
tech2024-02-19  92

YouTube announced this evening a new money-making endeavor called Click-to-Buy that puts shopping links below some partner videos. Launch partners for the new program are EMI, who are putting links to AmazonMP3 and iTunes below some of their music videos, and Electronic Arts, who are putting links to Amazon below game videos for the new Spore video game.

YouTube今晚宣布了一项名为“点击购买”的新赚钱活动,该交易将购物链接置于一些合作伙伴视频的下方。 这项新计划的启动合作伙伴是EMI,他们将与AmazonMP3和iTunes的链接放在其某些音乐视频的下面,而Electronic Arts则将与Amazon的链接置于新的Spore视频游戏的游戏视频的下面。

The implementation is pretty rudimentary — text or button graphic links below specific videos — but YouTube hints that there is a more robust platform coming. “This is just the beginning of building a broad, viable eCommerce platform for users and partners on YouTube. Our vision is to help partners across all industries — from music, to film, to print, to TV — offer useful and relevant products to a large, yet targeted audience, and generate additional revenue from their content on YouTube beyond the advertising we serve against their videos,” wrote YouTube’s Glenn Brown and Thai Tran in a blog post.

该实现非常简单(特定视频下方的文本或按钮图形链接),但YouTube暗示即将推出更强大的平台。 “这仅仅是为YouTube上的用户和合作伙伴构建广泛,可行的电子商务平台的开始。 我们的愿景是帮助音乐,电影,印刷,电视等各行各业的合作伙伴向大量但有针对性的受众群体提供有用且相关的产品,并从我们在YouTube上投放的广告中获得更多收益他们的视频”,YouTube的Glenn Brown和Thai Tran在博客中写道。

According to YouTube, we will start seeing product links on user generated content as well from partners who “claim” videos using the site’s content management system. For now, product links are only available in the US and on a select handful of music videos and game videos.

根据YouTube的说法,我们将开始看到用户生成的内容上的产品链接,以及使用网站的内容管理系统“声明”视频的合作伙伴。 目前,产品链接仅在美国以及部分音乐视频和游戏视频中可用。

Adding product links has a very low risk to reward, so it makes sense to try it out — especially with TiVo about to launch a video ad blocker for the PC (though I wonder how many people will really go for a $99 piece of hardware just to block a few 15 second commercials on Hulu). YouTube’s implementation of the ads themselves, however, leaves a lot to desired.

添加产品链接获得奖励的风险非常低,因此尝试一下很有意义-尤其是在TiVo 即将为PC 推出视频广告拦截器的情况下(尽管我想知道有多少人会真正愿意花99美元购买一块硬件?封锁Hulu上的15秒钟广告)。 然而,YouTube对广告本身的实施还有很多不足之处。

I’d suggest Google check out the television and web video product placement platform being developed by Minnesota-based Evenhere. I got a demo of Evenhere’s platform from the company’s founder Brian Rogers a couple of week’s ago at the EmTech conference in Massachusetts.

我建议Google查看位于明尼苏达州的Evenhere正在开发的电视和网络视频产品放置平台。 几周前,我在马萨诸塞州的EmTech会议上从公司创始人Brian Rogers获得了Evenhere平台的演示。

Evenhere is developing a click-to-buy product placement solution for video on the web and on television that allows the consumer to purchase pretty much anything they see on screen — from the paint on the walls to the clothes the actors are wearing to the music playing on the soundtrack, pretty much anything can be made for sale. Users click to bring up a ribbon display that runs along the bottom of the screen and displays anything in the current scene that’s for sale. At any time they can pause what they’re watching and get more information on a product or order it.

Evenhere正在开发一种点击购买的产品放置解决方案,用于在网络和电视上播放视频,使消费者可以购买他们在屏幕上看到的几乎所有东西-从墙上的油漆到演员所穿的衣服再到音乐。播放配乐时,几乎所有东西都可以出售。 用户单击以弹出功能区显示,该功能区显示在屏幕底部,并显示当前场景中要出售的所有内容。 他们可以随时暂停正在观看的节目,并获得有关产品的更多信息或订购该产品。

Evenhere has developed a web-based Flash version of their product for web video, and as I understand it, also hopes to get their software integrated with set-top boxes for use with broadcast or cable television and film.


The software was rather impressive and could be a hit with users. It’s unobtrusive — since it only exposes itself when the user wants it there — and for that reason it is based on user intent, which may increase the likelihood of conversion. The other day, for example, I was watching a movie with my girlfriend and she asked if I liked the sweater that one of the actors was wearing. Imagine if we could have paused the movie to find out where to purchase that exact sweater — and even ordered it right then if the price was right.

该软件令人印象深刻,并且可能会受到用户的欢迎。 这并不引人注目-因为它只在用户需要时才公开它本身-因此,它是基于用户意图的,这可能会增加转换的可能性。 例如,前一天,我和女友一起看电影,她问我是否喜欢其中一位演员穿着的毛衣。 想象一下,如果我们可以停下来看电影,找出在哪里可以买到这件毛衣,甚至在价格合适的情况下也可以订购。

The bad news is that product placement is actually down 15% between the first half of 2007 and 2008 on television. But robust click-to-buy platforms like the one Evenhere is developing offer product placement opportunities that have never existed. Everything from appliances to furniture to clothing to music to electronics could be up for sale in sitcoms, movies, and web shorts. That’s pretty cool, and it sure beats the pants off of YouTube’s iTunes link buttons.

坏消息是,从2007年上半年到2008年,电视上的产品展示位置实际上下降了 15%。 但是,像Eveneven这样的强大的点击购买平台正在开发,它提供了前所未有的产品放置机会。 从家用电器到家具,从服装到音乐再到电子产品,所有东西都可以在情景喜剧,电影和网络短裤中出售。 这很酷,而且肯定可以击败YouTube的iTunes链接按钮。

