
tech2024-02-20  110


Last week we published a list of five ways to fund your startup that didn’t follow the traditional “seek money from venture capitalists or angel investors first” route. This week, on the American Express OPEN Forum web site, entrepreneur and venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki wrote about his “Plan B for fundraising” that closely echoes some of the methods on our list.

上周,我们发布了五种方法来资助您的创业公司 ,这些方法没有遵循传统的“先从风险投资家或天使投资人那里寻求资金”的方式。 本周,企业家和风险投资家盖伊·川崎(Guy Kawasaki)在美国运通公开论坛(American Express OPEN Forum)网站上写了自己的“ 筹款计划B ”,与我们名单上的某些方法极为相似。

Kawasaki’s Plan B requires no traditional venture money until you need it, he says. And it has a lot less pressure attached than the traditional “Plan A” method of raising large amounts of capital from VCs or other investors.

他说,川崎的B计划在您需要之前不需要传统的风险投资。 与传统的“计划A”方法从风投或其他投资者筹集大量资金相比,它所承受的压力要小得多。

Rather, Kawasaki advises that entrepreneurs — and he says this will work for both tech and non-tech ventures — “dig, scratch, and claw yourself to $100,000 of funds from your friends and family,” cutting costs along the way as much as possible. Take no salary, keep your day job and build your product on the side, don’t pay for tickets to conferences, just hang in the lobby of the hotels where they’re held, live with your parents, etc. Kawasaki doesn’t say anything specific to funding that we didn’t suggest with our post last week, but he does give some valuable advice for steps to take after you raise that first $100k.

相反,川崎建议企业家-他说这将对科技和非科技企业都适用-“挖掘,抓取并抓紧自己从朋友和家人那里获得的100,000美元资金,”这将尽可能地削减成本。 不拿薪水,保持日常工作,一边生产产品,不支付会议门票的费用,仅挂在举行会议的酒店的大厅里,和父母住在一起,等等。川崎并不说上上周我们的职位没有建议的任何特定资金,但是他确实提供了一些有价值的建议,帮助您在筹集到第一笔10万美元之后采取一些措施。

Both methods require a small miracle to succeed at what you’re creating, he writes, but Plan A will require “a bigger, faster miracle to make everyone happy.” Put off playing with other people’s money and you’ll have more time to tinker and perfect your product or service.

他写道,这两种方法都需要一个小的奇迹才能成功完成您的创作,但是计划A将需要“一个更大,更快的奇迹才能使每个人都开心”。 推迟使用别人的钱玩,您将有更多时间修改和完善您的产品或服务。

That Kawasaki, someone who has been a traditional VC and more recently has been launching self-funded, low-cost startups of his own, is endorsing alternative methods of funding is a great thing for entrepreneurs. The barriers for entry for web businesses have fallen drastically since the early 2000s and the more investors who embrace the idea of small, seed investments in young, talented entrepreneurs, the more spread around the money is and the more funding opportunities exist for everyone.

川崎一向是传统的风险投资人,最近又开办了自己的自有资金,低成本初创公司,他支持其他融资方式对企业家来说是一件好事。 自2000年代初以来,网络业务的进入壁垒已大幅度下降,并且越来越多的投资者接受对年轻,有才华的企业家进行小型种子投资的想法,资金的分散程度越高,每个人都有更多的融资机会。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/plan-b-for-funding-do-it-yourself/

