
tech2024-02-20  85


If you’re like me, you have a filing cabinet full of paper. Health insurance forms, utility bills, car service records, tax receipts, etc. It piles up fast and keeping track of it all is something of a pain in the butt. For virtual teams, with employees scattered around the globe, the pain caused by piles of paper can be more pronounced. Over the past year or two, a handful of startups have emerged that help digitize your paper documents and sort and store them online.

如果您像我,那么您可以拥有一个装满纸的文件柜。 健康保险表格,水电费账单,汽车服务记录,税收收据等。它堆积如山,并不断跟踪,这在屁股上有些痛苦。 对于虚拟团队而言,员工分散在全球各地,由纸堆引起的痛苦会更加明显。 在过去的一两年中,出现了一些初创公司,可帮助您数字化纸质文档并将其在线分类和存储。

邮件 (Mail)

Launched in 2006, Earth Class Mail offers what’s called a “remote mail service,” and they’ve raised $13.3 million to do it. Earth Class offers personal and business users a “digital mail room,” that consists of a real postal mail box. When mail comes in, it is sorted (based on who it is addressed to), scanned, stored online and emailed to the appropriate recipient.

Earth Class Mail于2006年推出,提供所谓的“远程邮件服务”,他们为此筹集了1,330万美元。 Earth Class为个人和企业用户提供了一个“数字邮件室”,其中包括一个真实的邮政信箱。 收到邮件后,将对邮件进行排序(基于收件人),扫描,在线存储并通过电子邮件发送给适当的收件人。

Web startup Gliffy has a virtual team with members on 4 different continents. By using Earth Class Mail, says company CEO Chris Kohlhardt, they have been able to simplify their mail handling. The flood of mail that was so overwhelming, is now far more manageable.

网络创业公司Gliffy拥有一个虚拟团队,成员遍布 4个不同的大陆。 公司首席执行官Chris Kohlhardt说,通过使用Earth Class Mail ,他们已经能够简化邮件处理。 如此泛滥的邮件泛滥,现在变得更加易于管理。

收据 (Receipts)

When many people think of receipts they think of that episode of Seinfeld where George Constanza’s wallet, so fattened by store receipts, ends up causing him back pain. Founded in January 2007 by a senior at Duke University and launched later that year in July, Shoeboxed scans receipts for companies and individuals so that they’ll never have to deal with an overstuffed wallet again. Ultimately, Shoeboxed’s goal is a world completely free of receipts.

当许多人想到收据时,他们会想到Seinfeld的那一集,在那里,乔治·康斯坦萨(George Constanza)的钱包被商店的收据充斥,最终使他背痛。 Shoeboxed由杜克大学的一位高年级学生于2007年1月创立,并于当年7月下旬启动, 它可以扫描公司和个人的收据,这样他们就再也不必处理被塞满的钱包了。 最终,Shoeboxed的目标是建立一个完全没有收据的世界。

“In the future, wouldn’t it be great if you had a Shoeboxed card, for example, and you could swipe it at a store and they could just e-mail it to you at your Shoeboxed account?” company VP Dan Englander told the Washington Post in June. For now, the company is focusing on digitizing paper receipts, and acting as a storage point for emailed receipts from online purchases as well.

“例如,如果将来有鞋盒卡,并且可以在商店刷卡,而他们可以通过您的鞋盒帐户通过电子邮件将其发送给您,那将来会不会很棒?” 公司副总裁Dan Englander于6月告诉《华盛顿邮报》 。 目前,该公司专注于数字化纸质收据,并充当在线购买的电子邮件收据的存储点。

其他文件 (Other Documents)

Recently launched Pixily, which was called a “revolution in the mailbox” by the Boston Globe, scans documents and stores them on Amazon’s S3 servers in a private, secure account. Users can also upload PDF and Microsoft Office documents as well.

最近推出的Pixily (被《波士顿环球报》(Boston Globe)称为“邮箱中的革命”)将扫描文档,并将其存储在Amazon S3服务器上的私有安全帐户中。 用户还可以上传PDF和Microsoft Office文档。

If you want your documents public, and don’t mind ads being served next to them, Scribd offers a “Paper to iPaper” that scans documents for free.

如果您希望公开文档,而又不介意在其旁边投放广告,Scribd会提供“ Paper to iPaper ”,可免费扫描文档。

好处与挑战 (Benefits and Challenges)

The major benefits of these services are quite clear: less clutter and convenience. Instead of driving to the post office to pick up your snail mail, you could get it emailed to you. Instead of sorting through your filing cabinet for last October’s business dinner receipts, you could just search for the tagged, digitized version online.

这些服务的主要好处是很明显的:减少混乱和便利。 您无需开车去邮局领取蜗牛邮件,而可以通过电子邮件将其发送给您。 您无需在文件柜中整理去年10月的商务晚餐收据,而只需在线搜索带标签的数字化版本。

There are also potential long term environmental benefits if any of these companies succeed in convincing the world that printed paper has to go.


There are some major hurdles as well, though, the two main ones being privacy and reliability. Why should I trust a company with my private health care or tax documents, for example? How do I know my private documents won’t be read or shared and are truly secure when they’re stored in the cloud? Also, without my paper backups, what happens to all my records if the company goes belly up? If I have to keep paper backups, there goes one of the major benefits of digitization (space saving).

但是,也存在一些主要障碍,隐私和可靠性是两个主要障碍。 例如,为什么我应该信任我的私人医疗保健或税务文件? 我怎么知道我的私人文档存储在云中时不会被读取或共享并且真正安全? 另外,如果没有纸质备份,如果公司破产,我的所有记录会怎样? 如果我必须保留纸质备份,那么数字化的主要好处之一就是节省空间。

Still, these services are interesting and seem to have hit upon a unique market opportunity. For many people who didn’t grow up in the all digital age, the benefits of digitizing their paper are clear but actually doing it is not something they’re willing to do on their own. And for virtual businesses, keeping everything virtual has real benefits that will make these services worthwhile investments.

尽管如此,这些服务还是很有趣的,似乎已经抓住了一个独特的市场机会。 对于许多不是在整个数字时代都长大的人来说,数字化纸张的好处是显而易见的,但实际上这样做并不是他们愿意自己做的。 对于虚拟企业而言,将所有内容保持虚拟具有真正的好处,这将使这些服务值得进行投资。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/digitizing-paper-is-a-new-cottage-industry/

