
tech2024-01-29  99

The New York Times, one of America’s oldest and most respected dead-tree newspapers, might be running on fumes, but they’ve actually been doing a lot of cool stuff with all the data they and others have collected over the years. The first API the paper released provided developers a hook into campaign FEC finance data and was made public last October. Today, the Times is announcing the release of the Congress API.

《 纽约时报》是美国历史最悠久,最受人尊敬的枯树报纸之一,也许正冒着浓烟 ,但实际上,他们多年来一直在利用自己和其他人收集的所有数据做很多很酷的事情。 该论文发布的第一个API为开发人员提供了竞选FEC财务数据的接口,并于去年10月公开 。 今天,《 纽约时报》宣布发布Congress API 。

The Congress API uses Hpricot and Ruby on Rails to provide access to data pulled directly from the United States House and Senate web sites. There are four types of data exposed in the first release: “a list of members for a given Congress and chamber, details of a specific roll-call vote, biographical and role information about a specific member of Congress, and a member’s most recent positions on roll-call votes.” The API also ties into GovTrack, which is an independent, non-partisan Congressional tracking site.

Congress API使用Hpricot和Ruby on Rails提供对直接从美国众议院和参议院网站提取的数据的访问。 在第一版中公开了四种类型的数据:“给定国会和会议厅的成员列表,特定唱名表决的详细信息,有关特定国会议员的传记和角色信息以及该成员的最新职位。唱名表决。” 该API还与GovTrack绑定 ,后者是一个独立的,无党派的国会跟踪网站。

The API has a database of House votes back to 1991 and Senate votes dating to 1989, as well as membership information going back to 1983 and 1947, respectively.


Whether or not you’re interested in easier access to congressional tracking data, the release of these APIs and similar projects from other print newspapers (such as Calais from Reuters — not a newspaper, but an old media news service) show that some publications are serious about taking the necessary steps to evolve with the new media landscape and remain relevant. The New York Times has been slowly embracing new media over the past two years.

无论您是否对更方便地访问国会跟踪数据感兴趣,是否从其他印刷报纸(例如路透社的加来,不是报纸,而是旧媒体新闻服务)发布这些API和类似项目,都表明有些出版物是认真对待采取必要的步骤以与新的媒体环境一起发展并保持相关性。 在过去的两年中, 《纽约时报》一直在慢慢拥抱新媒体。

In 2006 they launched their own, WPF-powered RSS reader. In 2007 they created a Facebook application, and made the surprising decision to put user comments on the main page of the site. In 2008 they started syndicating content from blog sites and began releasing data APIs. They’ve also embraced blogging in a big way, with multiple top 100 sources on both Techmeme and Memeorandum.

在2006年,他们推出了自己的WPF驱动的RSS阅读器。 在2007年,他们创建了一个Facebook应用程序,并做出了令人惊讶的决定,将用户评论放在网站的主页上。 在2008年,他们开始联合发布博客网站的内容,并开始发布数据API。 他们还大力支持博客,在Techmeme和Memeorandum上有多个前100名资源。

The APIs are a logical step for the paper. By exposing their data to developers, it will allow the New York Times to spread their brand around the web and once again become an important part of the media landscape in terms of mindshare. These new APIs will enable mashups that expose Times content in new and interesting ways, and will ultimately drive more traffic and readers to the site, and boost brand recognition. For readers it’s great for the same reasons: developers will hopefully create some really interesting and useful mashups based on the APIs that will enrich everyone’s web experience.

API是本文的逻辑步骤。 通过将其数据公开给开发人员,这将使《纽约时报》在网络上传播其品牌,并在心智分享方面再次成为媒体领域的重要组成部分。 这些新的API将使mashup能够以新颖有趣的方式公开Times内容,并最终将更多的流量和读者吸引到该网站,并提高品牌知名度。 对于读者来说,出于同样的原因,它也很棒:开发人员有望基于API创建一些非常有趣且有用的混搭,从而丰富每个人的Web体验。

(ReadWriteWeb’s Marshall Kirkpatrick had some good thoughts a few months ago about why the paper’s first API launch was so important.)

(ReadWriteWeb的Marshall Kirkpatrick 在几个月前就对为什么该论文的首次API发布如此重要感到了好思考 。)

We hope that other newspapers around the world will do that same thing. Let us know in the comments if you’re aware of any interesting print media meets new media projects going on out there. Also, let us know what types of mashups you hope to see based on the Times APIs.

我们希望世界各地的其他报纸也会这样做。 如果您知道任何有趣的印刷媒体遇到了新的媒体项目,请在评论中让我们知道。 另外,让我们知道您希望基于Times API查看哪种类型的混搭。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/new-york-times-releases-another-api/
