
tech2024-02-21  86


It’s always interesting to read about new models for launching and funding web startups. A few years ago Y Combinator shook things up with their then-novel approach to startup funding of investing small amounts of cash in tiny, agile, young teams. Since, the YC approach has been copied by at least 7 or 8 other seed funds. Australia-based WebEquity is aiming to have the same sort of impact on the way web startups are built.

阅读有关启动和资助网络初创公司的新模型总是很有趣。 几年前, Y Combinator采取了当时新颖的方法来筹集启动资金,即向少量敏捷的年轻团队投资少量现金,从而改变了现状。 此后,YC方法已被至少7或8个其他种子基金复制。 总部位于澳大利亚的WebEquity旨在对网络创业公司的建设方式产生相同的影响。

WebEquity it a marketplace of ideas where developers, designers, and others can offer their services on a sweat equity or revenue sharing basis. “Rather than traditional cash payment, the WebEquity community members will be rewarded based on revenue and/or equity share of the businesses they create,” says the site’s About page.

WebEquity是一个思想市场,开发人员,设计师和其他人员可以在汗水投入或收益共享的基础上提供服务。 该网站的“关于”页面说:“ WebEquity社区成员将获得奖励,而不是传统的现金支付,而是根据他们创建的业务的收入和/或股权份额进行奖励。”

Essentially, WebEquity is a classifieds site where anyone with an idea (called the project’s “originator” on the site) can post a project scoping document and put out a call for help. In return, originators can offers equity or revenue sharing (or both) to the people who help them realize their idea. The site hopes to bring together not just developers and designers, but also lawyers, marketing and sales people, PR pros, and business mentors willing to offer their services for sweat equity.

本质上,WebEquity是一个分类网站,任何有想法的人(网站上称为项目的“发起人”)都可以发布项目范围界定文档并发出求助电话。 作为回报,发起者可以向帮助他们实现想法的人们提供股权或收益共享(或两者兼而有之)。 该站点不仅希望将开发人员和设计师聚集在一起,而且希望将愿意为汗水股权提供服务的律师,市场和销售人员,公关专家和业务指导者聚集在一起。

The site was founded by Syndney, Australia native Paul Middleton who is, of course, using WebEquity to get WebEquity built. “The site was initially inspired by my need to get my own ideas realised – that’s where I’m hoping my personal revenue stream will come from,” he told TechNation Australia.

该站点由澳大利亚人Syndney创立,保罗·米德尔顿(Paul Middleton)当然使用WebEquity构建WebEquity。 他对TechNation Australia表示: “该网站最初是出于实现自己的想法的需要而受到启发的-这就是我希望个人收入来源的来源。”

One potential stumbling point for WebEquity, which TechNation writer Kim Heras picks up on, is the apparent lack of support in working out team agreements. For now, Middleton intends to leave the specifics of equity distribution deals and IP rights to the collaborators on each project to figure out themselves. Heras doesn’t think that’s a good idea, and CrowdSpring co-founder Ross Kimbarovsky agrees. “The model looks interesting and the challenge quite great – and I agree with [Heras] 100% that it’s important from the start to develop a standard agreement for teaming and for dealing with IP issues,” said Kimbarovsky.

TechNation作家Kim Heras认为WebEquity的一个潜在绊脚石是在制定团队协议方面显然缺乏支持。 目前,Middleton打算将股权分配交易和IP权利的细节留给每个项目的合作者自行解决。 Heras认为这不是一个好主意,CrowdSpring的联合创始人Ross Kimbarovsky对此表示赞同。 Kimbarovsky说:“该模型看起来很有趣,挑战也非常大-我[Heras] 100%同意,从一开始就为团队合作和知识产权问题制定标准协议很重要。”

For his part, Middleton chimed in with his two cents in the comments on the TechNation post. “If potential community members are put off because I don’t offer more support (e.g. a standard agreement), then it’s obviously in my interest to provide this for my own benefit,” he wrote. “But this also represents an opportunity for someone within the community to offer their services by identifying this need, and who knows what might come of that for them? If was an IP lawyer, for example, I’d be falling over myself to register on the site and start getting involved in any project I saw posted.”

就他自己而言,Middleton在TechNation帖子的评论中花了2美分。 他写道:“如果潜在的社区成员因为我不提供更多支持(例如标准协议)而被推迟,那么为我自己的利益提供此项服务显然符合我的利益。” “但是,这也为社区中的某人提供了通过识别这种需求来提供服务的机会,谁知道这会对他们带来什么呢? 例如,如果是一名知识产权律师,我就会迷上自己在网站上注册并开始参与我看到的任何项目。”

WebEquity is an interesting approach to startup funding and team creation and we wish them luck. We’ll be keeping an eye on the site to see what, if anything, originates from it. For now, WebEquity is mostly focused on Australia but Middleton hinted to TechNation that expansion is in the cards (and there is really nothing stopping anyone from outside Australia from signing up right now).

WebEquity是用于启动资金和团队创建的有趣方法,我们希望他们能好运。 我们将密切关注该站点,以查看其源于什么。 目前,WebEquity主要集中在澳大利亚,但是Middleton向TechNation暗示了扩展的可能性(实际上并没有阻止澳大利亚以外的任何人立即注册)。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/webequity-australias-sweat-equity-marketplace/

