
tech2024-01-31  82


In July, when Joss Whedon (creator of popular television series such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly) announced the release of a straight-to-web short video series, I was one of the eager fans loading up the first installment at the stroke of midnight and causing their servers to crash.

7月,当乔斯·惠顿(Joss Whedon)( 吸血鬼猎人巴菲(Buffy the Vampire Slayer) , 天使和萤火虫(Firefly )等受欢迎的电视连续剧的创作者)宣布发布直接在线短片系列时,我是渴望获得第一批视频的影迷之一在午夜时分导致服务器崩溃。

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog was born out of the 2008 writer’s strike in Hollywood, but has become a model for professional content distribution in a post-TV world. Dr. Horrible is not your average YouTube clip — it is a highly polished piece of cinema starring well-known actors, such as Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser, M.D., How I Met Your Mother) and Nathan Fillion (Firefly). However, the entire thing was shot in 6 days for just $200,000 — about the cost for a rather low budget hour-long television episode, and the plan from the start was to give it all away for free on the Internet.

Horrible博士的Sing-a-long博客诞生于2008年好莱坞作家罢工,但已成为后电视世界中专业内容发行的典范。 恐怖博士不是您平常的YouTube剪辑,而是由知名演员主演的高抛光电影,例如尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯(尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯,医学博士 , 《我如何与母亲相遇》 )和内森·菲利昂( 萤火虫 )。 但是,整个事情只用了6天的时间就拍摄了200,000美元-大约是一个小时的低预算电视剧集的费用,而且从一开始的计划就是在互联网上免费提供所有内容。

That’s pretty unconventional thinking in Hollywood, but Dr. Horrible was an overnight success, almost certainly due in large part to Whedon’s sizable cult following. Compete reports that Dr. Horrible’s distribution site attracted 350,000 visitors in July — that alone would be impressive considering the initial free run of the show only lasted for 3 days, and the real number is likely much higher. Co-creator Maurissa Tancharoen estimated that the Dr. Horrible site was serving over 200,000 “hits” per hour during those first few days.

在好莱坞,这是非常常规的想法,但是恐怖博士是一夜之间取得的成功,几乎可以肯定,这在很大程度上归功于惠顿(Whedon)的大批追随者。 据Compete报道,Horrible博士的发行网站在7月吸引了350,000名访客-仅凭该节目的最初免费运行仅持续3天,就令人印象深刻,实际数字可能更高 。 共同创建者Maurissa Tancharoen估计,在最初的几天里,Dr。Horrible网站每小时每小时提供超过200,000次“点击”。

Though his already large and dedicated fan base was a pretty good guarantor of success, Whedon also used his considerable web savvy to build buzz for the series, including reaching out to bloggers, creating an online comic that was distributed on MySpace, and introduced some of the film’s characters, and soliciting fan made videos for DVD special features. Whedon and his crew also set up the usual social networking profiles at Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook.

尽管他本已庞大而专心的粉丝群是成功的很好保证,但惠顿还是利用他的精通网络知识为该系列建立了嗡嗡声,包括接触博客作者, 创建在线漫画 , 该漫画在MySpace上发行,并介绍了一些影片中的人物,并征集粉丝制作了DVD特辑的视频。 Whedon和他的工作人员还在Twitter , MySpace和Facebook 上建立了通常的社交网络配置文件。

Dr. Horrible has been so successful that it won a People’s Choice Award, and was named the 4th best television show of 2008 by Time Magazine even though it has never aired on television. Its site and social networking profiles are still updated almost daily 6 months later and have developed a cult following.

Horrible博士非常成功,以至获得了“人民选择奖” ,尽管从未在电视上播出过,但《 时代》杂志将其评为 2008年第四届最佳电视节目。 它的站点和社交网络配置文件几乎在6个月后每天都在更新,并引起了广泛关注。

Of course, popularity is nice, but did it make money? The short answer is: yes. At least enough to pay for development and probably a lot more. Following the 3 day free release on drhorrible.com, the 3-part video series was released on iTunes as a paid download where it quickly rose to #1 in the television category and stayed there for 5 weeks. Later, it made its way to Hulu , where it is supported by advertising, and in December it was released on Amazon in DVD format. How is it doing? About 3 weeks after release, Dr. Horrible is the third best selling movie on Amazon, making it more popular than mega-blockbusters The Dark Knight and Wall-E (movies that will both likely be Oscar nominated).

当然,受欢迎程度不错,但是赚钱了吗? 简短的答案是:是的。 至少足以支付开发费用,还有可能更多。 在drhorrible.com上进行为期3天的免费发行之后,这部分为3部分的视频系列以付费下载的形式在iTunes上发行,并Swift升至电视类别的第一名,并在那里停留了5周。 后来,它进入了广告支持的Hulu ,并于12月以DVD格式在亚马逊上发行 。 怎么样了 发行后约三周,《恐怖博士》是亚马逊上销量第三的电影,比巨型大片《黑暗骑士》和《 Wall-E》 (这两部电影都可能获得奥斯卡提名)更受欢迎。

Just the iTunes sales were enough to pay for the $200,000 budget according to Whedon. “We’ve been able to pay our crew and all our bills, which means a lot. What means more is proving that completely independent ventures can muscle their way through the blizzard of big-budget behemoths,” he wrote in November.

根据Whedon的说法,仅iTunes的销售就足以支付20万美元的预算。 “我们已经能够支付机组人员和所有账单,这意味着很多。 更重要的是,事实证明,完全独立的企业可以克服大型预算庞然大物的暴风雨,”他在11月写道。

Since then, Dr. Horrible has become a hit DVD, with other merchandising added on (such as a soundtrack CD, t-shirts, etc.).


The question, of course, is whether Whedon’s success can be replicated by anyone not named Joss Whedon. Like Trent Reznor, Whedon already had a huge fan following built via years of traditional, commercial success. Nonetheless, Dr. Horrible has shown that there is a way for professional content to be profitable and successful using a free, web-based distribution model. There is a future for television after the death of television, after all.

当然,问题在于,非名叫乔斯·惠顿的人是否可以复制惠顿的成功。 像特伦特·雷兹诺 ( Trent Reznor)一样,惠顿 (Whedon)在多年的传统商业成功基础上建立起了强大的粉丝群。 尽管如此,Horrible博士已经表明,有一种方法可以使用免费的基于网络的发行模型来使专业内容获利并获得成功。 毕竟,在电视消亡之后,电视还有一个前途。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/dr-horrible-the-future-of-television/

