
tech2024-01-30  118


Yahoo! has had quite a rough year. After rejecting Microsoft’s $45 billion takeover offer in March, the company’s stock has plummeted, losing almost 60% of its value. Recently, co-founder Jerry Yang, who took over as CEO of the company in June 2007, stepped down from the position after steering the company into some of its most troubled times.

雅虎! 经历了艰难的一年。 在三月份拒绝微软提出的450亿美元的收购要约后,该公司的股价暴跌,市值蒸发了近60%。 最近,于2007年6月接任公司首席执行官的联合创始人杨致远(Jerry Yang)在使公司进入最困难的时期后辞去了职位。

Yahoo! faces two main problems when it comes to search: their declining market share, and their inability to make money off of their search inventory as efficiently as chief rival Google (which is why they had planned over the summer to outsource their search marketing to Google, and why Microsoft may still remain interested in a similar deal). If we leave aside the latter issue, Yahoo! might actually be on the road to fixing the former.

雅虎! 搜索方面面临两个主要问题:市场份额下降,无法像主要竞争对手Google一样有效地从搜索库存中获利(这就是为什么他们计划在夏季将搜索营销外包给Google,以及为何Microsoft可能仍对类似交易感兴趣。 如果我们忽略后一个问题,Yahoo! 可能实际上正在修复前者。

In 2004, Yahoo!’s share of the search market was 32%, compared to 35% for Google (source). 2 years later, Yahoo! had slipped slightly to about 29%, while Google had grown to 44%, mostly at the expense of Microsoft and AOL (source). Today, Yahoo!’s share of the search market has sunk even lower, to just 20.5%. Google’s, meanwhile, has soared to 63% (source).

2004年,搜索市场雅虎份额为32%,相比之下,谷歌(35% 来源 )。 2年后,雅虎! Google的收入略有下降,降至约29%,而Google的收入增长至44%,主要是牺牲了Microsoft和AOL的资源 。 如今,雅虎在搜索市场的份额甚至更低,仅为20.5%。 同时,谷歌的股价已飙升至63%( 来源 )。

But what those numbers don’t take into account, are the partner queries being done over Yahoo!’s new Build Your Own Search Service, which launched in July. When BOSS opened we wondered if a niche search engines built on top of Yahoo! could compete with Google in the long run.

但是,这些数字没有考虑到,是通过Yahoo!于7月份推出的新版“构建自己的搜索服务”进行的合作伙伴查询。 当BOSS打开时, 我们想知道是否在Yahoo!的基础上建立了利基搜索引擎? 从长远来看可以与Google竞争。

Early results seem positive. In a blog post today, Yahoo! announced that five months in, BOSS has grown to greater than 10 million search queries per day. If taken in total, according to Yahoo!, BOSS-powered search engines would rank just behind Ask.com as the 5th most used search engine on the web. What’s more important for Yahoo!, is the growth chart (pictured above), which looks fantastic. Yahoo! has seen steady growth since launch with search query volume apparently doubling every month or so.

早期结果似乎是积极的。 在今天的博客文章中, Yahoo! 宣布在五个月内,BOSS每天的搜索查询量已增长到超过一千万。 根据Yahoo!的统计,如果以总和计,基于BOSS的搜索引擎将排在Ask.com之后,成为网络上使用量排名第五的搜索引擎。 对于Yahoo!更重要的是增长图表(如上图所示),看起来很棒。 雅虎! 自推出以来,搜索查询量一直在每月左右增加一倍的情况下稳步增长。

And last month Yahoo! turned on BOSS-powered site search, which greatly lowers the barrier for entry for anyone wanting to utilize Yahoo!’s search back end.

上个月,雅虎! 开启了由BOSS驱动的网站搜索功能 ,从而大大降低了希望使用Yahoo!搜索后端的任何人的进入门槛。

In July, we mused that BOSS might end up serving Google well anyway, because Yahoo! had not yet revealed how it planned to allow partners to monetize search results. Yahoo! still hasn’t revealed program specifics, but has noted that monetization will come via Yahoo! controlled channels. That could help with the other search problem we mentioned.

在7月份,我们曾想过,由于Yahoo!的影响,BOSS可能最终仍可以为Google提供良好的服务。 尚未透露如何计划允许合作伙伴通过搜索结果获利。 雅虎! 仍未透露计划细节,但已指出,将通过Yahoo!获利。 受控频道。 这可能有助于解决我们提到的其他搜索问题。

Further, what might end up being the real killer app for Yahoo! here, is that BOSS essentially out-sources research and development for Yahoo! to anyone who wants to try their hand at tweaking current search algorithms. As we wrote in July, it is clear that Yahoo! has been unable to compete with Google with its own ranking and display algorithms for search, so opening its index and letting others have a go is a smart move. If anyone touches on anything so revolutionary that users start to choose it over Google, Yahoo! will be in the best position to acquire whatever it is because it will already use their index and back end technology.

此外,最终可能成为Yahoo!真正的杀手级应用程序。 这里是BOSS实质上是将Yahoo!的研发外包出去。 任何想要尝试调整当前搜索算法的人。 正如我们在7月所写,很明显Yahoo! 一直无法通过自己的排名和显示算法与Google竞争,因此开放其索引并允许其他人使用是明智之举。 如果有人接触到革命性的东西,以至于用户开始在Google上选择它,那么Yahoo! 将最有可能获取任何内容,因为它将已经使用他们的索引和后端技术。

Could Yahoo!’s BOSS strategy be a back door to get back into the search share race? Will they actually be able to mount a comeback against Google as a result? Or is it too little, too late? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Yahoo!的BOSS策略会成为重返搜索份额竞赛的后门吗? 结果,他们实际上是否能够对Google进行卷土重来? 还是太少太迟? 在评论区分享你的观点。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/maybe-dont-count-yahoo-out-just-yet/

