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tech2024-02-21  102

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According a report on CNBC Microsoft is planning to expand its advertising relationship with Facebook this fall by adding web search to the social networking site. Live Search on Facebook is something that Greg Sterling predicted back in October of last year, and its true: it’s a no-brainer. The two companies should have done it the second the ink dried on the $240 million check Microsoft wrote to Facebook last fall.

根据CNBC的报道,微软正计划在今年秋天通过向社交网站添加网络搜索来扩大与Facebook的广告关系。 格雷格·斯特林(Greg Sterling)早在去年10月就曾预测 Facebook上的实时搜索,这是事实:这很容易。 去年秋天,微软在写给Facebook的2.4亿美元支票上,这两家公司应该第二次做到这一点。

Facebook has 90 million active users (according to their stats page) and comScore says that they’re serving 157 million search queries each month (though curiously, Facebook reported that they were already serving 600 million searches per month a year ago when they had about a third of of the number of users — the discrepancy could be due to comScore measuring only US searches). That’s good for 9th on comScore’s list of sites where search activity is observed.

Facebook有9000万活跃用户(根据其统计信息页面 ),而comScore表示,他们每个月提供1.57亿个搜索查询 (尽管奇怪的是,Facebook报告称一年前他们已经提供了6亿个搜索查询)。用户数量的三分之一-差异可能是由于comScore仅衡量了美国搜索量)。 这对于comScore观察到搜索活动的站点列表中的第9名很有好处。

Granted most of those search queries are likely for people, groups, events, or applications, but with the addition of Facebook Pages last November, it is likely that the site is seeing more product and entertainment related searches. If Microsoft and Facebook can convince enough of the site’s 90 million users to start performing web searches from within Facebook, that could be a boon for Microsoft and actually put a small dent in Google’s search market share.

当然,大多数搜索查询可能都是针对人员,团体,事件或应用程序的,但随着去年11月添加了Facebook Pages,该网站可能会看到更多与产品和娱乐相关的搜索。 如果微软和Facebook能够说服该网站的9000万用户中的足够多的人开始从Facebook内部进行网络搜索,那么这对微软可能是一个福音,并且实际上会削弱Google的搜索市场份额。

Web search on Facebook was something I called for in May, but noted that in order for it to happen, Facebook would have to do something it has never seemed to want to do: let its users wander off site. However, with the launch of Facebook Connect yesterday, Facebook appears to be less concerned with keeping users on Facebook at all times.

我在5月曾呼吁在Facebook上进行网络搜索,但他指出,要使其实现,Facebook必须做它从未想过的事情:让用户流连忘返。 但是,随着昨天Facebook Connect的启动 ,Facebook似乎不再关心始终保持用户使用Facebook。

Facebook offers Microsoft a potential foothold in the search market if the two companies can turn Facebook users into web searchers. That doesn’t seem like such a leap, especially if they do as Mashable suggests and try something unique that leverages Facebook’s social connection data to enhance the search experience. We’re hoping to see something disruptive this fall.

如果两家公司可以将Facebook用户转变为网络搜索者,那么Facebook将为微软提供在搜索市场的潜在立足点 。 这似乎并不是一个飞跃,特别是如果他们按照Mashable的建议进行操作,并尝试利用Facebook的社交关系数据来增强搜索体验的独特方法。 我们希望今年秋天能看到一些破坏性的事情。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/finally-facebook-reportedly-adding-web-search-this-fall/

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