
tech2024-01-28  93


Everyone knows that the customer is always right, but good customer service is so much more than that. If you’re interested in keeping clients around for a while, here are five things you should be doing:

每个人都知道客户永远是对的,但是良好的客户服务远不止于此。 如果您有兴趣让客户保持一段时间,那么您应该做以下五件事:

1. Be Ultra Responsive


When you get a message from a client, get back to them as soon as possible. Even if you can’t respond in detail or won’t be starting on the work immediately, let them know you have the information so they aren’t left hanging.

当您从客户那里收到消息时,请尽快与他们联系。 即使您无法详细答复或不会立即开始工作,也要让他们知道您掌握了信息,这样他们就不会再犹豫了。

2. Communicate Effectively


E-mail is all-too-often considered a lesser form of communication. While it is quick and can be easier than using the phone, all of your e-mail communication should be clear, organized and, of course, professional. Here is a good read with some quick tips for keeping your e-mail communication up to par: Business Email Etiquette 101 on Business Know-How.

电子邮件通常被认为是一种较小的通信形式。 尽管它比使用电话更快捷,更容易,但是您所有的电子邮件通信都应该清晰,有条理并且当然是专业的。 这是一本不错的书,并提供了一些快速提示,可以使您的电子邮件通信保持最佳状态:有关商业知识的商业电子邮件礼仪101 。

3. Exceed Expectations Go above and beyond what is expected…every single time. Yes, even though you probably have a fairly defined list of deliverables, you can do more by putting in time to ensure quality, testing and re-testing, and essentially creating a final product that is even better than what the client expected.

3.超出预期每次都超出预期……。 是的,即使您可能有一个明确定义的交付清单,您也可以通过及时确保质量,测试和重新测试,以及从根本上创造出比客户预期更好的最终产品来做更多的事情。

4. Listen


How often do you truly listen to what your clients are saying, beyond the work they are relaying to you? If you listen, you may discover new areas where they could use your talents, or be able to suggest a different and more efficient way to do something.

除了客户正在传递给您的工作之外,您还多久真正听一次客户的谈话? 如果您倾听,您可能会发现新的领域,在这些领域他们可以利用您的才能,或者能够提出一种不同且更有效的做事方式。

5. Be Honest


Be truthful about your skills and don’t tell your client you’re capable of doing something you’re not. Many times, admitting inexperience with something is appreciated and doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get the work.

诚实地对待自己的技能,不要告诉客户您有能力做自己不擅长的事情。 很多时候,承认对某事缺乏经验会受到赞赏,但这并不一定意味着您不会得到工作。

Why would you want to do these five things to make your clients happy when you can just as easily get in, do the work, and get out? Here’s how you can benefit from having happy clients:

当您可以轻松进入,完成工作和离开时,为什么要做这五件事来使客户满意呢? 拥有满意的客户可以使您受益匪浅:

1. They’ll come back.


A happy customer is a repeat customer. Hit the five targets above and you can be sure they will come right to you next time they need someone with your expertise.

快乐的客户就是回头客。 达到上述五个目标,您可以确定,下次他们需要有您专业知识的人时,他们就会来找您。

2. They’ll tell their friends.


Word of mouth is powerful. Satisfied clients can be the easiest way to get referrals for new work. 3. You may find new opportunities.

口耳相传是有力的 。 满意的客户可能是获得新作品推荐的最简单方法。 3.您可能会发现新的机会。

You never know what other things a client has going on, and by being a valued service provider, you may be in a position to experience new and exciting opportunities.


4. They can be references.


If you’re clients are thrilled with you, they will be willing to speak about your work to others, write letters of recommendation and even vouch for you when you need support for non-work endeavors.


5. You’re building a reputation.


If you’re serious about what you do, giving your best on every project will build a reputation that will make your business sustainable.


What else do you do to ensure client satisfaction and why do you do it?


Image credit: Steve Woods

图片来源: 史蒂夫·伍兹(Steve Woods)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-ways-to-please-your-clients-and-5-reasons-why-you-should/

