
tech2024-02-20  96


That’s the question of the week from AJAX developer Brad Neuberg and Ajaxian editor Dion Almaer. The “Open Web” is a term that’s been bandied about a lot over the past year or so, and semantically speaking, it’s starting to feel a lot like Web 2.0 — a term that everyone uses but no one can really define.

这是AJAX开发人员Brad Neuberg和Ajaxian编辑Dion Almaer提出的一周的问题。 “开放Web”这个术语在过去一年左右的时间里已经泛泛了很多,从语义上讲,它开始感觉很像Web 2.0-每个人都在使用,但没人能真正定义它。

Neuberg took a stab at it himself in April, with a long definition that defined the Open Web as “a set of philosophies.” Those philosophies included decentralization, transparency, hackability, openness, support for gift markets and traditional free markets, third-party integration, third-party innovation, the promotion of civil society and discourse, two-way communication, and end-user usability and integration.

诺伊贝格(Neuberg )于4月亲自对其进行了刺探,其定义很长,将开放式网络定义为“一套哲学”。 这些理念包括去中心化,透明,可破解性,开放性,对礼品市场和传统自由市场的支持,第三方集成,第三方创新,促进公民社会和话语,双向沟通以及最终用户的可用性和集成。

IF that sounds like a mouthful, it’s because it is. Neuberg’s attempt at defining the concept has gone a long way toward creating a concrete definition about the ideas that power the Open Web and how and when the term should be applied, but it is not the concise, easily repeatable definition that we all crave. Earlier this week, Neuberg sought an elevator pitch for the Open Web. He asked his readers for a definition that wasn’t a laundry list of bullet points, as his previous definition was, is just a couple of sentences long, and didn’t constrain the growth of the future web. Clear, concise, compact, complete is the type of definition the Open Web needs.

如果听起来像是满嘴,那是因为。 诺伊伯格(Neuberg)尝试定义这个概念,在为驱动Open Web的想法以及应使用该术语的方式和时间创建一个具体的定义方面已经走了很长的路要走,但这并不是我们都渴望的简洁,易于重复的定义。 本周早些时候,诺伊贝格(Neuberg)为Open Web寻找电梯 。 他要求读者提供一个定义,就像他以前的定义一样,它不是一个要点清单,只是几句话,而且没有限制未来网络的发展。 清晰,简洁,紧凑,完整是Open Web需要的定义类型。

“We toss around the term Open Web a bunch, but I’ve never seen it succinctly defined. What is it, and why do we support it? I believe its important and worth supporting but it’s all a bit fuzzy right now,” wrote Neuberg.

“我们把开放网络一词折腾了很多,但是我从来没有见过它的简洁定义。 这是什么,为什么我们支持它? 我相信它很重要,值得支持,但现在有点模糊了。

At SXSW in 2007, Brendan Eich from Mozilla defined the Open Web with his own short list of bullet points:

在2007年的SXSW上,Mozilla的Brendan Eich用他自己的要点列表定义了Open Web :

Unencumbered, Cross-Platform Standards

不受约束的跨平台标准 Open Source / Free Software Implementations

开源/免费软件实现 No Single-Vendor “Lock-In”

没有单厂商“锁定” User Innovation Network Effects

用户创新网络效应 Distributed Extensibility


Taken all together, Eich’s and Neuberg’s laundry list definitions are certainly not succinct. A clear, concise definition is important because defining important concepts like the Open Web help to solidify our vision of the future and how to get there. And the Open Web is important. As Kevin Dangoor wrote in April, “In the end, [the Open Web] all about the ability to ensure that the web will evolve in a way that serves the end users well.”

综上所述,Eich和Neuberg的洗衣清单定义当然不是很简洁。 清晰,简洁的定义非常重要,因为定义重要概念(例如Open Web)有助于巩固我们对未来以及如何实现未来的愿景。 开放网络很重要。 正如Kevin Dangoor在4月份写道: “最后,[开放式网络]的全部内容是确保网络以一种能够很好地服务于最终用户的方式发展的能力。”

So we’d like to turn it over to you. In the comments, give us your best definition of what the Open Web means.

因此,我们想将其交给您。 在评论中,给我们关于开放式Web含义的最佳定义。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/just-what-is-the-open-web/

