
tech2024-02-01  119


According to Net Applications just about 0.71% of the net population uses the Opera browser. But according to Google Analytics, about three times that number of SitePoint users use Opera (clearly a more enlightened bunch than the general web populace). Today Opera announced the release of version 10.0 Alpha 1 for Mac, Windows, and UNIX, just about a month after the release of their last stable version, 9.62.

根据网络应用程序的统计,仅约0.71%的净人口使用Opera浏览器。 但是根据Google Analytics(分析),SitePoint用户使用Opera的数量大约是Opera的三倍(显然,比起一般的Web大众,这是一个更开明的群体)。 今天,Opera 宣布发布适用于Mac,Windows和UNIX的10.0 Alpha 1版本,距上一个稳定版本9.62发行仅一个月左右。

The new release includes an updated version of their core Presto rendering engine. Presto 2.2 gets improved CSS performance, and scores 100/100 on the Acid3 web standards test. The new Presto engine also ships with an improved regular expression engine, which Opera says will speed up the browser experience overall.

新版本包括其核心Presto渲染引擎的更新版本。 Presto 2.2获得了改进CSS性能,并且在Acid3 Web标准测试中得分为100/100。 新的Presto引擎还附带改进的正则表达式引擎,Opera表示,这将总体上提高浏览器的体验。

Opera 10 also has some catch-up improvements that other browsers have had for awhile, including inline spell checking (like Firefox), the ability to auto-update without user notification (a la Google Chrome), and improvements to Opera Mail that lets users send rich text emails, and allows them remove emails from a POP server after a specified number of days.

Opera 10还具有其他浏览器一段时间以来的一些赶超改进,包括内联拼写检查(如Firefox),无需用户通知即可自动更新的功能(例如Google Chrome),以及使用户可以使用的Opera Mail的改进发送富文本电子邮件,并允许他们在指定的天数后从POP服务器中删除电子邮件。

Opera 10 Alpha 1 can be downloaded here.

可以在此处下载 Opera 10 Alpha 1。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/opera-10-alpha-arrives/


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