
tech2024-02-20  80


The more you work, the more experience you have, the better you become and the more you should charge. Plus, with the cost of doing business increasing, you need to raise your rates regularly in order to maintain your business. Rate increasing is important even in a recession, although it may be at smaller increments during times of budget reductions. Here are some things you can do to make the process of rate increases go smoothly.

工作越多,您拥有的经验就越多,您就会变得越好,应该就越多。 另外,随着业务成本的增加,您需要定期提高费率以维持业务。 即使在经济衰退期间,加息也很重要,尽管在预算减少期间加息幅度可能较小。 您可以采取以下一些措施,使加息过程顺利进行。

Give Notice


There is always a bit of apprehension when you have to let your clients know that you are raising your rates. To make this part of the process easier for your clients to handle, give them as much notice as possible. I try to give at least three months notice that there will be a rate increase so my clients have enough time to make any necessary budget adjustments.

当您不得不让您的客户知道您正在提高价格时,总是会有一些担忧。 为了使过程的这一部分更容易让您的客户处理,请给他们尽可能多的通知。 我尝试至少三个月通知我们,我们将加价,以便我的客户有足够的时间进行必要的预算调整。

Set a Schedule


The timing of rate increases shouldn’t be arbitrary. Set a schedule (i.e. annually) and make sure your clients are aware of that up front. This is a very important provision to work into your contract so there is clarity and expectation from the beginning.

加息的时间不应随意。 制定时间表(即每年一次),并确保您的客户事先知道该时间表。 这是合同中一项非常重要的规定,因此从一开始就有明确性和期望。

Make It Fair


The last thing you want is to lose a client because they can’t afford a huge jump in your rates. If you’re just starting out and realize that your rates are much lower than they could be, you will probably risk losing clients if you double your rate in one shot. You can do it incrementally on a more frequent schedule and it will be easier for your clients to digest. You can also begin billing all new work at your higher rates. Although it may require more management in terms of your bookkeeping practices, it allows you to slowly get your current clients up to your new rate, without losing the potential for more profit from new work.

您想要做的最后一件事是失去一个客户,因为他们负担不起您的差jump。 如果您只是刚开始并意识到自己的费率远低于他们的费率,那么如果您将费率一倍提高,则可能会失去客户。 您可以按更频繁的时间表进行增量操作,这将使您的客户更容易消化。 您也可以开始以更高的费用向所有新作品开票。 尽管可能需要对簿记作法进行更多管理,但它可以让您慢慢地使现有客户达到新的费率,而又不会失去从新工作中获得更多利润的潜力。

Send It In Writing


Notify your clients in writing of your rate increase. I always include it as a note on the bottom of their invoice for the months leading up to the increase, as well as via e-mail sent to all of my clients. When necessary, you may also want to consider creating an addendum to your contract specifying the new terms.

以书面形式通知您的客户您的价格上涨。 在增加之前的几个月中,以及通过发送给我所有客户的电子邮件,我总是将其作为便条记录在发票底部。 必要时,您可能还需要考虑为合同创建附录以指定新条款。

Balance It Out


Even if your rate increase is marginal, your clients probably won’t greet it with excitement. Offer a small incentive – a special, a one-time discount, a giveaway – to sweeten the situation. And make sure you thank your clients for their business and express your appreciation. It can go a long way to making the increase easier to accept.

即使您的加息幅度很小,您的客户也可能不会激动地迎接它。 提供一个小的激励措施-特殊的,一次性的折扣,赠品-改善情况。 并确保您感谢客户的业务并表示感谢。 它可以使增加的内容更容易被接受。

What do you do to increase your rates without risking your clients?


Image credit: Sanja Gjenero

图片来源: Sanja Gjenero

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-raise-your-rates/

