
tech2024-02-20  92


At the heart of the debate over net neutrality is the contention by ISPs that network usage is growing at such a staggering rate due to streaming video, online gaming, rich Internet apps, and P2P traffic like BitTorrent that their networks can’t possibly handle it. To hear the ISPs tell it, the impending exaflood will bring the Internet as we know it crashing down around us by 2010 unless we do something to stop it. Like, maybe, bandwidth throttling or pay per usage web access.

互联网中立性辩论的核心是互联网服务提供商争辩说,由于流视频,在线游戏,丰富的互联网应用以及像BitTorrent这样的P2P流量,网络的使用正以惊人的速度增长,以至于他们的网络无法处理它。 。 听到ISP的说法,即将到来的洪灾将使我们所知的Internet到2010年崩溃,除非我们采取措施阻止它。 例如,带宽限制或按使用付费的Web访问 。

There’s just one problem with the theory: that exaflood, at least in the US where broadband carriers are perhaps most vehement about pushing for the right to control user web access, doesn’t look like it’s on its way. Cogent Communications recently reported that web traffic declined in the second quarter this year by 1%. A large part of that, says Cogent, is due to a usual summer slowdown when school lets out in the US, but this is still the first time that the company has seen traffic decline for an entire quarter.

这个理论只有一个问题:泛滥成灾,至少在美国,宽带运营商对于推动控制用户Web访问权的热情最大,至少在美国,这似乎并没有如期而至。 Cogent Communications最近报告说,今年第二季度网络流量下降了1%。 Cogent说,其中很大一部分是由于美国放学时通常的夏季放慢,但这仍然是该公司整个季度的交通量首次出现下降。

Cogent’s CEO called out competitors for not being truthful in acknowledging traffic declines.


“The Internet will continue to grow, but it is in a period of transition,” [Cogent CEO Dave] Schaeffer said, adding that he believes some of Cogent’s competitors have not been “forthright” in acknowledging this widespread traffic deceleration in their anecdotal comments on the subject. — Telephony Online

[Cogent首席执行官Dave] Schaeffer表示:“互联网将继续增长,但是它正处于过渡时期。”他补充说,他认为Cogent的某些竞争对手并未“坦率”地在其轶事评论中承认这种普遍的流量减速。就此主题而言。 —在线电话

That deceleration has been going on for 5 years, according to Dr. Andrew Odlyzko of the University of Minnesota, an expert on Internet traffic patterns in the US. “Traffic growth has been slowing down” over the past 5 years, Odlyzko told Ars Technica in April. In the late 90s web traffic growth was doubling each year, but in largely saturated Western markets, that growth has slowed substantially and now hovers at 50-60% each year, which is a rate that the current level of capital investment can support.

据美国互联网流量模式专家明尼苏达大学的安德鲁·奥德利兹科博士说,这种减速已经持续了5年。 在过去的5年中,“流量增长一直在放缓”,奥德兹科在4月告诉Ars Technica。 在90年代后期,网络流量的增长每年翻一番,但在很大程度上饱和的西方市场中,这种增长已经显着放缓,现在以每年50-60%的速度徘徊,这是当前资本投资水平可以支持的速度 。

Of course, we’ve been hearing about the impending collapse of the web year after year, and it hasn’t happened yet. Here’s what Qwest CTO Pieter Poll admitted in 2006: “”I found that the traffic is well under what some in that industry say is happening. I mean, you hear claims of significant double-digit penetration of peer-to-peer traffic, and it was not near there.” (link)

当然,我们已经听到了网络的即将崩溃一年后的一年 ,而且还没有发生。 这是Qwest首席技术官Pieter Poll在2006年所承认的:“”我发现流量远低于该行业中某些人所说的情况。 我的意思是,您听说过点对点流量的大量双位数渗透,而且还不在那里。” ( 链接 )

The Internet didn’t collapse in 2006. It didn’t collapse in 2007. It won’t collapse in 2008. How come this is still an issue?



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翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/that-crushing-wave-of-broadband-use-actually-not-so-crushing/

