
tech2024-02-02  103


I’m a writer, not a designer, and when I have a creative block, the best cure is usually to just start writing. I may write pages and pages of crap, but eventually I’ll start to write something good again. That said, as a writer, reading the good writing of others is always helpful. For designers, it’s no different. Looking at good design will only help to inspire you to be better in your own design work. So below are 15 places to turn to for design inspiration.

我是作家,而不是设计师,当我有创造力的时候,最好的解决方法通常是开始写作。 我可能会写很多页面,但是最终我会再次写点好东西。 就是说,作为作家,阅读别人的出色著作总是有帮助的。 对于设计师而言,没有什么不同。 看着好的设计只会激发您在自己的设计工作中变得更好。 因此,以下是15个寻求设计灵感的地方。

无与伦比的风格 (Unmatched Style)

CSS galleries are a dime a dozen, so only a couple made it to our list of inspirational sites for designers. Unmatched Style is one of the best, in our opinion. The designs are always beautiful, and users are encouraged to rate and comment on them. If you’re interested in other web design galleries, then check out the Web Gallery List, which lists over 200 of them.

CSS画廊只是一角钱,所以只有少数夫妇进入了我们的设计师励志网站列表。 我们认为,无与伦比的风格是最好的风格之一。 设计始终是美丽的,鼓励用户对它们进行评分和评论。 如果您对其他Web设计画廊感兴趣,请查看Web Gallery List ,其中列出了200多个画廊 。

FactoryJoe Flickr流 (FactoryJoe Flickr Stream)

Open source advocate Chris Messina, aka “factoryjoe,” has one of the best Flickr streams to follow for designers. He’s constantly updating with screenshots of user interfaces, application designs, design elements, user interaction flows, and more. It’s an awesome place to dig through examples of what to do and what not to do when designing a page or an application.

开源倡导者Chris Messina(又名“ factoryjoe”)拥有Flickr最好的流派之一,可供设计师遵循。 他不断更新用户界面,应用程序设计,设计元素,用户交互流程等的屏幕快照。 在设计页面或应用程序时,这里是个很棒的地方,可以深入研究做什么和不做什么的示例。

DeviantArt (DeviantArt)

Founded in 2000, DeviantArt is likely the largest art and design showcase site on the Internet. According to Wikipedia the site has had over 62 million submissions and is receiving new ones at a clip of 80,000 per day. Suffice it to say, there is a lot of great art, photography, and design to sort through for inspiration.

DeviantArt成立于2000年,可能是互联网上最大的艺术和设计展示网站。 根据Wikipedia的说法,该网站已提交了超过6200万份内容,每天收到的新内容数量为80,000。 可以说,有很多很棒的艺术,摄影和设计可以启发灵感。

颜色爱好者 (ColourLovers)

ColourLovers is a community of people who love color. Users share color ideas, palettes, and patterns on the site, making it an ideal place to draw inspiration for web design projects. Adobe runs a similar web site called Kuler.

ColourLovers是一个热爱色彩的人的社区。 用户可以在网站上共享色彩想法,调色板和图案,从而使其成为为Web设计项目汲取灵感的理想场所。 Adobe运行着一个类似的网站,名为Kuler 。

LogoPond (LogoPond)

As we said, there are a ton of web design galleries from which to draw inspiration, but LogoPond is one of the few galleries out there dedicated to logo design. The site offers up a huge number of amazing logos that can help to get your creative juices flowing.

正如我们所说,有大量的网页设计画廊可以从中汲取灵感,但LogoPond是为数不多的致力于徽标设计的画廊之一。 该网站提供了大量令人惊叹的徽标,可以帮助您发挥创意。

CSS Zen Garden (CSS Zen Garden)

CSS Zen Garden is one of the most inspiring design showcases because every page in the showcase is really the same. Starting with the same basic HTML, designers modify the CSS and images of the actual CSS Zen Garden site to create amazing, and original new versions.

CSS Zen Garden是最具启发性的设计展示柜之一,因为展示柜中的每个页面都是相同的。 从相同的基本HTML开始,设计人员修改实际CSS Zen Garden网站CSS和图像,以创建令人惊叹的原始新版本。

网络奶油 (Web Creme)

The only other traditional design gallery on our list, Web Creme makes it for being discerning. It’s not easy to get a site on Web Creme, and we can see why. This highly moderated site only selects the best of the best designs.

Web Creme是我们列表中唯一的其他传统设计画廊,其独具慧眼。 在Web Creme上获得网站并不容易,我们可以看到原因。 这个高度审核的网站只会选择最好的设计。

图案攻丝 (Pattern Tap)

Pattern Tap is an interface gallery. It focuses on organized collections of design elements like comment display styles, breadcrumbs, buttons, and 404 pages. It’s a great place to get inspiration for the sometimes under appreciated nitty-gritty bits of web design.

Pattern Tap是一个界面库。 它着重于有组织的设计元素集合,例如注释显示样式,面包屑,按钮和404页面。 在这里,人们有时会受到赞赏,这是一个不错的网站设计灵感的好地方。

CG社会画廊 (CG Society Gallery)

CG Society is home to some of the absolute best 3D artists in the world. Their gallery forums provide both gorgeous finished works, and mind blowing works in progress that allow you to see how these talented people put together their masterpieces. It is inspiring stuff, trust us.

CG协会是世界上一些绝对最好的3D艺术家的故乡。 他们的画廊论坛提供了华丽的作品和进行中的令人惊叹的作品,使您可以看到这些才华横溢的人们如何将他们的杰作组合在一起。 令人鼓舞的东西,请相信我们。

FFF发现 (FFFFound)

What Delicious is to links, FFFFound is to images. The image bookmarking site is a veritable treasure trove of amazing photography and design work, collected by a membership that has impeccable taste.

Delicious是链接,FFFFound是图像。 图像书签站点是令人赞叹的摄影和设计作品的名副其实的宝库,由具有无可挑剔的品味的会员收集。

乔什·斯皮尔 (Josh Spear)

Josh Spear’s blog is about trends. Spear has built a business around his good taste and the taste of those who work for him, and often times the stuff they dig up is amazing to look at. The art, design, products, and web sites that Spear and his writers link to are definitely worth checking out for artistic inspiration.

Josh Spear的博客讲述趋势。 Spear围绕着他的良好品味和为他工作的人的品味建立了业务,而且常常发现他们挖出来的东西令人惊奇。 Spear和他的作家链接到的艺术,设计,产品和网站绝对值得一试以获取艺术灵感。

转向思想 (Veer Ideas)

Stock design elements site Veer offers a great Ideas site to give designers inspiration. Especially of note, check out “Lightboxing,” their version of Photoshop tennis, and the wallpapers gallery.

库存设计元素网站Veer提供了一个很棒的Ideas网站,可以为设计师提供灵感。 特别要注意的是,查看“ Lightboxing”,他们的Photoshop网球版本以及壁纸库。

情绪流 (Moodstream)

Moodstream is an experimental site from Getty Images, the world’s largest stock imagery company, that mashes up video, images, and music to create a background scene that’s supposed to help creative types brainstorm. Users can tweak variables to change the experience (i.e., black and white or color, lyrics or instrumentals, happy or sad, etc.). “What is Moodstream? It’s a concepting tool. The modern version of the fireplace. An interactive art piece. TV for the future,” said designer Rick Webb of The Barbarian Group, who created Moodstream for Getty.

Moodstream是来自全球最大的股票图像公司Getty Images的实验网站,该网站将视频,图像和音乐融合在一起,创建了一个背景场景,该场景应有助于创意类型的头脑风暴。 用户可以调整变量以改变体验(即黑白或彩色,歌词或乐器,快乐或悲伤等)。 “什么是Moodstream? 这是一个概念工具。 壁炉的现代版本。 互动艺术作品。 面向未来的电视,” The Barbarian Group的设计师Rick Webb说,他为Getty创建了Moodstream。

行为画廊 (Behance Gallery)

The curated gallery at Behance is an amazing collection of artistic works. From product design, to print, to photography, to video advertising work, Behance’s gallery pages have it all. The site routinely presents hand-picked, curated collections from top names in the design field — including one from the aforementioned Josh Spear.

Behance精选的画廊收藏了许多惊人的艺术作品。 从产品设计,印刷,摄影到视频广告工作,Behance的画廊页面应有尽有。 该网站通常会定期展示来自设计领域知名人士的精选精选作品,其中包括上述Josh Spear的作品 。

功能:徽标重新设计博客文章 (Function: Logo Redesign Blog Post)

Yes, okay, this is a blog post and not a site. But it’s a very good post to check out for anyone experiencing creative block. Very often designers are asked to update someone else’s old design, rather than start from scratch with something new. This blog post from design firm Function illustrates 50 updates of products, web sites, and logos that were able to add a refreshed style to an old design.

是的,好的,这是博客文章,而不是网站。 但这是一个非常棒的帖子,可以结识任何遇到创意障碍的人。 很多时候,要求设计师更新别人的旧设计,而不是从头开始设计新的东西。 设计公司Function的这篇博客文章说明了50种产品,网站和徽标的更新,这些更新能够为旧设计添加新的样式。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/15-must-bookmark-sites-for-design-inspiration/

