
tech2024-02-18  93


An annual study of British youths between the ages of 13 and 17 by Logicalis found that social network use is on the decline. The study found that 78% of British youngsters using social networks no longer disclose personal information and are becoming more savvy about their digital fingerprint. On its own that’s great news as it means fews youths who will fall victim to online predators.

Logicalis对英国13至17岁的年轻人进行的年度研究发现,社交网络的使用正在下降。 研究发现,使用社交网络的英国年轻人中有78%不再透露个人信息,并且越来越了解他们的数字指纹。 就其本身而言,这是个好消息,因为这意味着很少有年轻人会成为在线掠食者的受害者。

But that might be bad news for social networks. The study found that many youths have stopped using social networking sites all together, and that a majority say they prefer face-to-face communication with peers than communications over sites like Facebook, which is the most popular social network in the UK. 46% say that social networking has become less important to them, and that they are using online social networks less frequently.

但这对于社交网络可能是个坏消息。 这项研究发现,许多年轻人已经停止使用社交网站了,并且大多数人表示,他们更喜欢与同伴面对面交流,而不是像英国最流行的社交网络这样的网站进行交流。 46%的人表示,社交网络对他们的重要性下降,并且他们使用在线社交网络的频率降低。

Of 11.3 million Brits using Facebook, 13-17 year olds make up just 873,000 of them. However, 18-25 year old make up nearly 5 million British Facebook users, suggesting that use at post-secondary schools in Britain is high, as it is in the United States where I attended university (and having a Facebook account was a rite of passage). It will be interesting to see if the trends that suggest less interest in social networking among the youngest users continue once they hit university age.

在使用Facebook的1,130万英国人中,13-17岁的年轻人只占873,000。 但是,年龄在18至25岁之间的英国Facebook用户约有500万,这表明英国的专上学校的使用率很高,就像我上大学的美国那样(在Facebook上有一个礼拜式通道)。 有趣的是,这些趋势表明,年龄最小的用户一旦进入大学年龄,是否会继续对社交网络失去兴趣。

Young web users have always been a fickle set. From Geocities and Tripod, to Friendster, to MySpace, to Facebook, young social networking users have often left a trail of sites in their wake as they jump to the new hip thing. Is social networking itself about the get the boot by young users? Logicalis thinks so, dubbing these young users the so-called “Realtime Generation” after their preference of face-to-face communication over digital chatting.

年轻的网络用户向来善变。 从Geocities和Tripod到Friendster,再到MySpace,再到Facebook,年轻的社交网络用户在跳到新的时髦事物时经常留下很多痕迹。 社交网络本身是否适合年轻用户启动? Logicalis就是这么认为的,因为他们更喜欢面对面交流而不是数字聊天,因此将这些年轻人称为“实时生成”。

Note: There was some talk this past winter about a down turn in Facebook traffic in the UK, but that turns out to be mostly seasonal.

注意:去年冬天有人谈论英国的Facebook流量下降,但事实证明这主要是季节性的 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/study-kids-no-longer-into-social-networking/

