
tech2024-02-20  95

A paper published this July’s issue of “First Monday,” a journal exploring Internet issues put out by the University of Illinois at Chicago, details an interesting project called CenSEARCHip. Created by Mark Meiss and Filippo Menczer of the University of Indiana, CenSEARCHip is a search engine that creates visualizations of results for the same search terms as seen by citizens in different countries. For example, one could compare Google results from China with those from the United States.

伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校出版的一本探讨互联网问题的期刊,刊登于今年7月的“第一个星期一”期刊上,该论文详细介绍了一个有趣的项目CenSEARCHip 。 CenSEARCHip由印第安纳大学的Mark Meiss和Filippo Menczer创建,是一个搜索引擎,可以为来自不同国家的公民看到的相同搜索词创建结果可视化。 例如,可以将来自中国的Google结果与来自美国的Google结果进行比较。

The idea is to make it easier to visualize the effects of censorship policies on search engines and knowledge discovery online. “Hundreds of millions of users around the world must contend with state censorship of Internet content,” writes the pair. “This censorship may occur by executive order or democratic legislation. In either case, users face a problem beyond simply being denied access to information. They cannot be sure when censorship is taking place and how it affects what they see.”

这样做的目的是使可视化审查政策对搜索引擎和在线知识发现的影响更加容易。 该对人士写道:“全球数以亿计的用户必须应对互联网内容的国家审查制度。” “这种审查可能通过行政命令或民主立法进行。 无论哪种情况,用户都面临着一个问题,不仅仅是被拒绝访问信息。 他们无法确定何时进行审查,以及审查如何影响他们所见。”

CenSEARCHip compares the top 10 or so results from Yahoo! or Google in two countries and creates a tag cloud based on those results. The tag clouds are displayed side by side, which the authors say allow users to give “attention to the features of greatest difference” between the two sets of results, and “judge for themselves whether those differences are important.” The same thing can be done for image search (as above).

CenSEARCHip比较Yahoo!的前10个左右结果。 或Google在两个国家/地区,并根据这些结果创建标签云。 标签云并排显示,作者说,这使用户可以“关注两组结果之间最大的差异”,并“自己判断这些差异是否重要”。 对于图像搜索,可以完成相同的操作(如上所述)。

Meiss and Menczer concede that differences in results aren’t necessarily indicative of censorship — they could just be “due to geographic location and culture,” or other factors. However, using CenSEARCHip to compare differences in culture is also interesting, so their project has value as a comparative tool regardless of what the cause of discrepancies between search results.

Meiss和Menczer承认,结果的差异并不一定表示审查制度-它们可能只是“由于地理位置和文化”或其他因素所致。 但是,使用CenSEARCHip比较文化差异也很有趣,因此,无论什么原因导致搜索结果差异,他们的项目都具有作为比较工具的价值。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/censearchip-visually-comparing-the-effects-of-online-censorship/
