
tech2024-02-20  89

BlogTalkRadio, a two year old company from New Jersey, literally gives a voice to thousands of bloggers each month by allowing anyone to host their own live radio call-in show for free. Since it was founded in 2006, the site has broadcast over 140,000 Internet radio shows and reaches over 3.5 million listeners each month.

来自新泽西州的成立两年的BlogTalkRadio ,通过允许任何人免费主持自己的直播广播节目,每月实际上向数千名博客发表声音。 自2006年成立以来,该网站已播出了140,000多个互联网广播节目,每月达到350万听众。

What sets BlogTalkRadio apart from competitors, beyond the superior tools that allow hosts to do things like accept calls via telephone or VoIP live or screen callers before putting them on air, is the social network that the site has built around its content. CEO Alan Levy gave me a tour of the site earlier this week.

该网站围绕其内容构建了一个社交网络,这使BlogTalkRadio在竞争者中脱颖而出,其强大的工具使主持人能够在通过电话或VoIP直播或屏幕呼叫者进行广播之前接受呼叫,这是该网站所无法比拟的。 首席执行官艾伦·利维(Alan Levy)在本周早些时候对我进行了访问。

BlogTalkRadio’s 5,000 hosts can use the site to connect with listeners even when they’re not broadcasting via a built-in MySpace-like social network. Each user has a control panel with a news feed keying them into the type of things their friends are listening to or when they’re broadcasting new shows. BlogTalkRadio also offers embeddable widgets that allow hosts to stream their shows live on any other web page or social network profile — so they can interact with listeners from anywhere.

即使不通过内置MySpace之类的社交网络进行广播,BlogTalkRadio的5,000位主持人也可以使用该网站与收听者建立联系。 每个用户都有一个带有新闻提要的控制面板,可将其键入他们的朋友正在收听的内容或正在广播新节目时的键入。 BlogTalkRadio还提供了可嵌入的小部件,使主机可以在其他任何网页或社交网络配置文件上实时直播其节目,因此它们可以与来自任何地方的听众进行交互。

About 600 shows per day stream across the BlogTalkRadio servers, 100 or so simultaneously on air during peak times, and the company has amassed a fairly impressive list of clients and guests. Radio shows are being hosted by Sun, CNN’s, Fox News, Intel, and the US Department of Defense, and guests and hosts have included film directors Oliver Stone and Brian de Palma, actors Frank Caliendo, Brad Pitt, and Jennifer Hudson, startup founders Craig Newmark and Matt Mullenweg, and politician John McCain.

每天在BlogTalkRadio服务器上流播大约600个节目,在高峰时段同时播出100个左右的节目,该公司已经积累了相当可观的客户和来宾列表。 广播节目由Sun,CNN的,Fox News,Intel和美国国防部主持,来宾和主持人包括电影导演Oliver Stone和Brian de Palma,演员Frank Caliendo,Brad Pitt和Jennifer Hudson。 ,初创公司创始人Craig Newmark和Matt Mullenweg以及政治人物John McCain。

But it is the long tail content that BlogTalkRadio is amassing that makes the site shine. There are over 70 categories of content at BlogTalkRadio and someone is broadcasting live 24/7 — there is really something for everyone on the site. Often, it is the small, independent publishers that land the biggest scoops and the most compelling guests. Levy told me that BlogTalkRadio has begun rolling up some of the most successful user generated content into themed channels that schedule archived versions of live daily or weekly shows into specific time blocks — much like a traditional radio station. So far, the site has two channels of political banter, one for fantasy sports, and one called the “FlyLady Channel” — I’m not really sure what that one is about.

但是,使BlogTalkRadio积累的正是长尾内容,使网站大放异彩。 BlogTalkRadio上有70多个类别的内容,有人正在24/7全天直播–网站上的每个人确实都有一些东西。 通常,规模较小,独立的发行商会吸引最多的新闻和最吸引人的访客。 Levy告诉我,BlogTalkRadio已开始将一些用户最成功生成的内容汇总到主题频道中 ,这些频道将每天或每周的直播节目的存档版本安排到特定的时间段内,就像传统的广播电台一样。 到目前为止,该网站有两个政治玩笑频道,一个是幻想体育频道,一个是“ FlyLady频道”,我不确定那是什么。

BlogTalkRadio makes money in two ways: 1. advertising, banner ads it places on the site itself, and pre- and post-roll audio ads placed on some broadcasts, with revenue shared with hosts, and 2. via premium services. Some of BlogTalkRadio’s corporate clients have a need to go beyond the free service and create their own branded radio stations, on top of which they can sell their own advertising. Premium services start at $7,500 per month, according to a sales sheet.

BlogTalkRadio可以通过两种方式获利:1.广告,放置在网站上的横幅广告,以及放置在某些广播上的前置和后置音频广告, 与主机共享收入;以及2.通过优质服务。 一些BlogTalkRadio的公司客户需要超越免费服务范围,并创建自己的品牌广播电台,并在其上出售自己的广告。 根据一份销售单,高级服务的起价为每月7500美元。

One of the next frontiers for the company, Levy told me, in addition to building out their channel content rollups, will be to get all of that long tail content they have indexed more easily found. Levy said that there is already a ton of valuable meta data about shows included on the BlogTalkRadio pages, but audio indexing will eventually make all of the BlogTalkRadio content searchable. As we’ve reported here in the past, speech-to-text is something that Google has already been playing with, and Levy tells me that he is talking to Google and others about indexing the BlogTalkRadio content audio archive.

Levy告诉我,该公司的下一个前沿领域,除了建立其频道内容汇总之外,还将是使他们更容易找到索引的所有长尾内容。 Levy说,BlogTalkRadio页面上已经包含了大量有关表演的有价值的元数据,但是音频索引最终将使所有BlogTalkRadio内容都可搜索。 正如我们过去在这里所报道的那样,语音转文本是Google 一直在使用的工具 ,而Levy告诉我,他正在与Google和其他人讨论将BlogTalkRadio内容音频档案编入索引。

Below author Paulo Coelho and actor Lawrence Fishburne discuss Coelho’s book The Alchemist and the upcoming movie adaptation on a BlogTalkRadio show in September.

下面,作者Paulo Coelho和演员Lawrence Fishburne在9月份的BlogTalkRadio节目中讨论了Coelho的书《炼金术士》和即将上映的电影改编作品。

