rss :encoded

tech2024-02-02  126

rss :encoded

I have a simple, unscientific test for determining if a web service or product has crossed over into the mainstream: I ask my friends and family — most of whom are not very geeky and generally represent average technology users, in my opinion — if they’re using the service. If they are, then its mainstream. If they’ve at least heard of it, then the service is heading toward the mainstream. Facebook is mainstream. Gmail is mainstream. Twitter is headed in that direction. RSS though, according to my test, is not.

我有一个简单,不科学的测试来确定Web服务或产品是否已成为主流:我问我的朋友和家人-他们中的大多数人并不讨厌,在我看来,它们通常代表普通技术用户。重新使用服务。 如果是的话,那么它就是主流。 如果他们至少听说过它,那么该服务正朝着主流发展。 Facebook是主流。 Gmail是主流。 Twitter正朝着这个方向发展。 根据我的测试,RSS不是。

New data that TechCrunch released today, however, suggests that RSS might actually be headed toward the mainstream. TechCrunch, which is one of the most widely read blogs on the Internet, has about 1.4 million RSS subscribers. Two years ago, when that number was much smaller, Firefox, Bloglines, and Newsgator were the three most used RSS readers. Now, though, 38% of TechCrunch readers user Outlook to access the feed — making it the most popular RSS reader for the blog by a wide margin. Google Reader was next, followed by Newsgator and BlogRovR.

但是,TechCrunch 今天发布的新数据表明,RSS实际上可能会走向主流。 TechCrunch是Internet上阅读最广泛的博客之一,拥有约140万RSS订阅者。 两年前,当这个数字要小得多时,Firefox,Bloglines和Newsgator是最常用的三种RSS阅读器。 不过,现在,有38%的TechCrunch读者使用Outlook来访问供稿,从而使其成为博客中最受欢迎的RSS读者。 接下来是Google阅读器,其次是Newsgator和BlogRovR。

That could suggest that RSS is starting to go mainstream, since Outlook is the email client used by a large number of mainstream web users. However, that’s just one blog’s readership. At SitePoint, we’re not seeing that same trend repeated with our admittedly smaller RSS readership. Google Reader is still far and away the most popular RSS reader among SitePoint readers, according to our feed stats, followed by Firefox and Bloglines.

这可能表明RSS已开始成为主流,因为Outlook是大量主流Web用户使用的电子邮件客户端。 但是,那只是一个博客的读者群。 在SitePoint,我们的RSS读者人数虽然很少,但并没有看到同样的趋势。 根据我们的供稿统计,Google阅读器仍然是SitePoint阅读器中最受欢迎的RSS阅读器,其次是Firefox和Bloglines。

So it could be that TechCrunch has just gained a larger following among corporate users over the past two years, who access the blog at work where Outlook is their only option. Whereas SitePoint tends to attract more freelancers and contract workers who have freedom over what software they use.

因此,过去两年TechCrunch可能在企业用户中获得了更大的关注,他们在工作中访问博客,而Outlook是他们的唯一选择。 SitePoint倾向于吸引更多的自由职业者和合同工,他们对所使用的软件拥有自由。

Either way, we’d love to here what RSS reader you use, and what readers people are using to access your feed (if you have a blog). Let us know in the comments below and vote in our poll.

无论哪种方式,我们都希望在这里使用您使用的RSS阅读器,以及人们在访问Feed中使用的阅读器(如果您有博客)。 让我们在下面的评论中知道并在我们的投票中投票。

[poll id=”10″]

[投票ID =“ 10”]


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