
tech2024-02-19  86

When Me.dium launched at DEMO in February of 2007 I’ll admit that I didn’t really get it. The company started its life as a “social browsing” tool that allowed people to interact with other users while viewing the same page — essentially adding a chat layer on top of web pages via a browser plugin. That was never really something that interested me. I’d rather look at the web page I am browsing than talk to strangers about looking at the web page.

当Me.dium于2007年2月在DEMO推出时,我承认我并没有真正了解它。 该公司开始于“社交浏览”工具的诞生,该工具允许人们在查看同一页面时与其他用户进行交互-本质上是通过浏览器插件在网页顶部添加聊天层。 那从来都不是让我感兴趣的东西。 我宁愿看我正在浏览的网页,也不愿与陌生人谈论看该网页。

I suspect that what the folks at Me.dium eventually began to realize was that the real-time information about browsing habits that they were gathering from their users was more valuable than the service they where providing. That’s just speculation on my part, but over the summer, Me.dium launched a social search engine built on the back of Yahoo!’s BOSS API and data collection from the two million so people who had installed their social browsing toolbar.

我怀疑Me.dium的人们最终开始意识到的是,他们从用户那里收集的有关浏览习惯的实时信息比他们提供的服务更有价值。 那只是我的猜测,但是在整个夏天,Me.dium推出了一个基于Yahoo!的BOSS API的社交搜索引擎,并从这200万用户中收集了数据,因此安装了社交浏览工具栏的人们就可以了。

The Me.dium search product augmented search results with a bunch of metrics about how Me.dium users were interacting with that page, including time spent on the page, frequency and number of visitors, and how traffic has surged or flattened over a recent time period. The result was a search engine that could help people find the most popular content from among their query results.

Me.dium搜索产品通过一系列有关Me.dium用户如何与该页面进行交互的指标来增强搜索结果,包括在页面上花费的时间,访问者的频率和数量以及最近一段时间内流量如何激增或趋于平缓期。 结果是一个搜索引擎,可以帮助人们从查询结果中找到最受欢迎的内容。

This week, Me.dium relaunched as OneRiot, a more simplified version of their social search product. OneRiot dispenses with the detailed buzz metrics and instead reorders results based on user interaction with web pages. Any search that includes results that are currently trending up in terms of popularity will be designated “Today’s Pulse,” and be marked with either an “Emerging,” “Surging,” or “Raging” icon, as well as an icon depicting the average time users spend on the site.

本周,Me.dium重新发布为OneRiot ,这是其社交搜索产品的简化版本。 OneRiot免除了详细的嗡嗡声指标,而是根据用户与网页的交互对结果进行重新排序。 如果搜索结果的受欢迎程度目前呈上升趋势,则将其指定为“ Today's Pulse”,并标有“ Emerging”,“ Surging”或“ Raging”图标以及描述平均值的图标用户在网站上花费的时间。

“When you search with OneRiot, you’re finding the pulse of the Web,” said Kimbal Musk, CEO of OneRiot in a press release. “The OneRiot community — a group of more than 2 million people — share what’s important to them as they surf. They help us find the freshest stuff to read or watch in relation to any search query.”

“使用OneRiot进行搜索时,您会发现网络的脉动,” OneRiot首席执行官Kimbal Musk在一份新闻稿中说。 “ OneRiot社区由200万人组成,他们在冲浪时分享对他们而言重要的内容。 他们可以帮助我们找到与任何搜索查询相关的最新阅读或观看内容。”

A search for [George Bush], for example, returns a set of results that are currently popular, including a YouTube video of a recent speech and a pair of recent news articles. On Google, the same search brings up the US president’s Wikipedia page and the official page of the White House — good information, but not helpful if you’re looking for anything a bit more recent.

例如,搜索[ 乔治·布什 ( George Bush) ]会返回一组当前很流行的结果,包括最近演讲的YouTube视频和两条最新新闻。 在Google上,相同的搜索会显示美国总统的Wikipedia页面和白宫的官方页面-很好的信息,但是如果您最近的搜索内容无济于事。

OneRiot is pushing a Firefox addon called the PulseChecker that will give popularity and duration on site measurements for any page on the web. Presumably, that’s also how they’ll continue to gather user data as well, now that Me.dium is kaput.

OneRiot正在推出一个名为PulseChecker的Firefox插件 ,它将为网络上的任何页面提供流行度和持续时间。 据推测,既然Me.dium是kaput,他们也将继续收集用户数据。

OneRiot is something like the Nielsen TV ratings system for the web. It’s an interesting approach to search, and one that some people might find useful, but it’s hardly a game changer. OneRiot might be able to highlight buzzy content for searchers better and more quickly than the major search engines, but the bad news for the Boulder, Colorado-based startup is that the major search engines have access to the same data (better data, even).

OneRiot类似于Nielsen TV的网络收视系统。 这是一种有趣的搜索方法,有些人可能会觉得有用,但这几乎不能改变游戏规则。 与主要搜索引擎相比,OneRiot可能能够更好,更快地向搜索者突出显示嗡嗡声内容,但对于这家位于科罗拉多州Boulder的初创公司而言,坏消息是主要搜索引擎可以访问相同的数据(甚至是更好的数据) 。

If this type of search engine winds up appealing to consumers, it wouldn’t be hard for Google to switch in popularity metrics from their Google Toolbar product — which has a lot more users than OneRiot’s. In fact, we reported in July that researchers at Microsoft are working on a search ranking algorithm that does exactly that — ranks pages based on how users are currently interacting them.

如果这种类型的搜索引擎吸引了众多消费者,那么Google可以从其Google工具栏产品中转换受欢迎程度指标,而该工具的用户比OneRiot的用户要多得多。 实际上,我们在7月份曾报道说,微软的研究人员正在研究一种搜索排名算法,正是这种算法可以根据用户当前与页面的交互方式对页面进行排名。

