三菱伺服 一代一代

tech2024-01-29  94

三菱伺服 一代一代

Without wanting to sound like an old man, I am concerned for the next generation of developers. Fewer pupils are taking IT courses and computing is often replaced by “softer” subjects.

不想听起来像个老人,我担心下一代开发人员。 参加IT课程的学生越来越少,而计算机通常被“较软的”科目取代。

I consider myself fortunate to have been around at the dawn of home computing during the early 8-bit days of the 1980s. The industry was revolutionary, exciting, and – even better – our parents were totally clueless about the technology. The hardware may have primitive and the software could be awful, but computers were accessible. You could buy a Sinclair ZX Spectrum and be writing programs within an hour (the original Speccy came with an excellent BASIC manual).

我认为自己很幸运能够在1980年代初期的8位时代出现在家庭计算的曙光中。 这个行业是革命性的,令人兴奋的,而且-甚至更好-我们的父母对这项技术一无所知。 硬件可能很原始,软件可能很糟糕,但是计算机是可以访问的 。 您可以购买Sinclair ZX Spectrum并在一个小时内编写程序(原始Speccy随附了出色的BASIC手册)。

Unfortunately, there is evidence that pupils are shunning IT even though most western schools have fantastic computer facilities. UK computing students decreased by 20% between 2004 and 2007; the largest drop in any subject. A survey of over 2,000 secondary school pupils concluded that:

不幸的是,有证据表明,即使大多数西方学校都拥有出色的计算机设施,学生们仍在回避IT。 2004年至2007年间,英国计算机专业的学生减少了20%; 在所有学科中跌幅最大。 对2,000多名中学生的调查得出的结论是:

computing as a subject had lost its novelty factor

计算作为一个主题已经失去了新颖性 pupils thought computer science suffered from a geeky image

学生认为计算机科学遭受了怪异的形象 many thought computing was too hard or did not understand what the subject involved

许多人认为计算太困难或不了解所涉主题 computing is considered to be “boring”

计算被认为是“无聊的” studying IT was only necessary if you wanted a job in the industry

只有在您想要从事该行业的工作时,才需要学习IT computing was regularly used in other subjects, so there was little need to study it.


Several other factors are also evident:


1. The rise of games consoles Gaming is one of the most important reasons for buying a computer. Since the early 1990s, dedicated consoles have offered an inexpensive route to arcade-quality games in the home. Although children can access PCs too, the majority prefer to play their games machines. Unfortunately, that is the only thing a console can do; programming and experimentation is not possible.

1.游戏机的兴起游戏是购买计算机的最重要原因之一。 自1990年代初以来,专用游戏机为家庭提供高质量的街机游戏提供了廉价的途径。 尽管孩子们也可以使用PC,但大多数人还是喜欢玩游戏机。 不幸的是,这是控制台唯一可以做的事情。 编程和实验是不可能的。

2. Too many distractions PCs are great; you can sit at them for hours and do precisely nothing. Surfing the net, chatting with friends, and twiddling with photos can distract you from doing anything else. Why should a child want to learn programming when every application they could want is already provided?

2.分心的 PC很棒。 您可以坐在他们那里几个小时,却什么也没做。 上网冲浪,与朋友聊天以及聊天都可以分散您的注意力。 当已经提供了他们想要的每个应用程序时,为什么孩子要学习编程?

3. Starting development is too tough Many programmers will berate me for this, but interpreted BASIC was a great first language to learn. It is easy to start, provides instant feedback, and teaches you the essentials. Most 8-bit computers booted into a BASIC programming environment so you were encouraged to try out commands and small programs from day one.

3.开始开发太困难了,许多程序员都会为此而敬佩我,但是解释性BASIC是一种很好的学习语言。 它易于启动,提供即时反馈并教您基本知识。 大多数8位计算机都启动到BASIC编程环境中,因此从一开始就鼓励您尝试命令和小程序。

What can students use now? VisualStudio and similar IDEs are far too complex for beginners. Forms-based Window UI development and web-based client-server programming has a steep learning curve for all but the most dedicated novice developer. Although child-friendly languages are available, many are too simplistic and the majority are niche environments that few people know.

学生现在可以使用什么? 对于初学者来说,VisualStudio和类似的IDE太复杂了。 基于窗体的Window UI开发和基于Web的客户端-服务器编程对于除了最敬业的新手开发人员以外的所有人员都具有陡峭的学习曲线。 尽管可以使用对儿童友好的语言,但许多语言过于简单化,大多数语言是少数人知道的利基环境。

Are you a computer science student? What language did you learn first? Is the subject useful and well-taught? Will the IT industry suffer as fewer pupils choose computer science? Or is IT so ubiquitous that people naturally have the required skills?

您是计算机科学专业的学生吗? 您首先学习哪种语言? 该主题有用且学得好吗? 随着越来越少的学生选择计算机科学,IT行业会遭受苦难吗? 还是IT如此普遍以至于人们自然具备所需的技能?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/it-developers-the-next-generation/

三菱伺服 一代一代
