
tech2024-02-19  94


At the SxSW 2009 conference last week, I caught Patrick O’Keefe, author of Managing Online Forums (and known as iFroggy in the SitePoint Forums), present on the Adobe Day Stage about the importance of managing and responding to user feedback.

在上周的SxSW 2009大会上,我发现了“ 管理在线论坛” (在SitePoint论坛中被称为iFroggy )的作者Patrick O'Keefe在Adobe Day Stage上发表了有关管理和响应用户反馈的重要性的演讲。

His four steps to success?


1. Show appreciation. Genuinely thank the person who took the time out of their day to provide feedback to you. For every one person that responds, there are 99 others that don’t, so the best way to encourage feedback is to be grateful when you receive it.

1.表示赞赏 。 衷心感谢抽出宝贵时间向您提供反馈意见的人。 对于每一个做出回应的人,还有99个人没有做出回应,因此,鼓励反馈的最好方法是在收到反馈时感激不尽。

2. Pause and consider. Rather than just blurting out the first thought you have, take a breather and lay out a well-crafted response. Being blunt, direct, or outright saying “no” is often the worst course of action.

2.暂停并考虑。 与其喘口气,并提出精心设计的回应,不如说出您的第一个想法。 直率,直率或直截了当地说“不”通常是最糟糕的行动。

3. Consideration. Useful nuggets of feedback are often hiding in otherwise unpleasant messages. Take some time to consider the feedback being given, and see if there’s a useful, actionable “take away” that you can salvage from what you might otherwise have dismissed.

3.考虑。 有用的反馈块通常隐藏在不愉快的消息中。 花一些时间考虑给出的反馈,看看是否有有用的,可行的“解决方法”,您可以从原本可以驳回的内容中解脱出来。

That said, it’s a waste of time to let trolls paint your worldview, let alone become involved in heated arguments with anonymous online identities.


4. Respond. It’s important to acknowledge and respond to every piece of feedback that you receive. And it’s vital to be honest in your response, while carefully balancing that against a person’s expectations.

4.回应。 确认并响应收到的每条反馈非常重要。 诚实应对您的意见,同时谨慎地将其与个人期望值进行平衡,这一点至关重要。

Never use harsh criticism when responding to feedback, for example, “That doesn’t make sense — it’s something that we would never do.” Instead, respond with “After consideration, we’ve decided that we’re unable to pursue this at this time, but we may come back to it again in the future.”

回应反馈时, 切勿严厉批评,例如:“这没有道理-这是我们永远不会做的事情。” 相反,回答“在考虑之后,我们已决定目前无法进行此操作,但是将来我们可能会再来一次。”

When it comes to setting expectations, Patrick notes that his own forums are without a Feedback and Suggestions forum. This is simply because they frequently evolve into dozens of community members supporting an idea, only to have their hopes dashed when action fails to happen. It can be because of competing priorities, or the administrator thinks it’s not in the best long-term interest of the community.

关于设定期望,Patrick指出他自己的论坛没有反馈和建议论坛。 这仅仅是因为他们经常演变成数十个支持某个想法的社区成员,而当行动失败时,他们的希望就破灭了。 可能是因为优先级的竞争,或者是管理员认为这不符合社区的最佳长期利益。

Ultimately, how you respond to feedback will greatly impact loyalty and the sense of community around your content and brand.



