
tech2024-01-30  110

The theme for the latest episode of the SitePoint Podcast was the pros and cons of web application development and deployment on rich media platforms like Flash and Silverlight.

SitePoint Podcast最新一集的主题是Web应用程序开发和在Flash和Silverlight等富媒体平台上部署的利弊。

A lot of people believe that desktop applications are migrating to the cloud and the computing experience of the future will be one in which we interact with programs that are actually running and storing our data elsewhere. Adobe and Microsoft, with Flash and Silverlight respectively, are among the leading candidates to provide the development platform on which many of these next generation rich Internet applications will be built.

许多人认为,桌面应用程序正在迁移到云中,而未来的计算体验将成为我们与实际运行的程序进行交互并将数据存储在其他地方的一种体验。 Adobe和Microsoft,分别是Flash和Silverlight,是提供开发平台的领先候选者,在这些平台上将构建许多下一代富Internet应用程序。

However, even though adoption of Silverlight has been good, and Microsoft claims that some version of their 20-month-old technology is installed on 25% of web connected computers, that’s still a drop in the bucket compared to Flash. Flash is near ubiquitous, and Adobe claims its install base is over 98% of web connected computers — or about 4 times larger than Microsoft’s install based for Silverlight.

但是,尽管采用Silverlight的做法很好,并且Microsoft声称在其25%的网络连接计算机上安装了其使用已有20个月的技术的某些版本,但与Flash相比,这还算是九牛一毛。 Flash几乎无处不在,Adobe声称其安装量超过了98%的网络连接计算机,约为Microsoft基于Silverlight的安装量的4倍。

Still, Microsoft is actually innovating quite rapidly with Silverlight, with plans to release version 3 of the RIA technology next year. And because of Microsoft’s strength in the enterprise, they’ve been able to score a large number over high profile deployments for Silverlight over the past couple of years. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Flash and Silverlight could be on more equal footing when it comes to user reach by the end of 2009.

尽管如此,微软实际上仍在利用Silverlight进行快速创新,并计划于明年发布RIA技术的第3版。 而且由于Microsoft在企业中的实力,在过去的几年中,他们已经能够在Silverlight的高端配置中获得大量支持。 到2009年底,在用户触及率方面,Flash和Silverlight处于更加平等的境地并不是不可能的。

Last week on Hacker News someone posed an interesting hypothetical. If Silverlight had the same install base as Flash, which would you use? We’d love to hear your responses, so vote in our poll and let us know in the comments why you voted the way you did.

上周在《 黑客新闻》上有人提出了一个有趣的假设。 如果Silverlight具有与Flash相同的安装基础,那么您将使用哪个? 我们希望听到您的答复,因此请在我们的民意调查中投票,并在评论中告知我们您为什么以这种方式投票。

[poll id=”11″]

[投票ID =“ 11”]

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/poll-flash-or-silverlight/
