
tech2024-02-19  89

Paul Boutin, a writer for Silicon Valley gossip blog Valleywag caused a stir today when he published a piece of linkbait in Wired advising people to pull the plug on their blogs.

硅谷八卦博客Valleywag的作家保罗· 鲍汀( Paul Boutin)今天在《连线》杂志上发表了一篇链接诱饵,建议人们在博客上插上插头,引起了轰动。

“Writing a weblog today isn’t the bright idea it was four years ago. The blogosphere, once a freshwater oasis of folksy self-expression and clever thought, has been flooded by a tsunami of paid bilge,” he writes “Cut-rate journalists and underground marketing campaigns now drown out the authentic voices of amateur wordsmiths. It’s almost impossible to get noticed, except by hecklers.”

“今天写博客并不是四年前的好主意。 他曾经写道:“博客圈曾经是淡淡的民俗自我表达和聪明思想的绿洲,但如今已被有偿舱底的海啸淹没了。”他写道:“低价的记者和地下营销活动现在淹没了业余文字匠的真实声音。 除了he锁者,几乎不可能被注意到。”

That’s certainly rich coming from someone who writes for Valleywag — the perennial home of cut-rate journalists and paid bilge (a gig that Boutin called his “dream job” in June). As proof that blogging is dead, Boutin offers up two pieces of evidence: Uber blogger Robert Scoble now mostly “focuses on posting videos and Twitter updates,” rather than blogging, he says, and Jason Calacanis — the man who made blogging cool with Weblogs, Inc. and made a mint doing it — has “retired” because blogging is “too big, too impersonal, and lacks […] intimacy.”

那当然是从为Valleywag写文章的人那里获得的。Valleywag是常年打折的记者和有偿工作的家(Boutin在6月份称他为“ 梦想中的工作 ”)。 为了证明博客已经死了,Boutin提供了两点证据:他说,Uber博客罗伯特·斯科布尔现在主要是“专注于发布视频和Twitter更新”,而不是写博客,而杰森·卡拉卡尼斯(Jason Calacanis)就是用Weblogs使博客变得很酷的人。 ,Inc.并为此而造币厂-已“退休”,因为博客“太大,太缺乏个性并且缺乏亲密关系。”

Calacanis, though, is a master of self-promotion. Quitting blogging was a stunt, and he still gets just as much traction in the blogosphere on the ideas he publishes through his email newsletter as he did on his personal blog. Calacanis didn’t quit blogging, he just publishes his blog via email now. Scoble, meanwhile, still blogs everyday — he put up four posts yesterday (I’m convinced he’s actually some sort of robot, though, so maybe he’s a bad example). The point is: Boutin’s evidence is weak.

但是,加拉加尼人是自我促进的大师。 放弃博客是一个绝技,而且他在博客领域仍然对通过电子邮件通讯发布的想法和在个人博客上发表的想法同样有兴趣。 Calacanis没有退出博客,他只是现在通过电子邮件发布他的博客。 同时,Scoble仍然每天写博客-他昨天发表了四篇文章(尽管我坚信他实际上是某种机器人,所以也许他是一个不好的例子)。 关键是:Boutin的证据薄弱。

According to the annual State of the Blogosphere report from Technorati, 12% of Americans blog, and blog traffic as a whole outweighs traffic to either MySpace or Facebook. 77% of all active Internet users read blogs — and many blogs are profitable, generating comfortable 5-figure incomes for those getting over 100,000 visits per month, and pulling in CPMs “on par with large publishers.”

根据Technorati的年度《世界徽标状况》报告,美国人中有12%的博客,而博客流量整体上超过了MySpace或Facebook的流量。 在所有活跃的互联网用户中,有77%的人阅读博客-而且许多博客都是盈利的,为每月访问量超过100,000的用户产生了可观的5位数字的收入,并且获得了“与大型发布商相当的”每千次展示费用。

To me that paints a picture of a blogosphere that is far from its deathbed.


One thing Boutin says does strike at an important issue that is facing the blogosphere, though.


When blogging was young, enthusiasts rode high, with posts quickly skyrocketing to the top of Google’s search results for any given topic, fueled by generous links from fellow bloggers. In 2002, a search for “Mark” ranked Web developer Mark Pilgrim above author Mark Twain. That phenomenon was part of what made blogging so exciting. No more.

博客年轻时,发烧友热情高涨,在其他博客作者的慷慨链接的推动下,针对任何给定主题的帖子Swift飙升至Google搜索结果的顶部。 2002年,对“ Mark”的搜索使网络开发人员Mark Pilgrim排名高于作家Mark Twain。 这种现象是使博客如此令人兴奋的部分原因。 不再。

If we can ignore that it is probably a good thing that Google no longer thinks Mark Pilgrim is more important then Mark Twain (with all due respect to Mr. Pilgrim), Boutin has unwittingly struck a real issue here. There are some who feel that the link economy that drives the blogosphere is broken.

如果我们可以忽略Google不再认为Mark Pilgrim比Mark Twain更重要(这是对Pilgrim先生的一切应有的尊重),这可能是一件好事,那么Boutin不知不觉中就碰到了一个真正的问题。 有些人认为驱动博客圈的链接经济已被打破 。

Less and less are bloggers linking to one another, instead linking back to their own, in-house content. This is something I wrote about in August (irony alert: I just linked to myself). “The reason for this type of internal linking is easy to fathom: the more you can keep people on your site, the more money you can make off them by serving them advertising,” I wrote. “But it can also be dangerous for the web, as it leads to the creation of information silos that decrease the utility of the web for users by exposing them to only one point of view and data source.”

越来越少的博客作者相互链接,而不是链接回自己的内部内容。 这是我在八月份写的 (讽刺的警惕:我只是和自己联系在一起)。 我写道:“这种内部链接的原因很容易理解:您可以将人们留在网站上的次数越多,通过向他们投放广告就可以使他们赚到更多的钱。” “但是它对于网络也可能是危险的,因为它导致信息孤岛的创建,通过将用户仅暴露于一个视角和数据源,从而降低了网络对用户的实用性。”

When Boutin talks about it being harder for quality content from lesser known blog authors to bubble up to the top, what he’s noticing is the slow death of the link economy. Links are the lifeblood of the blogosphere, and bloggers need to return to the practice of linking out to external sources and other bloggers.

当Boutin谈论鲜为人知的博客作者提供的高质量内容很难冒出顶峰时,他注意到链接经济的缓慢消亡。 链接是博客圈的命脉,博客作者需要回到链接到外部资源和其他博客作者的做法。

In August I published the link policy that I use here at SitePoint. It is republished below.

8月,我发布了在SitePoint上使用的链接策略。 它在下面重新发布。

Always link out to as many sources as you can to provide the reader with further reading and to strengthen your argument.

始终链接到尽可能多的资源,以为读者提供进一步的阅读并加强论点。 Only link internally if the article provides the context you are looking for (i.e., don’t link to yourself solely to give your content a link — only do it when it makes sense).

仅当文章提供您要查找的上下文时才在内部进行链接(即,不要仅为了给您的内容提供链接就链接到您自己-仅在有意义时才进行链接)。 Never link to an article about a company rather than the company itself — readers don’t want to click on a company name and be brought to previous coverage, they’re clicking on that link to get to the company’s web site, so get them there. (For larger companies, like Google, or companies that are mentioned only in passing and aren’t a focus of the post I may forgo linking altogether.)

永远不要链接到有关公司而不是公司本身的文章-读者不想单击公司名称并进入以前的报道,而是单击该链接以访问公司的网站,因此获取他们那里。 (对于较大的公司(例如Google),或仅是顺便提及而又不在本文关注范围内的公司,我可能完全不予链接。)

There are other reasons for internal linking, such as trusting your own content under deadline and knowing that your links will have longevity, but as CNET’s Charles Cooper wrote earlier this month: “Link etiquette is basic to the integrity of the ongoing conversation in the blogosphere.”

内部链接还有其他原因 ,例如在截止日期前信任您自己的内容,并且知道您的链接将具有长寿,但正如CNET的Charles Cooper本月早些时候所写的那样:“链接礼节对于博客圈中正在进行的对话的完整性至关重要。 。”

The blogosphere was built on links, and it if wants to avoid the death that Boutin so prematurely announced, bloggers must continue to link to one another and not create silos around their information.


Thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

有什么想法吗? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/blogging-isnt-dead-but-linking-may-be-broken/
