
tech2024-02-18  88


In June, Google launched a closed, invite-only beta test of their media buying planning tool Ad Planner. Many pundits predicted that Google’s offering would be damaging to established competitors like comScore, whose stock tumbled when Google’s product was announced. Those competitors were quick to dismiss the product as an inferior offering, but they may have reason to start worrying again: today Google opened up the free Ad Planner product to everyone and beefed up its feature set.

6月,Google对他们的媒体购买计划工具Ad Planner进行了封闭式Beta版测试。 许多专家预测,谷歌的产品将损害像comScore这样的老牌竞争对手,而当谷歌产品发布时,其股价暴跌。 这些竞争对手很快就将产品视为劣等产品,但他们可能有理由再次担心:今天,Google向所有人开放了免费的广告规划师产品,并增强了其功能集。

Though Ad Planner is aimed at media buyers to help them find the best sites to advertise on to reach their target audience, we’ve often used it as a way to compare sites within the same niche. We noticed during initial testing that Google’s product, which some surmise might be getting data from the Google Toolbar among other sources, had an uncanny ability to be able to accurately report traffic information. It isn’t perfect, but we’ve found it to be spot on more often than other free tools.

尽管Ad Planner的目标受众是媒体购买者,以帮助他们找到可以在其上进行广告宣传的最佳网站,以吸引目标受众,但我们经常将其用作比较同一细分市场中的网站的一种方式。 我们在最初的测试中注意到,谷歌的产品具有一定的神奇能力,能够准确地报告路况信息。 它不是完美的,但是我们发现它比其他免费工具更常见。

In addition to traffic stats, Ad Planner also gives demographic data on a site’s traffic — age, gender, education, household income — and suggests related sites and keywords. It’s hard to tell how accurate that information is, so it’s not easy to gauge value. But certainly, Ad Planner provides a nice starting point for ad buyers.

除了流量统计信息之外,广告规划师还提供有关网站流量的人口统计数据(年龄,性别,教育程度,家庭收入),并建议相关的网站和关键字。 很难确定信息的准确性,因此很难评估价值。 但可以肯定的是,广告规划师为广告购买者提供了一个不错的起点。

The new public release of Ad Planner adds a number of new features, including expansion into five new international territories: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Great Britain. Ad Planner can also filter results by keyword and geo-target. So, for example, you could find sites about certain topics (like model trains) that are frequented by visitors from specific countries, regions, or metro areas (like Washington, DC).

Ad Planner的新公开发行版增加了许多新功能,包括扩展到五个新的国际区域:法国,德国,意大利,西班牙和英国。 广告规划师还可以按关键字和地理位置定位过滤结果。 因此,例如,您可以找到有关特定主题(例如火车模型)的站点,这些站点经常来自特定国家,地区或都市地区(例如华盛顿特区)的访问者。

Ad Planner also offers a new bubble chart view to compare sites in your media plan and figure out where to allocate the brunt of your advertising budget.


The new Ad Planner still might not match the paid metrics from rivals like comScore and Neilsen, but as a free alternative it is definitely a useful tool for online advertisers to have in their arsenal. And as we noted, it can also be a great tool for site owners to use when researching competitors and new markets.

新的广告规划师可能仍无法与comScore和Neilsen等竞争对手的付费指标匹配,但作为免费的替代方案,它绝对是在线广告客户拥有的一个有用工具。 正如我们指出的那样,它也是站点所有者在研究竞争对手和新市场时可以使用的绝佳工具。

The video below comes from Google and introduces the Ad Planner product.



