
tech2024-02-01  119


Just a day after TV’s The Simpson’s hilariously mocked Apple, the Cupertino, California-company is having the last laugh as the Internet share for their operating system is at a all-time high, at the expense of Windows, which has sunk to an all-time low. According to the Apple 2.0 blog, the Mac’s share of web hits reached almost 9% and set a record for the month of November.

在电视上辛普森一家 嘲笑苹果的第二天之后,加利福尼亚州库比蒂诺的公司笑到了最后,因为其操作系统的互联网份额达到了历史最高水平,而Windows却陷入了沉沦。时间低。 根据Apple 2.0博客的报道,Mac的网络访问量份额几乎达到9%,并创下了11月份的记录。

Windows, meanwhile, sunk below 90% of Internet usage by operating system for the first time. Internet Explorer also sunk below the psychological barrier of 70% to 69.78% for the first time in Net Applications’ tracking survey. Though Windows Vista made gains, they were not enough to make up for losses in Internet share sustained by the Windows XP operating system.

同时,Windows首次使操作系统的Internet使用率下降到90%以下。 在Net Applications的跟踪调查中,Internet Explorer也首次跌破了70%至69.78%的心理障碍。 尽管Windows Vista有所收获,但不足以弥补Windows XP操作系统造成的Internet份额损失。

IE’s slip, meanwhile, can be attributed mainly to gains by the Firefox browser, which finished the month above 20% of the first time ever. The reason Firefox saw such a huge jump in November, according to Net Applications, is because the browser enjoys increased use by residential users and the month was jam-packed with days in which business users would be surfing from home: the US election, the Thanksgiving holiday, and extra weekend days.

同时,IE的下滑主要归因于Firefox浏览器的增长,该浏览器本月有史以来首次超过20%。 根据Net Applications的说法, Firefox在11月出现如此巨大的增长的原因是,该浏览器获得了居民用户的越来越多的使用,而当月则挤满了商业用户在家中奔波的日子:美国大选,感恩节假期,以及额外的周末。

While Net Application’s net usage data doesn’t really measure “market share” in the traditional sense, the data should nonetheless be alarming for Microsoft. Even if Apple’s gains could be attributed to Apple users just using the net more than Windows users, and not to an actual shift in market share, given that the operating system of the future may be based in the web, that’s still bad news for Microsoft.

尽管Net Application的净使用情况数据并不能真正衡量传统意义上的“市场份额”,但该数据仍应使Microsoft感到震惊。 即使苹果的收益可以归因于苹果用户比Windows用户更多地使用网络,而不是由于市场份额的实际变化,考虑到未来的操作系统可能基于网络 ,这对于微软来说仍然是个坏消息。 。

Edit: The clips got pulled from YouTube, so we’ve embedded the entire episode from Hulu below. This one won’t disappear, but it means you’ll have to watch other parts of the episode to see the bits where they lampoon Apple.

编辑:这些片段是从YouTube提取的,因此我们从下面的Hulu中嵌入了整集。 这个不会消失,但这意味着您必须观看剧集的其他部分才能看到它们嘲弄苹果的地方。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/bad-news-for-microsoft-windows-ie-net-usage-dip-lower/

