
tech2024-01-31  114


One of the things I love most about tag clouds isn’t to do with using them for navigation—it’s that they’re a great way to get some context. If I come across a new blog and want to get a quick sense of what it’s all about, a tag cloud gives me a great birds-eye view of what’s being discussed. And if I’m looking at someone’s Flickr profile, I can use their tag cloud to get an idea of what they like to photograph most.

我最喜欢标签云的一件事与使用它们进行导航无关,它是获取上下文的一种好方法。 如果我遇到一个新博客,并且想快速了解它的全部内容,则标签云使我对正在讨论的内容有一个很好的鸟瞰。 而且,如果我正在查看某人的Flickr个人资料,则可以使用他们的标签云来了解他们最喜欢拍摄什么。

So that’s why I’m pretty pleased to have discovered this new Firefox plugin, Search Cloudlet, developed by the International Software and Productivity Engineering Institute (INTSPEI). It adds a tag cloud to the top of a Google or Yahoo search results page with additional terms and options you might use to help narrow down your search—clicking a term from the tag cloud will perform the query again with that term added to the original set. But it’s also exciting from a contextual point of view—if I search for an unfamiliar term, the tag cloud helps me get some perspective on the other concepts and terms that are relevant, and maybe a little context is all I needed to know with my search. Or I can skip to the Sites tab within the cloudlet to see which sites are talking a lot about this term. For news and blog searches, clouds can also be formed from locations and authors, to help narrow down the search even further.

这就是为什么我很高兴发现由国际软件和生产力工程学院 (INTSPEI)开发的这个新Firefox插件Search Cloudlet的原因。 它将标签云添加到Google或Yahoo搜索结果页面的顶部,其中包含可用于帮助缩小搜索范围的其他字词和选项-单击标签云中的字词将再次执行查询,并将该字词添加到原始字词中组。 但是从上下文的角度来看,这也是令人兴奋的-如果我搜索一个陌生的术语,标签云可以帮助我对相关的其他概念和术语有一些了解,也许我需要了解一点上下文搜索。 或者,我可以跳到cloudlet中的“站点”选项卡,以查看哪些站点在谈论这个术语。 对于新闻和博客搜索,还可以根据位置和作者组成云,以帮助进一步缩小搜索范围。

Here’s an example—using the Cloudlet plugin, the Yahoo search for ‘twitaway’ below reveals related terms like ‘SitePoint’ and ‘book’:

这是一个示例-使用Cloudlet插件,雅虎在下面的“ twitaway”搜索中显示了诸如“ SitePoint”和“ book”之类的相关术语:

This is also an interesting take on search engines’ query suggestion features. Google and Yahoo are both really good at suggesting terms you might like to try, but compacting them into a tag cloud—with all the obvious visual clues about importance and relevance—could make Search Cloudlet even more helpful than a list. It’d be very interesting to compare the two in a usability test and see what pans out. Are people more likely to search by site or location if it means they don’t have to type a query like Will it make advanced search features a little less obscure?

这对搜索引擎的查询建议功能也很有趣。 Google和Yahoo都非常擅长建议您尝试使用的术语,但是将它们压缩到标签云中-具有关于重要性和相关性的所有显而易见的视觉线索- 可以使Search Cloudlet比列表更有用。 在可用性测试中将两者进行比较,看看会有什么结果,这将是非常有趣的。 如果人们不必键入诸如site:example.com之类的查询,那么人们是否更有可能按站点或位置进行搜索? 它将使高级搜索功能变得晦涩难懂吗?

You can try out the Search Cloudlet plugin for yourself at What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

您可以在getcloudlet.com上尝试使用Search Cloudlet插件。 你怎么看? 让我们在评论中知道!


