
tech2024-01-29  93


I’ve experienced the gamut of client relationship types — from all business to too personal — and it took me a little while to discover the right mix of business and personal that works for me. When I was just starting out, my instinct told me to be all business all the time. I wanted to be considered an equal, get respect from my clients and not be in a position to be taken advantage of. Once I had a little experience under my belt and some longer-term client relationships, I adopted a more personal approach, likely because I had more confidence in myself as a business person.

从所有业务到过于个人化的客户关系类型,我都经历了很多,我花了一些时间才发现适合我的业务和个人的正确组合。 当我刚起步时,我的直觉告诉我要一直做生意。 我想被认为是平等的,要得到我的客户的尊重,而又不能被利用。 一旦有了一些经验并建立了长期的客户关系,我就会采用一种更加个人化的方法,这可能是因为我对自己作为一个商业人士更有信心。

With the increasing popularity of social networking, I find myself crossing paths even more with clients on Facebook and Twitter, and many of the business/personal lines are becoming more blurred. For some, this may be too much client interaction, but this has created amazing opportunities for me. When you work virtually, like I do, it can be a challenge to create a personal element in your business relationships. And social networking sites create an outlet for personal interaction.

随着社交网络的日益普及,我发现自己在Facebook和Twitter上与客户的交流越来越多,许多业务/个人关系变得越来越模糊。 对于某些人来说,这可能与客户互动过多,但这为我创造了惊人的机会。 当您像我一样虚拟地工作时,在您的业务关系中创建个人元素可能是一个挑战。 社交网站为个人互动创造了渠道。

Why does it matter? Clients want to hire someone experienced and professional who can get the job done, but they also want someone they feel like they know and can trust. We’re all people first, and giving a little bit of yourself creates a foundation for a thriving relationship. It increases the likelihood that the client will want to work with you again.

为什么这有关系? 客户希望聘请经验丰富且专业的人来完成工作,但他们也希望聘用自己觉得自己熟悉并可以信任的人。 我们所有人都是第一位的,付出一点自己的心为建立良好的关系奠定了基础。 这增加了客户希望再次与您合作的可能性。

Letting your business relationships get a little personal doesn’t mean you need to tell your client personal things about yourself or ask them personal questions. But if you give them a little more – mentioning your weekend plans, asking how their sick sister-in-law is doing, remembering birthdays – you can create a multi-dimensional relationship by which you can accomplish a number of things:

让您的业务关系变得有点个人化并不意味着您需要告诉客户自己的个人情况或向他们提出个人问题。 但是,如果您给他们更多一点(提及您的周末计划,询问他们生病的sister子的表现,记住生日),则可以创建多维关系,通过该关系您可以完成许多事情:

Create loyalty and trust that overlaps into work situations

建立与工作环境重叠的忠诚度和信任度 Give clients more reason to refer you because they feel they really know who you are

给客户更多推荐您的理由,因为他们认为他们真的知道您是谁 Get to know each other better which makes working together easier and more efficient

更好地了解彼此,从而使合作更轻松,更高效 Develop opportunities for additional work within the company

为公司内部的其他工作开发机会 Become more approachable and be able to avoid miscommunication

变得更加平易近人并能够避免沟通不畅 Show that you’re human, just like they are


Just like any relationship, the driving factor behind this is communication, whether it’s online or off. And also, like other relationships, this philosophy doesn’t apply across the board. There are some clients who you wouldn’t want to have this type of relationship with, either because of their personal preference or personality issues. It’s important to stay within the comfort levels of both parties, and adjust your relationship to fit each individual client.

就像任何关系一样,其背后的驱动因素是沟通,无论是在线还是离线。 而且,像其他关系一样,这种理念也并非全面适用。 有些客户由于个人喜好或性格问题,不希望与这类客户建立关系。 重要的是要保持双方的舒适度,并调整您的关系以适合每个客户。

Do you have personal relationships with your clients? Has it ever backfired?

您与客户有个人关系吗? 它适得其反吗?

Image credit: Dragan Sasic

图片来源: Dragan Sasic

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/developing-personal-relationships-with-clients/

