
tech2024-02-21  86


Google Maps today rolled out a new feature to the public: walking directions. Google tested the walking directions earlier this month and Search Engine Roundtable reports that they were rolled out to all US locations earlier this morning.

Google地图今天向公众推出了一项新功能:步行路线。 Google 在本月初对步行路线进行了测试 , 搜索引擎圆桌会议报告称该路线今天早晨已在美国所有地区推出。

The walking directions feature is in beta, and warns users to “use caution when walking in unfamiliar areas,” but it already knows not to send people on certain roads. If getting from point A to point B includes hopping on the interstate highway, for example, Google won’t even offer walking directions.

步行路线功能处于测试阶段,并警告用户“在不熟悉的地区行走时要谨慎行事”,但它已经知道不要在某些道路上派人。 例如,如果从A点到达B点包括在州际公路上跳跃,那么Google甚至不会提供步行路线。

The main difference between walking and driving directions? There are two that I can see: walking directions will send you the shortest, presumably safest (i.e., with sidewalks) route, including against traffic down one way streets, and the time estimates are adjusted for foot power. This map for example, picture below, gives directions from the Bleecker St. Station in New York City to Washington Square Park. Walking directions send you the wrong way down three one way streets, while driving directions send you in a loop the other way.

步行和行车路线之间的主要区别是? 我可以看到两种:步行路线将向您发送最短,可能最安全(即人行道)的路线,包括阻止单向街道上的交通,并且根据脚力调整了时间估算。 例如,这张地图 ,如下图,给出了从纽约市的Bleecker St. Station到Washington Square Park的路线。 步行路线会向您发送错误的信息,使您沿着三个单向的街道行驶,而行车路线会向您发送错误的循环导航。

With half of the world’s population now living in cities, walking directions will be very helpful to a lot of people. Further, walking directions should also fix problems like the one the Sydney Morning Herald reported in 2007, where Google Maps sent people on an 18 minute drive over a $3 toll bridge to go essentially across the street. It would appear one-way streets tripped up the mapping application and caused the expensive route.

目前,世界人口的一半居住在城市中,步行路线将对很多人有很大帮助。 此外,步行路线还应该解决一些问题,例如《 悉尼先驱晨报》在2007年报道的一项问题,在该报告中,Google Maps带领人们开车经过18分钟的车程,驶过3美元的收费桥,基本上就可以穿过马路。 似乎单向街道绊倒了地图应用程序,并造成了昂贵的路线。

Walking directions also excite me because where I live was given a “very walkable” rating from recently launched Walk Score. Google Maps is the only major mapping product that offers walking directions since Ask axed their mapping service earlier this month.

步行路线也使我兴奋,因为最近发布的“ 步行得分 ”将我的住所评为“非常适合步行”。 自从Ask于本月初取消了其地图服务以来,Google Maps是唯一提供步行路线的主要地图产品。


