adobe cocomo

tech2024-01-29  115

adobe cocomo

Though Flash Catalyst will undoubtedly be the talk of this year’s Adobe MAX conference in San Francisco, as it was at least year’s gathering when it was demoed under the code name “Thermo,” Adobe is making plenty of other announcements surrounding their web development work flow at this week’s show. Most notably is the public release of another of last year’s demo products, CoCoMo, a service for RIA developers to add interactivity to their applications.

尽管Flash Catalyst无疑将成为今年在旧金山举行的Adobe MAX大会的话题,因为至少是在以代号“ Thermo”进行演示的那一年,Adobe仍在围绕其Web开发工作流程发布许多其他公告。在本周的演出中。 最值得注意的是,去年的另一个演示产品CoCoMo的公开发布,该服务是RIA开发人员为应用程序添加交互性的服务。

可可 (CoCoMo)

CoCoMo is a hosted platform as a service that is essentially made up of the core components of the Acrobat Connect service. Connect is a web conferencing application that includes voice, video, chat, and screen sharing. CoCoMo deconstructs those core elements and offers them as a service to applications developers.

CoCoMo是作为服务的托管平台,基本上由Acrobat Connect服务的核心组件组成。 Connect是一个网络会议应用程序,包括语音,视频,聊天和屏幕共享。 CoCoMo解构了这些核心元素,并将其作为服务提供给应用程序开发人员。

Over the past year, Adobe has debuted a number of software as a service application — such as the Buzzword word processing application, Photoshop Express, and the Adobe Share file sharing app. But to my knowledge, CoCoMo is their first platform as a service aimed squarely at developers.

在过去的一年中,Adobe推出了许多软件即服务应用程序,例如Buzzword文字处理应用程序, Photoshop Express和Adobe Share文件共享应用程序。 但是据我所知,CoCoMo是他们的第一个直接面向开发人员的平台即服务。

CoCoMo will let developers plug chat, video, audio, and desktop sharing capabilities into their applications. The service will cost nothing to start and should be available on Adobe’s Labs site today.

CoCoMo将允许开发人员将聊天,视频,音频和桌面共享功能插入其应用程序。 这项服务将免费启动,并且应该会在Adobe Labs网站上提供。

弹性浓汤 (Flex Gumbo)

Adobe is also announcing the next version of Flex Builder, code named “Gumbo.” Gumbo extends Flex Builder to work better with the newly announced Flash Catalyst software, and adds new features that make it easier to create database centric applications. Gumbo also improves upon core components of Flex Builder, including the debugger, profiler and code editor. A preview build will be available for MAX 2008 attendees on Monday.

Adobe还宣布了Flex Builder的下一个版本,其代码为“ Gumbo”。 Gumbo扩展了Flex Builder,使其可以与新发布的Flash Catalyst软件更好地协作,并添加了新功能,使创建以数据库为中心的应用程序更加容易。 Gumbo还改进了Flex Builder的核心组件,包括调试器,事件探查器和代码编辑器。 周一将为MAX 2008与会者提供预览版本。

空气1.5 (AIR 1.5)

Also today at MAX, Adobe is shipping version 1.5 of their desktop RIA tool AIR. AIR 1.5 adds many of the features from Flash 10, which shipped about a month ago (our coverage), such as native 3D support, and improved text rendering. Perhaps the biggest change in AIR 1.5, though, is that it now incorporates the newest version of the open source WebKit rendering engine, which means that JavaScript performance has increased by 50%, according to Adobe, due to the SquirrelFish interpreter. Also new in AIR is an improved encrypted database for data security that aimed at meeting the stringent requirements of the enterprise.

同样在今天的MAX上,Adobe将发布其桌面RIA工具AIR的1.5版。 AIR 1.5增加了Flash 10的许多功能,Flash 10大约一个月前就已发布( 我们的覆盖范围 ),例如本机3D支持和改进的文本呈现功能。 不过,也许AIR 1.5的最大变化是,它现在结合了最新版本的开源WebKit渲染引擎,这意味着Adobe的SquirrelFish解释器使JavaScript性能提高了50%。 AIR中的另一个新功能是用于数据安全性的改进的加密数据库,旨在满足企业的严格要求。

AIR 1.5 is available today for Windows and Mac on the AIR web site. A Linux version is expected later this year.

AIR 1.5现已在AIR网站上适用于Windows和Mac。 预计今年晚些时候将发布Linux版本。

适用于Linux的Flash 10 (Flash 10 for Linux)

Linux was not forgotten at MAX this year, however. Adobe is making good on a promise to bring Flash 10 to 64-bit Linux, and will be offering a pre-release 64-bit Linux version of Adobe Flash Player 10 on Adobe Labs today.

然而,今年的MAX并没有忘记Linux。 Adobe兑现了将Flash 10引入64位Linux的承诺,并且今天将在Adobe Labs上提供Adobe Flash Player 10的预发行版64位Linux版本。

Adobe will also be showing of a demo of Flash 10 for smart phones at MAX as part of their Open Screen Project.

Adobe还将在MAX上展示其用于智能手机的Flash 10演示,这是其Open Screen Project的一部分 。


adobe cocomo
