
tech2024-01-28  111


I’m a big believer in giving back by donating your time and expertise to your community and your industry. Volunteering can have a number of benefits — helping others, enhancing your skills, becoming active in your community, and creating a sense of achievement. But giving back can also help your career and business. While I wouldn’t recommend volunteering solely for the business benefits, here are some of the areas where you may see value from your efforts.

我坚信回馈,将您的时间和专业知识捐赠给您的社区和您的行业。 志愿服务可以带来很多好处,包括帮助他人,提高技能,在社区中活跃起来以及创造成就感。 但是回馈也可以帮助您的事业和生意。 虽然我不建议仅出于商业利益而自愿参加,但在某些方面您可能会从自己的努力中看到价值。

You can develop new relationships.


Getting out there and volunteering in your community puts you in a great position to meet new people who you may not otherwise meet. These relationships are not only good for networking, but they also help you to create a group of people to consult with outside of your immediate business network.

到那里去并在您的社区中志愿服务可以使您处于一个结识新朋友的绝佳位置,而这些人是您以前无法见到的。 这些关系不仅有利于建立网络关系,而且还可以帮助您创建一组人来与您直接的业务网络之外的人进行咨询。

It can broaden your experience.


Even if you donate time doing something you do everyday, volunteering provides an opportunity to work on something new with new people in a new place. You get to see more and experience more, and you never know where you might learn a new skill, discover a new way to do something or expand your knowledge in some other valuable way.

即使您捐赠时间做日常工作,志愿服务也提供了与新人在新地方工作的新机会。 您会看到更多,获得更多的经验,却永远不知道在哪里可以学习新技能,发现做某事的新方法或以其他有价值的方式扩展您的知识。

It provides indirect marketing exposure.


Sometimes the best marketing is marketing that happens naturally. This can happen when you are focused on a task, especially one that involves collaboration and teamwork.

有时最好的营销是自然发生的营销。 当您专注于一项任务时,尤其是涉及协作和团队合作的任务时,可能会发生这种情况。

It’s good for your reputation.


If you work for yourself, everything you do, on and off the job, impacts your business reputation. Giving back is one way to position yourself in a good light. When you spend time and effort for the betterment of others, you are telling clients, potential clients and colleagues that you are empathetic to those around you.

如果您为自己工作,那么在工作中和下班时所做的一切都会影响您的商业声誉。 回馈是使自己处于良好状态的一种方法。 当您花费时间和精力改善他人时,您是在告诉客户,潜在客户和同事您对周围的人都充满同情。

It makes you more well-rounded.


Volunteering makes you well-rounded, as a person and a business owner. And when you volunteer for the right reasons (and realize all of the benefits listed here are really just peripheral to the main purpose of giving back), you just may become a better person.

志愿服务使您成为一个全面的个人和企业主。 而且,当您出于正确的理由自愿参加工作(并且意识到这里列出的所有好处实际上只是回馈的主要目的的外围)时,您可能会变得更好。

Do you volunteer? How as it benefited you? Image credit: BSK

你自愿吗? 它如何使您受益? 图片来源: BSK

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/giving-back-for-business/

