
tech2024-02-19  92


A blog post from Compete reveals that when you do a little finagling to the stats, it is Yahoo! that actually does better at sending paid clicks. What Compete’s Alex Patriquin found was that Google dominates paid clicks when you look at the ratio of paid referrals to total search queries. In that case, Google in the last quarter was able to convert 3.4% of all searches into paid referrals. Yahoo! on the other hand, only did so for 2.6% of searches.

Compete的博客文章显示,当您对统计数据稍作改动时,它就是Yahoo!。 实际上在发送付费点击方面做得更好。 Compete的Alex Patriquin发现,当您查看付费推荐与总搜索查询的比率时,Google主导了付费点击。 在这种情况下,Google在上一季度能够将所有搜索的3.4%转换为付费推荐。 雅虎! 另一方面,只有2.6%的搜索结果如此。

However, many searches don’t result in a click of any kind, says Patriquin. Take this Google search for [ounces in a shot], for example. Google returns the the answer via a handy conversion calculator on top of the SERPs. “There are many similar examples of queries where the SERP itself provides the desired information, such as looking up phone numbers, locations, word spellings, definitions, etc.,” writes Patriquin. “Sometimes, the desired information can also be found in the text snippets below each result.”

但是,Patriquin说,许多搜索都不会带来任何点击。 例如,以此Google搜索来搜索[ 盎司 ]。 Google通过SERP上方的便捷转换计算器返回答案。 “有许多类似的查询示例,其中SERP本身提供了所需的信息,例如查找电话号码,位置,单词拼写,定义等,” Patriquin写道。 “有时,您还可以在每个结果下方的文本摘要中找到所需的信息。”

So there is a percentage of all searches that don’t result in any sort of referral — paid or natural. Thus, argues Patriquin, the more appropriate measure of paid search success is the percentage of paid search referrals out of the total number of referrals, not searches.

因此,在所有搜索中有一定比例的搜索结果不会导致任何形式的推荐(付费或自然推荐)。 因此,帕特里金(Patriquin)认为,付费搜索成功的更恰当的衡量标准是付费搜索推荐量占推荐总数 (而非搜索总数 )的百分比。

In that metric, Yahoo! is the clear leader. In Q3 2008, Yahoo!’s paid referral rate was 5.1%, while Google’s was 4.8%. Yahoo! has lead in this metric the last three quarters. Why? Because Yahoo! apparently does a better job of leading users on a wild goose chase. That same search for [ounces in a shot] returns a paid results from Calibex and BizRate, rather than a conversation calculator.

按照该指标,Yahoo! 是明确的领导者。 在2008年第三季度,雅虎的付费推荐率为5.1%,而谷歌为4.8%。 雅虎! 在过去三个季度中,该指标均处于领先地位。 为什么? 因为雅虎! 显然,在追赶野鹅方面更好地领导了用户。 对[ 盎司 ]的相同搜索将返回Calibex和BizRate的付费结果,而不是对话计算器。

“For users, it’s great to get the desired information right there on the SERP, without having to click-through to another page,” says Patriquin. “For search engines, it’s a missed opportunity to monetize a search.”

“对于用户而言,在SERP上获得所需的信息非常好,而无需单击到另一页面,” Patriquin说。 “对于搜索引擎而言,这是一次无法通过搜索获利的机会。”

However, this study is actually a good window into what Yahoo! gets wrong. Even though, as Patriquin says, “volume and average revenue per paid referral being equal, Yahoo! would make more money in paid search,” the fact is that they’re not equal, and the reason boils down to user experience. For the search mentioned above, both Google and Yahoo! deliver the same link first in their natural results, but the experience on Google is far, far superior.

但是,这项研究实际上是了解Yahoo! 弄错了。 尽管正如Patriquin所说,“每次付费推介的数量和平均收入是相等的,但Yahoo! 将会在付费搜索中赚到更多的钱,”事实是它们并不相等,其原因归结为用户体验。 对于上述搜索,Google和Yahoo! 在自然结果中首先提供相同的链接,但在Google上的体验却远非如此。

Yahoo! delivers more paid referrals on a percentage basis, but their slice of the pie is so much smaller than Google’s that they don’t make as much money.

雅虎! 按百分比提供更多的付费推荐,但是他们所占的份额比Google小得多,因此他们赚的钱不多。

“These findings should still give heart to Yahoo!,” argues Patriquin, “which has taken a drubbing the press and the markets on the conventional wisdom that it’s inferior to Google in monetizing searches. As we have seen, when we take out those searches that don’t qualify for monetization, the old Purple & Yellow actually leads the field.”

帕特里金说:“这些发现仍然应该让雅虎心动!”帕特里昆说,由于传统上认为它在通过搜索引擎获利方面不如谷歌,这已经吸引了媒体和市场。 正如我们所看到的,当我们剔除那些不符合获利条件的搜索时,老的Purple&Yellow实际上是领头羊。”

But he’s wrong. His report actually lends further proof to what consumers have long ago decided: the experience at Google is just better. Yahoo!’s better paid search conversion rate is due to the fact that their search results are less useful for consumers. As long as there remains that user experience gap, Yahoo! will never be able to catch up to Google in search.

但是他错了。 他的报告实际上为消费者很久以前的决定提供了进一步的证据:谷歌的体验更好。 Yahoo!的付费搜索转换率更高是因为它们的搜索结果对消费者的用处不大。 只要仍然存在用户体验差距,Yahoo! 将永远无法赶上Google的搜索量。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/yahoo-actually-leads-in-paid-search/

