
tech2024-02-20  89


When the Games of the XXIX Olympiad begin at the end of this week in Beijing, it will be the most web tech heavy Olympic Games ever put on. 5,000 hours of streaming video coverage will be pushed out on the web from Beijing, so much that 95% of CIOs think that the Olympics may break the Internet. But while the individual media companies that won the contracts to stream Olympic video are certainly winners (including NBC Universal, Google, and Brightcove), the big winner on 08-08-08 will be Adobe.

当第二十九届奥林匹克运动会于本周底在北京开始时,它将是有史以来举办的网络技术最繁重的奥运会。 北京将把5,000小时的流媒体视频报道推到网上,以至于95%的CIO认为奥运会可能会破坏互联网。 但是,虽然赢得了直播奥运视频合同的各个媒体公司无疑是赢家(包括NBC Universal,Google和Brightcove),但08-08-08年的最大赢家将是Adobe。

The 2008 Beijing Olympics are supposed to be a coming out party for Microsoft’s Silverlight, a web animation and video technology that competes with Adobe’s ubiquitous Flash format. Microsoft signed their biggest third party partner for Silverlight in NBC, who will stream 2,200 hours of video content at its Olympics site using Microsoft’s technology. (Microsoft already has some big Silverlight deployments, such as its deal with Major League Baseball to power the MLB.TV site, but the Olympics is its highest profile deployment.)

2008年北京奥运会本应成为Microsoft Silverlight的亮相聚会,Silverlight是一种与Adobe无处不在的Flash格式竞争的网络动画和视频技术。 微软在NBC签下了最大的Silverlight第三方合作伙伴,后者将使用微软的技术在其奥运网站上播放2,200小时的视频内容。 (微软已经进行了一些大型的Silverlight部署,例如与美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB.TV)网站合作,但奥运会是其最引人注目的部署。)

But the NBC deal only covers the US territory. That may be one of the most lucrative markets right now, but most of the world will be getting their Olympic video via Adobe’s Flash. CCTV.com, which owns the web broadcast rights for China and Macau, will use Adobe Flex and Flash to deliver streaming Internet video, while Brightcove KK in Japan has the Japanese rights. Their video technology of choice? Flash.

但是,NBC协议只涉及美国领土。 那可能是目前最赚钱的市场之一,但世界上大多数地区将通过Adobe的Flash获得他们的奥林匹克视频。 拥有在中国和澳门的网络广播权的CCTV.com将使用Adobe Flex和Flash来提供流媒体互联网视频,而日本的Brightcove KK则拥有日本的权利。 他们选择的视频技术? 闪。

Just between China and Japan, that’s about 300 million potential Internet users — more than the 215 million or so getting the Silverlight treatment by NBC in the US.


Across the rest of the world, most users will be seeing Flash as well. Yahoo! 7, the official Olympics video provider in Australia, uses Flash, and 77 territories, including Korea, India, Indonesia, and parts of Africa will get Olympic video on YouTube, which of course uses Flash. In most of the world, if you’re watching the Olympics online, you’re probably doing it in Flash and not Silverlight.

在世界其他地区,大多数用户也会看到Flash。 雅虎! 7日,澳大利亚的官方奥林匹克视频提供商使用Flash,包括韩国,印度,印度尼西亚和非洲部分地区在内的77个地区将在YouTube上获得奥林匹克视频,而YouTube当然也使用Flash。 在世界大多数地方,如果您正在在线观看奥运会,则可能是在Flash中而不是在Silverlight中进行。

Microsoft certainly still medals for sticking the landing on the huge NBC online deal, but the Olympics are a global competition, and in the race for online video technology ubiquity, Adobe is winning the gold.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/adobe-wins-gold-in-online-olympics/

