实验9-5 查找书籍

tech2024-01-28  100

实验9-5 查找书籍

Before leaving a comment, please read Mark Harbottle’s explanation for why we were forced to close this deal early.

在发表评论之前,请阅读Mark Harbottle的解释,以了解为什么我们被迫提前完成这笔交易。

After three amazing and inspiring days for everyone involved with SitePoint we are humbled to announce that our 5-for-1 book sale, where all of the proceeds will be donated to victims of the recent Australian bushfires, has come to an end…


We started out with a $50K target, and early figures suggest it’s gone well beyond our wildest expectations. To everyone who placed an order (or two or three), from the entire team at SitePoint – thanks for supporting this worthy cause.

我们最初的目标是5万美元,而早期数据表明,这已经远远超出了我们的最高预期。 感谢SitePoint整个团队下订单的每个人(或两个或三个)–感谢您支持这一有价值的事业。

We want to be able to verify every cent goes the Red Cross Appeal, so we’ve employed the auditing services of Deloitte to make sure every dollar is accounted for.


Rest assured we’ll announce the official total as soon as Deloitte have confirmed it.


If you missed out, and are still wanting to contribute to this worthy cause, please donate directly to the Red Cross.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-5-for-1-book-sale-has-finished-we-smashed-our-usd-50k-target/

实验9-5 查找书籍
