ways to do that:

记住分包商关系中个人方面的重要性。 以下是一些方法:

27. Don’t overlook the importance of complementary personalities 28. Respect the subcontractor’s time 29. Make sure there are no communication gaps 30. Give praise and appreciation for a job well done 31. Ask the subcontractor how it went at the end of the project and provide feedback


What other tips would you add to this list?


Successful outsourcing will not only allow you to focus on what you do best, but also find other ways to satisfy clients and expand your business. By building relationships with your subcontractors that are based on trust and respect, you will be able to create a team that can accomplish just about anything…and give you a day or two off in the process.

成功的外包不仅可以让您专注于自己的长处,而且可以找到其他方式来满足客户需求并扩展业务。 通过与您的分包商建立基于信任和尊重的关系,您将能够创建一个可以完成几乎所有事情的团队……并在此过程中给您一两天的假期。

Image credit: Carl Dwyer

图片来源: Carl Dwyer

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/31-tips-for-successful-outsourcing/

