
tech2024-01-29  101


Whether you bill clients hourly or on a per project basis, a necessary step of all projects is estimating the time it will take. Not only does the client want to have an idea of how much money they will be spending, but they also need to plan around an estimated timeline. And you need to be able to ensure you have the time and resources necessary to complete the project.

无论您是按小时计费还是按项目计费,所有项目的必要步骤都是估计所需时间。 客户不仅希望了解他们将花费多少钱,而且还需要围绕估计的时间表进行计划。 并且您需要确保您有完成项目所需的时间和资源。

Depending on a number of factors, including how much experience you have with the type of work you’re doing, if you are using subcontractors, and the information you have from the client, estimating the time for a project can be difficult. Here is the process I use when scoping the time commitment for a new project.

根据许多因素,包括您对所从事的工作类型有多少经验,是否正在使用分包商以及您从客户那里获得的信息,估计项目的时间可能很困难。 这是我确定新项目的时间投入时使用的过程。

Identify Deliverables


The first step is to identify the main project (i.e. Website Redesign), and then pinpoint the specific deliverables associated with the project. For example, upon completion of the redesign, you will be providing the client with a newly designed website by FTPing the site files and sending the client a CD or USB drive with the working files.

第一步是确定主要项目(即网站重新设计),然后查明与该项目相关的特定交付物。 例如,完成重新设计后,您将通过FTP站点文件并向客户端发送包含工作文件的CD或USB驱动器,为客户端提供一个新设计的网站。

Break It Down


Next, I take the project and break it down into simple tasks separated by component – the more specific the better – that will get us to the deliverables. Here is an example of what the tasks may look like:

接下来,我将项目分解为按组件分开的简单任务-越具体越好-这将使我们进入可交付成果。 这是任务可能看起来的示例:

Project Planning


Initial meeting with client to gauge scope of project

与客户举行初次会议以评估项目范围 Provide client with project information sheet to get more information about what they like/don’t like about their existing site

向客户提供项目信息表,以获取有关他们喜欢/不喜欢其现有站点的更多信息 Review/analyze existing site and client form

查看/分析现有网站和客户表格 Develop list of areas site changes to be made

制定要进行的站点变更的列表 Get approval from client




Design site mockup

设计网站样机 Get approval from client

获得客户的认可 Code pages

代码页 Create new navigation

创建新的导航 Reorganize content into new pages

将内容重新组织到新页面中 Optimize for SEs




Cross-browser testing

跨浏览器测试 Validate code

验证码 Check links

检查链接 Test forms


Add It Up


The next step is to estimate time for each task, rounding up. If you are using subcontractors, you will need to get their time estimates first and work them into your time. Then take the total time for all of the tasks and add in a buffer. The buffer can be anything, although I usually stick with a 10-25% addition. This allows for any unexpected situations or challenges that arise.

下一步是估计每个任务的时间,四舍五入。 如果您使用的是分包商,则需要首先获取他们的时间估算并将其投入您的时间。 然后计算所有任务的总时间并添加一个缓冲区。 缓冲区可以是任何东西,尽管我通常坚持添加10-25%。 这允许出现任何意外情况或挑战。

Things to Keep in Mind


The more time estimates you do, the more accurate you will be. As you create your own formula, some other factors you may want to consider include:

您所做的时间估计越多,您将越准确。 在创建自己的公式时,您可能需要考虑的其他一些因素包括:

Project management time

项目管理时间 Time to review work of subcontractors

检讨分包商工作的时间 Holidays or days off that occur during the project

项目期间发生的假期或休息日 Client turnaround time

客户周转时间 Debugging


How do you ensure your time estimates are as accurate as possible?


Image credit: Federico Belloli

图片来源: Federico Belloli

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-estimate-time-for-a-project/

