
tech2024-02-02  117

In the biggest case since Napster, a landmark ruling in a Swedish court has found The Pirate Bay guilty of copyright infringement by making 33 protected files accessible for illegal file sharing.


Defence lawyers for Frederik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Carl Lundstrom and Peter Sunde argued that they should be acquitted since The Pirate Bay does not host any files and simply provides a bit torrent search engine. The court ruled that all four defendants be sentenced to one year in jail and fined $4 million; an amount that will be shared amongst companies including 21st Century Fox, MGM, Columbia Pictures, Warner Brothers, Sony Music Entertainment, and EMI.

Frederik Neij,Gottfrid Svartholm Warg,Carl Lundstrom和Peter Sunde的辩护律师认为,应无罪释放,因为海盗湾没有任何文件,只是提供了一些洪流搜索引擎。 法院裁定,将所有四名被告判处一年徒刑,罚款400万美元; 该金额将由21st Century Fox,MGM,Columbia Pictures,Warner Brothers,Sony Music Entertainment和EMI等公司共享。

Although the award fell short of the $17.5 million the industry was claiming, John Kennedy, chairman the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) said:

尽管该奖项未能达到航空业声称的1750万美元,但国际唱片业联合会(IFPI)主席约翰·肯尼迪(John Kennedy)表示:

There has been a perception that piracy is OK and that the music industry should just have to accept it. This verdict will change that.

人们一直认为盗版是可以的,音乐界应该只接受盗版。 这一判决将改变这一点。

Pirate Bay founder Peter Sunde stated:

海盗湾创始人彼得·桑德(Peter Sunde)说:

It’s so bizarre that we were convicted at all and it’s even more bizarre that we were convicted as a team. The court said we were organised. I can’t get Gottfrid out of bed in the morning. If you’re going to convict us, convict us of disorganised crime.

真是奇怪,我们被定罪了,更奇怪的是,我们作为一个团队被定罪了。 法院说我们是有组织的。 我不能让Gottfrid早上起床。 如果您要定罪我们,请定罪我们无组织犯罪。

We can’t pay and we wouldn’t pay. Even if I had the money I would rather burn everything I owned, and I wouldn’t even give them the ashes.

我们不能付款,我们也不会付款。 即使我有钱,我还是愿意烧掉我拥有的一切,甚至不给他们骨灰。

The Pirate Bay’s founders will appeal against the ruling and the site remains active with the unusual home page message “Don’t worry – we’re from the internets. It’s going to be alright. :-)”. The Swedish authorities have no legal power to take the site down since it is hosted on various data centres around the world.

海盗湾(Pirate Bay)的创建者将对这项裁决提出上诉,该网站仍然活跃,并发出异常的首页消息“别担心-我们来自互联网。 一切都会好的。 :-)” 。 由于该站点托管在世界各地的各种数据中心中,因此瑞典当局无权将该站点关闭。

It is unlikely the media companies will ever receive money but they have always insisted the case was about awareness and education. So will it stop internet piracy?

媒体公司不太可能会收到钱,但他们一直坚持认为此案与意识和教育有关。 那么这会阻止网络盗版吗?

The Pirate Bay is possibly the most well-known torrent tracker site and this case has brought them even more publicity. Ironically, it may bring further “awareness and education” about bit-torrent technology (most of the press are publishing helpful guides!) Could the ruling also mean that other search engines, such as Google, are convicted of copyright infringement for linking to a site that hosts or promotes illegal material?

海盗湾可能是最著名的洪流跟踪网站,此案使他们更加知名。 具有讽刺意味的是,它可能会带来进一步的关于比特洪流技术的“意识和教育”(大多数媒体都在发布有用的指南!)该裁决是否也意味着其他搜索引擎(例如Google)因链接到网站而被判侵犯版权托管或宣传非法材料的网站?

Victory celebrations by the film and music industry are likely to be short-lived. In reality, there are many torrent search engines. Perhaps the media companies should embrace modern digital distribution methods rather than make futile attempts to block individual channels?

电影和音乐界的胜利庆祝活动可能是短暂的。 实际上,有许多洪流搜索引擎。 也许媒体公司应该采用现代的数字分发方法,而不是徒劳地尝试封锁单个频道?

Do you think this verdict will make any difference to internet piracy?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/will-the-pirate-bay-sink/
