
tech2024-01-31  110


According to Google Operating System, Google is testing a new search customization option for select users called Google Preferred Sites. If you have access to the service, you’ll find the option on your preferences page when logged in (it isn’t turned on for me).

根据Google操作系统 ,Google正在为称为“ Google首选网站”的部分用户测试新的搜索自定义选项。 如果您有权使用该服务,则在登录后会在您的“ 首选项”页面上找到该选项(该选项尚未为我启用)。

“The preferred sites feature lets you set your Google Web Search preferences so that your search results match your unique tastes and needs,” explains Google on a help page. “Fill in the sites you rely on the most, and results from your preferred sites will show up more often when they’re relevant to your search query.”

Google在帮助页面上解释说:“首选网站功能使您可以设置Google Web搜索首选项,以使搜索结果符合您的独特口味和需求。” “填写您最依赖的网站,当与您的搜索查询相关时,首选网站的结果就会更频繁地显示。”

When logged in, your preferred sites will show up higher in matching search query results. For example, if you generally want IMDB results to show up first when searching for a movie, you can add IMDB to your preferred list. Or if you want tech articles from SitePoint to show up for relevant queries, you could do the same for this site.

登录后,您首选的网站在匹配搜索查询结果中的排名会更高。 例如,如果您通常希望在搜索电影时首先显示IMDB结果,则可以将IMDB添加到您的首选列表中。 或者,如果您希望显示来自SitePoint的技术文章以进行相关查询,则可以对此网站进行相同的操作。

Alex Chitu at Google Operating system lists some other use cases for Google Preferred Sites, including as a partial replacement for bookmarks, and a way to ensure that obscure sites (such as local news outlets) bubble to the top in your searches. However, I’m torn on the potential benefit of this system.

Google操作系统的Alex Chitu列出了Google首选网站的其他一些用例,包括作为书签的部分替代,以及一种确保晦涩的网站(例如本地新闻媒体)冒充搜索结果的方式。 但是,我为这个系统的潜在利益感到震惊。

Search personalization has been a hot topic for Google these days. In November Google launched a feature called SearchWiki that allows users to edit search results while logged in by reordering or removing them, or leaving comments on them. (Google Operating System actually reports that Preferred Sites is an extension of the earlier SearchWiki experiment.)

如今,搜索个性化已成为Google的热门话题。 去年11月,Google启动了一项名为SearchWiki的功能 ,该功能允许用户在登录时编辑搜索结果,方法是重新排序或删除它们,或在其上留下评论。 (Google操作系统实际上报告“首选站点”是早期SearchWiki实验的扩展。)

However, I’m skeptical that editing search results is a good thing. Keeping track of your favorite sites is the job of bookmarks, and searching those bookmarks specifically can be done with third party services like deliGoo. Futzing with search results, though, will just create a different experience for every user, and that might not be such a good thing. Not only does personalized search fundamentally alter the practice of search engine optimization, it makes helping your peers find something online a more difficult prospect. “Just search for it on Google,” doesn’t work as well when everyone’s Google results are different.

但是,我怀疑编辑搜索结果是一件好事。 跟踪书签是您最喜欢的网站的工作,并且可以使用诸如deliGoo之类的第三方服务来专门搜索这些书签。 但是,对搜索结果进行混淆将为每个用户带来不同的体验,但这可能不是一件好事。 个性化搜索不仅从根本上改变了搜索引擎优化的方式,而且使帮助您的同伴在网上找到东西变得更加困难。 当每个人的Google搜索结果都不相同时,“仅在Google上搜索”就无法正常工作。

On the other hand, Chitu’s use cases for Preferred Sites do make a lot of sense. When I search for a movie on Google, for example, I generally am looking for quick links to a handful of sites — IMDB, Wikipedia, Rotten Tomatoes — adding those to Google Preferred Sites would ensure they come up first.

另一方面,Chitu的“首选站点”用例确实很有道理。 例如,当我在Google上搜索电影时,通常是在寻找指向少数网站(IMDB,Wikipedia,烂番茄)的快速链接,将这些链接添加到Google首选网站将确保它们首先出现。

What do you think? Is Preferred Sites a good idea or a bad one? Let us know in the comments.

你怎么看? 首选网站是个好主意还是一个坏主意? 让我们在评论中知道。


