
tech2024-01-30  111


In 2004, when popular online billing web application FreshBooks launched (then called 2ndSite), the browser market was extremely one-sided. Over 91% of web users connected via Internet Explorer. Firefox had just over 3.5%, Netscape less than that, and Safari didn’t even crack 2%. It was okay for FreshBooks to launch supporting only Windows and IE.

2004年,当流行的在线计费Web应用程序FreshBooks推出(当时称为2ndSite)时,浏览器市场极为单一 。 超过91%的Web用户通过Internet Explorer连接。 Firefox略高于3.5%,Netscape则不足,而Safari甚至没有破解2%。 FreshBooks可以只支持Windows和IE发行。

It was actually fairly common for web apps of 4 years ago not to be cross browser, or cross platform compliant — which seems absurd given that the ability to work anywhere, on any computer is a major selling point for web apps. But when 9 out of 10 potential customers — or more for some market sectors — are using Internet Explorer, why pour resources into designing for other browsers? (Note that greater than 96% of all web users were on Windows in 2004, compared to about 88% now.)

实际上,对于4年前的Web应用程序来说,没有跨浏览器或跨平台的兼容性是相当普遍的 -考虑到能够在任何计算机上任何地方工作的能力,这是荒谬的,这是荒谬的。 但是,当十分之九的潜在客户(或某些市场领域的潜在客户)正在使用Internet Explorer时,为什么要将资源投入到其他浏览器的设计中呢? (请注意, 2004年有超过96%的Web用户使用Windows ,而现在这一比例约为88%。)

Flash forward to today and the landscape looks totally different. IE commands under just 70% of the market, Firefox is over 20%, Safari greater than 7%, and even though newcomer Chrome weighs in at just under 1%, we’ve predicted that Google’s browser will grow significantly next year. The search engine is already putting Chrome links on and YouTube, and in Gmail for IE6 users, plus the browser might start coming pre-installed on PCs next year.

闪到今天,风景看起来完全不同 。 IE的市场份额仅占70%,Firefox的市场份额超过20%,Safari的市场份额超过7%,即使新来的Chrome的市场份额不到1%, 我们也预测 Google的浏览器将在明年显着增长。 搜索引擎已经在Chrome浏览器链接上放置了Google.com和YouTube,并在IE6用户的Gmail中添加了该链接,此外,该浏览器可能会在明年开始预装在PC上 。

Though IE still has a commanding lead in the browser market, 2009 should see continued growth for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari (though Chrome could slow down the growth of other alternative browsers once it has extensions). Internet Explorer, meanwhile, is expected to continue its decline. As browser parity nears (at least in terms of user reach), cross browser and cross platform functionality is becoming more and more important. Already Firefox and Safari have shares of the market too significant to ignore, and Chrome could get to that point in a hurry.

尽管IE在浏览器市场上仍然占据主导地位,但Firefox,Chrome和Safari在2009年应该会持续增长(尽管一旦扩展, Chrome可能会放慢其他替代浏览器的增长)。 同时,Internet Explorer有望继续下降。 随着浏览器奇偶校验的临近(至少在用户范围方面),跨浏览器和跨平台功能变得越来越重要。 Firefox和Safari在市场上的占有率已经不容忽视,而Chrome可能会急于达到这一点。

That’s great news for consumers, who get more choice, and is a mixed blessing for web developers. On one hand, it means even more browsers to test and develop for. However, on the other hand, the rising popularity of open source browsers means a trend toward the adoption of open standards. Competition fueled development means better rendering engines, faster JavaScript interpreters, etc., which in turn means better resulting products. And not just browsers — better web applications will also be a result of heightened browser competition.

对于消费者来说,这是个好消息,他们拥有更多选择,对Web开发人员来说是好运。 一方面,这意味着要测试和开发更多的浏览器。 但是,另一方面,开放源代码浏览器的日益普及意味着采用开放标准的趋势。 竞争推动了开发,意味着更好的渲染引擎,更快JavaScript解释器等,从而意味着更好的产品。 不仅仅是浏览器-更好的Web应用程序还将是浏览器竞争加剧的结果。

The decline of IE might mean more initial development required to make sure the maximum amount of users can access your site or application, but in the long run, it’s a great thing for everyone (except perhaps Microsoft).



