
tech2024-01-29  98


Managing multiple projects can be cumbersome and chaotic if you don’t have some kind of system in place to keep track of everything. That challenge can be compounded when you add in multiple services, subcontractors or employees, and various team members on the client side. I have found that my business runs most efficiently when I have a system driving data collection, tracking tasks, and facilitating collaboration with all of the people that need to be in the know on a specific project.

如果没有适当的系统来跟踪所有项目,则管理多个项目可能会很麻烦且混乱。 当您在客户端添加多个服务,分包商或员工以及各种团队成员时,挑战将变得更加复杂。 我发现,当我有一个系统来驱动数据收集,跟踪任务并促进与需要在特定项目上了解的所有人员的协作时,我的业务将最高效地运行。

I’ve tried many project management applications in my search for the perfect system and came up with a short list of options that seemed to have the most potential for me. Of course, the way each person works is unique to them, so finding the right tool for you may take some individual research. But here are three of my favorites and a handful more to give you a starting point.

在寻找完美系统的过程中,我尝试了许多项目管理应用程序,并提出了一小部分似乎对我来说最具潜力的选项。 当然,每个人的工作方式对他们来说都是独特的,因此为您找到合适的工具可能需要进行一些个人研究。 但是,这里有三个我的最爱,还有几个给您一个起点。

1. Intervals

1. 间隔

Intervals is listed first because it’s the application I currently use, but don’t let that sway you. This is a powerful tool that would be a worthy addition to any project management list. It has a task-based setup, which suits me perfectly, and it has (almost) all of the features on my wish list, including:

Intervals列在第一位,因为它是我当前使用的应用程序,但是请不要让它影响您。 这是一个功能强大的工具,可以作为任何项目管理列表的补充。 它具有基于任务的设置,非常适合我,并且具有(几乎)我的愿望清单上的所有功能,包括:

Task management

任务管理 File storage

档案储存 Reporting functions

报告功能 Client access

客户访问 Subcontractor task assignment

分包商任务分配 Time tracking

时间跟踪 Security


Intervals also has invoicing and a whole slew of budgeting functionality built in, although I don’t use those features…not yet, at least. They have great customer service, respond very quickly to my many feature requests, and are consistently adding new functionality. Plus, the company behind Intervals is a web design/development company who struggled to find a perfect project management tool for their business so they created their own.

Intervals还具有发票和内置的大量预算功能,尽管我没有使用这些功能……至少现在还没有。 他们提供了出色的客户服务,可以非常快速地响应我的许多功能请求,并不断添加新功能。 另外,Intervals背后的公司是一家网页设计/开发公司,他们一直在努力为其业务寻找完美的项目管理工具,因此他们创建了自己的公司。

What Intervals is missing for me is an option for recurring tasks, a notebook/whiteboard space, and a few other minor features. It may be a bit pricey (the plan that comes with SSL protection is $100/month), but if you work in a task-centric flow and need expansive functionality in your PM application, this is a great option.

我缺少的间隔是重复执行任务的选项,笔记本/白板空间以及其他一些次要功能。 它可能有点贵(SSL保护附带的计划是$ 100 /月),但是如果您以任务为中心进行工作并且需要PM应用程序中的扩展功能,那么这是一个不错的选择。

2. Basecamp

2. 大本营

Basecamp is a very popular project management system touted as being useable by everyone. And it’s true; it’s very easy to use. Sections are broken into To-Do’s, Milestones, Writeboards, Chat, Time, Files with a Dashboard, showing you all of the highest priority items across all of your data. It’s a great tool for collaboration and interaction, with features including:

Basecamp是一个非常受欢迎的项目管理系统,被吹捧为每个人都可以使用的系统。 这是真的。 它非常易于使用。 这些部分分为待办事项,里程碑,写字板,聊天,时间,带有仪表板的文件,向您显示所有数据中所有优先级最高的项目。 这是协作和互动的好工具,其功能包括:

Multiple projects

多个项目 File sharing

文件共享 Project-based to-do’s

基于项目的待办事项 Time tracking

时间跟踪 Commenting and message boards

评论和留言板 Writeboard (notebook-like functionality)

写字板(类似笔记本的功能) Security


It has a good range of monthly plans, with a mid-priced plan of $49/month for features comparable to Intervals $100/month plan. Basecamp provides an exhaustive list of extras and add-ons sold a la carte, which brings the cost closer to Intervals. Some of the useful add-ons include invoicing, time tracking, desktop widgets and some iPhone apps.

它有一系列的月度计划,中档计划为49美元/月,其功能可与Intervals 100美元/月的计划相媲美。 Basecamp提供了一份详尽的清单,列出了单点出售的附加件和附加件,这使成本更接近Intervals。 一些有用的附加组件包括发票,时间跟踪,桌面小部件和一些iPhone应用程序。

The downfall for me is that it is a bit too simple, and I just couldn’t get it to bend to my needs. And, of course, I have my task-oriented focus to support, which Basecamp didn’t. But it is a great option, and if you’re looking for a quick and straightforward tool with virtually no learning curve that everyone on your team can use, this is it.

对我来说,它的缺点是它太简单了,我无法满足我的需求。 而且,当然,我有面向任务的支持重点,而Basecamp没有。 但这是一个很好的选择,如果您正在寻找一种快速,简单的工具,而实际上却没有团队中的每个人都可以使用的学习曲线,就是这样。

3. Teamwork Project Manager

3. 团队合作项目经理

Teamwork Project Manager offers a robust set of features in a very intuitive format. It has a look and feel that is reminiscent of Basecamp, but is just a bit more extensive. Some of the features include:

团队合作项目管理器以非常直观的格式提供了一组强大的功能。 它的外观让人联想到大本营,但范围更广。 一些功能包括:

Task lists

任务清单 Time tracking

时间跟踪 File sharing

文件共享 Milestones

大事记 Message boards

留言板 Notebooks

笔记本电脑 E-mail integration


Like Intervals, Teamwork Project Manager is another very strong project management tool with a responsive company behind the wheel and great customer service. They reply quickly to questions and feature requests and have a roadmap of the up-and-coming enhancements available online. They offer a number of monthly plans, ranging from free to $150/month. Their lowest plan that offers SSL (throughout the account, not just upon login) is $24/month. If you like Basecamp, but need a little more built-in functionality, this is a great option.

与Intervals一样,Teamwork Project Manager是另一个非常强大的项目管理工具,具有响应能力强的公司,提供出色的客户服务。 他们可以快速回答问题和功能请求,并具有在线提供的即将到来的增强功能的路线图 。 他们提供许多月度计划,范围从免费到每月150美元。 他们提供SSL(在整个帐户中,不仅在登录时)的最低计划是每月24美元。 如果您喜欢Basecamp,但是需要更多内置功能,那么这是一个不错的选择。

Some other project management tools worth a look:


4. @task 5. 5pm 6. activeCollab 7. CentralDesktop 8. Clientspot 9. Deskaway 10. GTD Agenda 11. Huddle 12. OnStage 13. Projjex 14. Smartsheet 15. Wrike 16. Zoho Projects

4. @task 5. 5pm 6. activeCollab 7. CentralDesktop 8. Clientspot 9. Deskaway 10. GTD议程 11. Huddle 12. OnStage 13. Projjex 14. Smartsheet 15. Wrike 16. Zoho Projects


