
tech2024-02-01  108


Update: Really odd coincidence. Almost as soon as I clicked post I hear from Matt Magain (SitePoint’s managing editor) that Twitter is blowing up with reports of an earthquake in Los Angeles. You can follow it live by searching Twitter. Also check out the trend jump like crazy on Twist. (And just a note: CNN does have a banner on the quake, but according to many tweets, Twitter again beat them to it. I can’t verify that, though.)

更新 :真的很奇怪。 当我点击帖子后,我几乎就从Matt Magain(SitePoint的执行编辑)那里听到,Twitter爆炸了洛杉矶地震的报道。 您可以通过搜索Twitter实时关注它。 还要检查一下Twist上的疯狂趋势跳跃 。 (还有一个注释:CNN在地震中确实有横幅,但是根据许多推文,Twitter再次击败了它们。不过,我无法证实这一点。)

A big story that’s often told about the success of Twitter, is about its emergence as a breaking news platform. Twitter doesn’t compete with traditional written news (in the way blogs essentially do), but because of its speed and always on nature, it has evolved into a great tool for reporters to source breaking stories.

关于Twitter成功的一个经常被讲述的大故事是关于它作为突发新闻平台的出现 。 Twitter不会与传统的书面新闻竞争(基本上就像博客一样),但是由于它的速度和始终存在的性质,它已发展成为供记者获取重大新闻的好工具。

Twitter’s founder’s realized its potential to break news early on during a minor earthquake, and in 2007, Twitter indeed broke news about an earthquake in Mexico. Last year, the messaging service beat mainstream news organizations (and in one case even the USGS) to reports about two earthquakes — one in the UK in February, and then a larger one a month later in China.

Twitter的创始人意识到在轻微地震中及早发布新闻的潜力,而在2007年,Twitter的确发布了关于墨西哥地震的新闻。 去年,该消息服务击败了主流新闻机构(甚至在USGS中也有报道)报道了两次地震-一次地震发生在2月的英国,然后一个月发生在中国。

We wrote last October that Twitter works as a news distribution platform for four reasons:

我们在去年10月写道,Twitter充当新闻发布平台的原因有四个 :

It’s fast.


It’s open.


It’s easy.


It’s two way.


But it’s also very spread out. Keeping up with breaking news on Twitter isn’t easy unless you happen to be following the people tweeting about whatever is happening at the time they’re tweeting it. That’s probably not going to happen unless you’re Robert Scoble, follow a bajillion people, and never sleep.

但是它也非常分散。 除非您碰巧在人们发推文时关注Twitter上的最新消息,否则要在Twitter上掌握最新新闻并不容易。 除非您是罗伯特·斯科布尔( Robert Scoble) ,跟随着成千上万的人,并且从不睡觉,否则这不会发生。

Twitter is also kind of jumbled — there’s a high ratio of noise to signal so it can be hard to sort out what’s newsworthy from what’s not. So how does one find out what’s happening through Twitter? A recently launched site called Twopular might help.

Twitter也是一团糟-噪声信号的比率很高,因此很难从没有的新闻中区分出具有新闻价值的新闻。 那么,如何知道Twitter发生了什么呢? 最近启动的名为Twopular的网站可能会有所帮助。

Twopular is a trend tracker built for Twitter that identifies hot trends on Twitter over the past 2, 8, 24 hours, week, or month. Not surprisingly, today Twitter was mostly dominated by talk of the new Palm phone, CES, MacWorld, the Windows 7 Beta, the Gaza-Israel conflict, and the BCS college football championship in the US. Twopular provides links to the top Twitter users that are causing that term to trend up (allowing you to click through to actual tweets), a link to a real-time Twitter search of that trend, as well as links to related trends.

Twopular是为Twitter构建的趋势跟踪器,可识别过去2、8、24小时,一周或一个月内Twitter上的热门趋势。 毫不奇怪,今天的Twitter主要是谈论新的Palm手机,CES,MacWorld,Windows 7 Beta,加沙-以色列冲突以及美国的BCS大学橄榄球冠军。 Twopular提供了导致该术语上升的顶级Twitter用户链接(允许您单击以查看实际的推文),指向该趋势的实时Twitter搜索的链接以及相关趋势的链接。

When used in conjunction with Twist, a separate tool that graphs Twitter trends on a timeline and allows them to be compared, and with Google Trends, a similar service based on search, news, and blog data, Twopular becomes a powerful tool to track breaking news on Twitter. Certainly oft-talked about topics might appear on trend sites like Twopular even without the occurrence of breaking news, but when something breaks, a site like Twopular will usually catch it as it happens.

当结合使用扭曲 ,一个单独的工具,图形Twitter的在时间轴上的发展趋势,并允许他们进行比较,并与谷歌趋势的基础上,搜索,新闻和博客数据类似的服务,Twopular变得跟踪打破了功能强大的工具Twitter上的新闻。 即使在没有突发新闻的情况下,当然经常谈论话题的话题也可能会出现在Twopular之类的趋势网站上,但是当出现问题时,Twopular之类的网站通常会在发生时捕获它。

Twitter’s search page also lists trending topics, though it is not as robust as Twopular. Twitter’s search is actually a great way to monitor for breaking news in specific topics. Because it’s real-time and all searches are available as RSS feeds, you can use the Twitter search page to constantly monitor certain topics and keep abreast of news as it breaks. All of these sources can be used together to paint a richer and more accurate picture of what is happening in the world.

Twitter的搜索页面还列出了热门话题,尽管它不如Twopular强大。 Twitter的搜索实际上是监视特定主题突发新闻的好方法。 因为它是实时的,并且所有搜索都可以作为RSS源提供,所以您可以使用Twitter搜索页面不断监视某些主题,并在新闻中断时及时了解最新消息。 所有这些来源都可以一起使用,以描绘出世界上正在发生的事情的更丰富,更准确的图景。

Another option, of course, is to follow @BreakingNewsOn, a Twitter based newswire that often breaks news stories before the mainstream press. In February of last year, for example, they tweeted about an earthquake in the UK well before the BBC reported it, presumably by monitoring trending topics on Twitter. They’re now raising money for a planned expansion.

当然,另一个选择是跟随@BreakingNewsOn ,这是一个基于Twitter的新闻专线,经常在主流媒体之前发布新闻报道。 例如,去年2月,他们在英国广播公司(BBC)报道之前就发布了有关英国地震的推文 ,大概是通过监视Twitter上的热门话题。 他们现在正在为计划的扩张筹集资金 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-find-breaking-news-on-twitter/

