
tech2024-01-31  99


As good as you are at what you do, it is inevitable that you will eventually have a client who is less than thrilled with your work. Whether it’s from clashing tastes or if you’re just having an off day, it happens.

尽管您的工作水平出色,但不可避免的是,您最终会有一个对工作不满意的客户。 无论是出于口味冲突,还是只是休息日,都会发生这种情况。

1. Address the Problem


If you know the client is unhappy, don’t ignore it. Ask them why they are unhappy and what you can do to fix the situation. The longer you wait to bring it up, the worse it can get. No one wants to have this uncomfortable conversation, but not only will addressing the issue put you on the path to resolution, but your willingness to face it head-on will tell the client you care about the project and their satisfaction.

如果您知道客户不满意,请不要忽略它。 问他们为什么不满意,以及您可以采取什么措施来解决这种情况。 您等待的时间越长,效果越差。 没有人希望进行这种令人不安的谈话,不仅解决此问题将使您走上解决之路,而且您愿意直面它的意愿还将告诉客户您对项目及其满意度感到关注。

2. Have a Do-Over


If it’s your work that the client is unhappy with, start over. Sometimes coming at it again from a different direction will align you closer to what the client is looking for. And make sure you ask the client a lot of questions to get a handle on the idea in their head that you are trying to match. A good designer is sometimes a little bit like a psychic, and asking the right questions will get you the right answers.

如果客户对您的工作不满意,请重新开始。 有时,从不同的方向再次尝试将使您更贴近客户的需求。 并确保您问客户很多问题,以使您想匹配的想法在他们的脑海中得到处理。 好的设计师有时有点通灵,问正确的问题将为您提供正确的答案。

3. Get Help


Ask a fellow designer to take a look and give their input. A fresh perspective may help both you and the client see something new. Adding another person to the mix may also help if you’re dealing with a communication issue or personality conflict, and it can facilitate problem resolution.

请一位同行的设计师看一看并提供意见。 全新的观点可能会帮助您和客户看到新的事物。 如果您要解决沟通问题或人格冲突,则在混合中添加其他人也可能会有所帮助,并且可以帮助解决问题。

4. Switch It Up


If the problem stems from miscommunication, try a new format. If you have been handling everything via e-mail, schedule a phone call to see if you can get things cleared up voice-to-voice. After the call, you can summarize the conversation and send the information to the client in an e-mail. This will give you an extra opportunity to make sure you’re both on the same page.

如果问题是由于沟通不畅造成的,请尝试一种新格式。 如果您一直在通过电子邮件处理所有事情,请安排一个电话以查看是否可以将语音转换成语音。 通话后,您可以汇总对话并通过电子邮件将信息发送给客户端。 这将为您提供一个额外的机会,以确保您都在同一页面上。

5. Move On


If you’ve done everything you can, but the client is still not satisfied, it may be time to part ways. Be honest, direct and professional. One way to end a client relationship is by recommending them to another designer who may be able to help them better than you can. This supports another designer who you respect, gives the client what they want and gets you out of a frustrating situation. It’s a win-win(-win). Image credit: Angus Fraser

如果您已竭尽所能,但客户仍然不满意,则可能是时候分道扬。了。 诚实,直接和专业。 终止客户关系的一种方法是将他们推荐给另一位设计师,他可能会比您更好地帮助他们。 这可以为您所尊重的另一位设计师提供支持,为客户提供他们想要的东西,并使您摆脱困境。 这是双赢。 图片来源: Angus Fraser

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-easy-ways-to-deal-with-an-unhappy-client/

