推荐系统 新闻 协同过滤

tech2024-02-20  97

推荐系统 新闻 协同过滤

Last week, citizen journalism took one on the chin when a false report about Steve Jobs’ health made its way onto the front page of CNN’s iReport site and caused Apple’s stock to temporarily plummet, sparking an SEC investigation. Many were quick use the incident to point out the shortcomings in so-called citizen journalism.

上周,当有关史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)健康状况的虚假报道进入CNN iReport网站的首页,并导致苹果股价暂时暴跌时,公民新闻引起了记者的关注。 许多人Swift利用这一事件指出了所谓的公民新闻学的缺点。

On commenter here characterized citizen journalism as something that he identifies with “wild, unchecked, unsourced reporting by anyone with an email address.” Clearly, that would be a problem if reports were published as reliable news without anyone checking the facts. But we shouldn’t discount the merits of citizen journalism out of hand.

这里的评论者将公民新闻业描述为他所识别的事物,“带有电子邮件地址的任何人都可以进行野蛮,未经检查,未经来源的报道。” 显然,如果将报告作为可靠的新闻发布而没有任何人检查事实,那将是一个问题。 但是,我们不应该失去公民新闻的优点。

Let’s also not get into the exact definition of citizen journalism and whether that includes professional bloggers — am I a citizen journalist? I have no journalism degree, but I’ve written for print magazines and newspapers. Who knows. The point I’ll try to make here is that citizen journalism has a place — even the wild, unchecked stuff — it just needs a filter.

我们也不要深入探讨公民新闻的确切定义,是否包括专业博客作者—我是公民记者吗? 我没有新闻学学位,但是我为印刷杂志和报纸写过书。 谁知道。 我将在这里尝试说明的一点是,公民新闻业有一个地方-甚至是未经检查的野蛮物品-只需一个过滤器即可。

实用程序示例 (Examples of Utility)

Citizen journalists have proven their worth more than a few times over the past couple of years. Last February, when there was a rare earthquake in the United Kingdom, reports broke over Twitter before the major news wires. The same thing happened a couple of months later during the disastrous and tragic Sichuan earthquake in China. The first reports came from people — essentially citizen journalists — in the affected area.

在过去的几年中,公民记者已经多次证明了自己的价值。 去年2月,在英国发生罕见地震时,有关Twitter的报道在主要新闻发布之前就传开了。 几个月后,在中国灾难性和悲惨的四川地震中,发生了同样的事情。 最初的报道来自受影响地区的人们,基本上是公民记者。

Last fall, when wildfires ravaged the California coast, citizen journalists with cell phone cameras and Twitter access were able to paint a broader picture of events as they happened than any mainstream news outlet ever could — there were simply more feet on the ground. “Current events in California have made the emerging symbiotic relationship between citizen journalists and the mainstream news media quite apparent,” I wrote at the time. “In order to report on the fires ravaging that part of the United States, many news outlets have solicited, and subsequently used, submissions from people capturing news with cell phone cameras and on blogs (and Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, etc.).”

去年秋天,当野火席卷加利福尼亚海岸时,拥有手机摄像头和Twitter访问权限的公民记者能够比任何主流新闻媒体更全面地描绘事件的发生情况-地面上的脚步更多。 “当时加利福尼亚州发生的事件使公民记者与主流新闻媒体之间新出现的共生关系非常明显,”我当时写道 。 “为了报道发生在美国那部分地区的大火,许多新闻媒体已经征集并随后使用了通过手机相机和博客(以及Twitter,Flickr,YouTube等)捕捉新闻的人们的投稿。 ”

The same relationship between citizen reports and mainstream filtering was apparent during the Missouri bridge collapse and Virginia Tech shootings earlier in the year — both of which received major contributions from regular people who were on the scene faster than trained reporters.


“The real contribution of citizen journalists in a story like [the California wildfires], where whole areas of land are closed off and the fields of greatest danger keep shifting, is in having more eyes on the ground,” Thomas Hollihan, a professor of media at the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California, told the Baltimore Sun last October. “Citizen journalists are swapping information back and forth – reporting where the flames are now headed or showing images on their cell phones of the fire. And with so much happening so quickly, that kind of information can be really powerful – if it is accurate.”

“在[加州野火]这样的故事中,公民记者的真正贡献在于,他们将更多的目光投向了地面。”去年十月,南加州大学安嫩伯格传播学院的媒体对巴尔的摩太阳报说。 “公民记者正在来回交换信息–报道火焰正朝何处去或在他们的手机上显示图像。 如此之快的事情发生了,这种信息可以是真正强大的-如果准确的话。”

关键是过滤器 (The Key is the Filter)

The reason the above examples were successful, is that the unsourced reports coming in from citizen journalists were subsequently filtered and (hopefully) verified by professional journalists. We expect a certain standard of professionalism in journalism and news reporting that includes fact checking, which simply can’t be met if we don’t know who is reporting and what their sources are.

上述示例之所以成功,是因为随后对来自公民新闻工作者的无来源报道进行了过滤,并希望由专业新闻工作者进行核实。 我们期望新闻和新闻报道具有一定的专业水准,其中包括事实检查,如果我们不知道谁在报道以及他们的消息来源是什么,那就无法满足。

However, clearly, citizen journalism has its uses.


“It may be a mistake for news organizations to keep begging people to send them stuff. That’s the way they think — centralized, controlling, exclusive,” writes Jeff Jarvis, who wonders if the Steve Jobs incident demonstrated citizen journalism’s failings or the mainstream media’s jealousies. “But the better structure may be for journalists to curate the best of what is out on the web. Rather than playing wack-a-mole on the occasional mistake/rumor/lie sent it, editors would better serve if they found the best content anywhere, not just among that which was sent to them.”

“对于新闻机构而言,不断乞求人们向他们发送东西可能是一个错误。 杰夫·贾维斯(Jeff Jarvis)写道 ,他们就是这样想的:集中,控制,排他性。史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)事件是否证明了公民新闻事业的失败或主流媒体的嫉妒心。 “但是更好的结构可能是让记者策划网络上最好的东西。 除了在偶尔发送的错误/谣言/谎言中扮演傻瓜角色,编辑人员最好在发现任何地方(而不只是发送给他们的内容)最佳内容的情况下提供服务。”

The keyword there is curate. Citizen journalism needs curators. Once the noise is sorted from the signal, Joe on the street corner with a cell phone camera can make significant contributions to the reporting of news and Mary in her living room and trust what she’s seeing.

那里的关键词是curate 。 公民新闻需要策展人。 一旦从信号中消除了噪音,街角的乔用手机摄像头就可以为新闻报道做出重大贡献,而玛丽在她的客厅里也可以放心,相信她所看到的一切。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/citizen-journalism-needs-a-filter/

推荐系统 新闻 协同过滤

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