
tech2024-02-01  107


One great part of working for yourself is that many of us get to do it all from home. In my business, very rarely do I have an opportunity to meet clients face-to-face or do any kind of on-site work. This works well for me and the type of work that I do. I finish work quicker; I’m able to do more; and I benefit from more solid productive work time.

为自己工作的很大一部分是,我们很多人都可以在家中完成所有工作。 在我的业务中,很少有机会与客户面对面交流或进行任何形式的现场工作。 这对我和我所做的工作类型都适用。 我更快地完成工作; 我可以做更多的事; 而且我从更可靠的生产时间中受益。

If you work virtually, you probably face a completely different set of challenges than those who don’t. Working virtually is not as easy as it seems, but there are ways to overcome to challenges brought about by a virtual arrangement.

如果您虚拟地工作,您可能会面临与没有工作的人完全不同的挑战。 实际上,工作并不像看起来那样容易,但是有许多方法可以克服虚拟安排带来的挑战。

Challenge: Building Trust


Before doing business with someone, there needs to be some level of trust between the two parties. As humans, we trust (and hire) other people, and their faces, voices and personalities all play a part in our decision-making. It’s very hard for most people to get that same level of trust when you are working in a completely virtual environment. Selling your services can be more difficult and you may have to work twice as hard. Here are some ways you can add a personal element to your business to facilitate trust building:

与某人做生意之前,两方之间必须有一定程度的信任。 作为人类,我们信任(并雇用)他人,他们的面Kong,声音和个性都在我们的决策中发挥作用。 在完全虚拟的环境中工作时,大多数人很难获得相同的信任度。 出售服务可能会更加困难,您可能需要加倍努力。 您可以通过以下几种方式在业务中添加个人元素,以促进信任的建立:

Set up telephone conferences with potential clients

与潜在客户召开电话会议 Write a blog with a personal voice

用个人声音写博客 Participate in social networking

参加社交网络 Add videos to your website or blog

将视频添加到您的网站或博客 Provide references

提供参考 Include a photo of yourself on your website


Challenge: Communication


A common worry for clients hiring a virtual professional is that they may disappear and the client will not have a way to find them. Without an in-person connection it can be difficult for clients to feel confident that the person they are hiring will be available during the project. The best way to deal with this challenge is by providing consistent communication by:

聘请虚拟专业人员的客户普遍担心的是,他们可能会消失,而客户将无法找到他们。 如果没有面对面的联系,客户可能很难确定他们正在招聘的人员将在项目期间找到。 应对这一挑战的最佳方法是通过以下方式提供一致的通信:

Being responsive to all e-mails and phone calls

响应所有电子邮件和电话 Setting up regular check-ins via phone, Skype or instant message

通过电话,Skype或即时消息设置常规值机 Making sure there is clarity around the roles and responsibilities of the project

确保对项目的角色和职责有清晰的了解 Addressing any issues that arise quickly


Challenge: Information Sharing


In my business, I’ve had to develop a process for sharing information back and forth with clients and subcontractors to ensure everyone has the necessary data to complete their tasks. With clients, this is usually done via e-mail or snail mail, in some cases. With subcontractors, I use a project management system that allows each of us to have access to the information we need.

在我的业务中,我必须开发一种与客户和分包商来回共享信息的流程,以确保每个人都有完成任务所需的数据。 对于客户,在某些情况下,通常是通过电子邮件或蜗牛邮件来完成的。 与分包商一起,我使用一个项目管理系统,该系统使我们每个人都可以访问所需的信息。

With any kind of virtual collaboration, it’s vital that you:


Identify the information you need

确定您需要的信息 Have a system for filing the information in an accessible way

有一个以可访问的方式归档信息的系统 Log and archive the data during and after the project

在项目期间和之后记录和存档数据 Provide a secure and reliable system for data storage and sharing


The bottom line with any kind of virtual work is that you want your clients and prospective clients to get to know you and the way you work. Just because you are not working face-to-face does not mean the relationship dynamic should be any less structured; it’s just a different dynamic. Trust may be a little harder to achieve, but it is even more important when creating sustainable virtual relationships.

任何虚拟工作的底线是您希望您的客户和潜在客户了解您以及您的工作方式。 仅仅因为您没有面对面地工作,并不意味着关系的动态性应该结构化程度降低。 这只是一个不同的动态。 建立信任可能会有些困难,但是在创建可持续的虚拟关系时,信任显得尤为重要。

Do you work virtually? What do you do to assure clients who may be used to in-person relationships?

您实际上在工作吗? 您如何做才能确保可能习惯于面对面关系的客户?

Image credit: Sanja Gjenero

图片来源: Sanja Gjenero

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-challenges-of-virtual-business/

