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tech2024-01-29  90

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Hitwise Research Directory Heather Dougherty reported yesterday that for the first time ever, Twitter had passed Digg in terms of overall share of US traffic. This report is rather suspect and was rightly questioned by a few top bloggers.

Hitwise研究目录Heather Dougherty 昨天报道说,就美国流量的总体份额而言, Twitter首次超过了Digg 。 该报告相当可疑,并且受到一些顶级博客作者的正确质疑 。

According to other measurements — such as Compete and Quantcast — Twitter is no where near Digg in terms of traffic. Yes, Twitter has been getting a lot of mainstream attention lately by being featured on an afternoon CNN television show in the US and by becoming the place where pictures of last week’s New York City airplane crash first landed (bad pun acceptable because no one was seriously hurt!). However, Hitwise’s numbers covered the week between MacWorld/CES and Tuesday’s inauguration of the new US president Barack Obama, which caused activity on Twitter to spike 500%, but not the inauguration itself, and did not include traffic that comes over Twitter’s API — which sees more action than Twitter.com.

根据其他衡量标准(例如Compete和Quantcast),Twitter的访问量与Digg差不多。 是的,最近通过在美国的CNN电视节目中脱颖而出,并成为上周纽约市飞机失事的图片首次登陆的地方,Twitter最近受到了很多主流关注(可以接受坏双关,因为没有人认真对待)伤害!)。 但是,Hitwise的数据涵盖了MacWorld / CES与周二新任美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马就职典礼之间的一周,这导致Twitter上的活动激增了500% ,但就职典礼本身并未如此,并且不包括来自Twitter API的流量-看到比Twitter.com更多的动作。

That a week without a major (planned) event could cause traffic at Twitter.com to outstrip traffic to Digg seems unbelievable, and could be, as my former colleague Marshall Kirkpatrick said at ReadWriteWeb, “a Hitwise problem [rather] than a changing of the online landscape.” However, it does bring up an interesting question to muse over: could Twitter ever replace Digg in terms of link discovery?

没有重大(计划中)事件的一周可能导致Twitter.com上的访问量超过Digg的访问量,这令人难以置信,而且正如我的前同事Marshall Kirkpatrick在ReadWriteWeb上所说,“这是Hitwise问题,而不是改变在线景观。” 但是,它的确提出了一个有趣的问题:在链接发现方面,Twitter能否取代Digg?

We here at SitePoint take Twitter pretty seriously. Our Twitter account has over 20,000 followers (and we’d love you to be one of them!), and because we Tweet about every new article, Twitter has become a pretty big source of traffic for us. In fact, you may very well have landed on this article via a link seen on Twitter. It is definitely a more steady source of traffic than Digg, but even with our much larger than average number of followers, Twitter has never come close to Digg in terms of sending traffic to a single article — which is perhaps another knock against the Hitwise report.

我们在SitePoint上非常重视Twitter。 我们的Twitter帐户拥有超过20,000个关注者(我们很希望您成为其中的一员!),并且由于我们在推特上发布每篇新文章,因此Twitter已成为我们的重要流量来源。 实际上,您很可能已经通过Twitter上的链接进入了本文。 绝对是比Digg更稳定的流量来源,但是即使我们的追随者人数比平均人数大得多,Twitter在向单个文章发送流量方面也从未与Digg接近-这也许是对Hitwise报告的另一种打击。

However, even while Twitter might be great for link promotion, providing you have a sizable following, does it really do well at link discovery?


Previous attempts at discerning popular links on Twitter have mostly fallen flat. Sites like Tweetmeme, for example, tend to be rather all over the place and have never done a great job of pointing me in the direction of links I often find interesting.

以前在Twitter上辨别流行链接的尝试几乎没有进展。 例如,诸如Tweetmeme之类的网站往往遍布整个地方,并且从未做过很大的工作来向我指出我经常发现有趣的链接的方向。

But I think Twitter actually could be a useful method of link discovery. The key is in recognizing that the power of Twitter isn’t that it can point out what the crowd likes (as Tweetmeme and its ilk try to do), but that it can point out what your friends like.

但是我认为Twitter实际上可能是链接发现的有用方法。 关键是要认识到Twitter的力量不是要指出人群喜欢的东西(就像Tweetmeme及其同类尝试做的那样),而是要指出您的朋友喜欢什么。

If there were a Twitter tool that could look at my friend graph, and then pull out all the links my friends have tweeted and arrange them by popularity (how many times have they been tweeted, weighted toward my friends) and retweets (how many of my friend’s friends thought it was a worthwhile link), it would expose a sort of Digg-like picture of people I already presumably find interesting. The tools to do all this already exist, but nothing that I know of ties it all together by linking it to your friend graph.

如果有一个Twitter工具可以查看我的朋友图,然后拔出我朋友已经发布的所有链接,并按受欢迎程度(他们被发布了多少次,对我的朋友加权)进行了排列,然后转发(了多少我朋友的朋友们认为这是一个有价值的链接),它会暴露出一些类似于Digg的人像,我可能已经发现他们很有趣。 可以完成所有这些操作的工具已经存在,但是我不知道通过链接到您的朋友图将它们联系在一起的方法。

Such a service could probably also suggest new people to follow based on the type of links your friends tweet and retweet and the ones that you respond to (maybe it could have a “retweet” button that automatically retweets your favorite links).


In answer to my original question: could Twitter replace Digg? In a broad sense, no, probably not. But could it potentially expose more useful and interesting links on a user by user basis? Yes, that’s definitely a possibility. Hopefully someone will build something like what I’ve described above so we can find out.

回答我最初的问题:Twitter可以取代Digg吗? 从广义上讲,不,可能不会。 但是,是否有可能在每个用户的基础上公开更多有用和有趣的链接? 是的,那绝对是可能的。 希望有人能像我上面描述的那样构建东西,以便我们找出答案。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/could-twitter-ever-replace-digg/

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