
tech2024-02-19  80


Spam on Twitter has apparently become a fairly large problem. I’ve never really noticed it, but I also only have a couple of hundred followers, so maybe I’m not visible enough to be a target. Before its founder got disillusioned by Twitter’s downtime woes, the unofficial Twitter Blacklist site identified 561 known Twitter spammers — most of whom have been removed.

Twitter上的垃圾邮件显然已经成为一个很大的问题。 我从来没有真正注意到它,但是我也只有几百个追随者 ,所以也许我没有足够的知名度成为目标。 在其创始人因Twitter的宕机灾难而幻灭之前,非官方的Twitter黑名单网站确定了561个已知的Twitter垃圾邮件发送者-其中大多数已被删除。

Today, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone announced that they’re going to start getting really tough with spammers. Twitter announced on their blog three new spam fighting measures:

今天,Twitter的联合创始人Biz Stone宣布,他们将开始对垃圾邮件发送者变得越来越难。 Twitter 在其博客上宣布了三种新的打击垃圾邮件措施:

Suspended Accounts – Twitter has developed a new internal administration tool that will make it easier to quickly suspend abusive accounts. In May, Twitter said that they would begin removing offending accounts that have been flagged as potential spammers, and contact account owners to allow them to plead their case.

暂停帐户 – Twitter开发了一种新的内部管理工具,可以使快速暂停滥用帐户变得更加容易。 Twitter在5月份表示,他们将开始删除被标记为潜在垃圾邮件发送者的违法帐户 ,并与帐户所有者联系以允许他们为案件辩护。

Community Powered Alerts – Stone also announced that their admin tools will now automatically track accounts that have been blocked by other users. The more people who block an account the more red flags will be raised as that account belonging to a possible spammer or other TOS abuser.

由社区提供的警报 – Stone还宣布,他们的管理工具现在将自动跟踪已被其他用户阻止的帐户。 阻止帐户的人越多,由于该帐户属于可能的垃圾邮件发送者或其他TOS滥用者,因此会引发更多的危险信号。

Dedicated Personnel – The change that perhaps shows their biggest commitment to fighting spam is the announcement that Twitter is hiring a full-time, dedicated staff person to deal with spam. “Our first ‘spam marshal’ is starting at Twitter next week,” writes Stone.

专门人员 –这项更改可能表明他们在打击垃圾邮件方面的最大承诺是宣布Twitter招聘了专职的专职人员来处理垃圾邮件。 斯通写道:“我们的第一个“垃圾邮件统帅”将于下周在Twitter上发布。”

Spam at social media utilities is always a huge problem. The MySpace Developer Team announced protocol today for dealing with abusive applications, for example. And Facebook routinely changes the rules that its applications must follow in an effort to cut down on application spam in its News Feed.

社交媒体工具中的垃圾邮件始终是一个巨大的问题。 例如,MySpace开发人员团队今天宣布了处理滥用应用程序的协议 。 而且,Facebook会定期更改其应用程序必须遵循的规则,以减少其新闻源中的应用程序垃圾邮件。

Spam has already overrun the most popular web communication tool: email, to the tune of 90-95% of all users. The reason spammers continue to spam, is that it is a surprisingly effective way to make money. A report from security firm Marshal found that 29% of users have purchased something from spam email — 29%!

垃圾邮件已经超越了最受欢迎的网络通信工具:电子邮件, 占所有用户的90-95% 。 垃圾邮件发送者继续发送垃圾邮件的原因是,这是一种令人惊讶的有效赚钱方式。 安全公司Marshal的报告发现,有29%的用户已经从垃圾邮件中购买了商品 -29%!

Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other social networks would definitely lose their appeal if 95% of the messages sent across them were from spammers. It’s nice to see the owners of popular social utilities taking spam so seriously and trying to keep it in check so they don’t meet the same fate as email.

如果Twitter,Facebook,MySpace和其他社交网络上发送的消息中有95%来自垃圾邮件发送者,它们肯定会失去吸引力。 很高兴看到流行的社会公用事业的所有者如此认真地对待垃圾邮件,并试图对其进行检查,以使他们不会遇到与电子邮件相同的命运。


