Arianna Huffington:成功的秘诀就是热情

tech2024-02-21  103

The secret to success is passion, said Arianna Huffington, founder and editor-in-chief of the web’s top ranked blog (according to Technorati) the Huffington Post, as she sat down for a keynote chat with Tim O’Reilly on the final day of the Web 2.0 Expo in New York this week. The “obsessive compulsive nature of the web” is what first attracted her to blogging, said Huffington, and the ability for people to make a difference on the Internet by just plugging away at what they believe in, regardless of how small their voice is.

网络上排名最高的博客(根据Technorati)主编《 赫芬顿邮报》的成功者和主编阿里安娜·赫芬顿说,成功的秘诀是激情,因为她在最后一天坐下来与蒂姆·奥莱利进行了主题演讲这周在纽约举行的Web 2.0 Expo上。 赫芬顿说,“网络的强迫性本质”首先吸引了她来写博客,这是人们能够通过插入自己所相信的内容而在互联网上有所作为的能力,而不管他们的声音有多小。

If you are passionate about a subject, you can be successful at it if you keep pushing, said Huffington, echoing what Gary Vaynerchuk had told the crowd a day earlier.

赫芬顿说,如果您对某个主题充满热情,那么只要坚持不懈,就可以成功地做到这一点,并回应加里·韦纳彻克(Gary Vaynerchuk)一天前告诉人群的内容。

Founded in 2005, the Huffington Post now attracts 3.6 million unique visitors per month, according to Compete, and employs about 60 people. Conceived to be a “news aggregator with an attitude,” Huffington told the crowd, the site provides a platform for around 2,000 bloggers, both known and unknown. Central to their success, though, is the community that they’ve been able to build around their content.

据《竞争》称,《赫芬顿邮报》成立于2005年,目前每月每月吸引360万独立访问者,并雇用约60名员工。 赫芬顿告诉人群,该网站被认为是“有态度的新闻聚合器”,它为大约2,000名知名和未知的博客作者提供了一个平台。 但是,成功的关键是他们能够围绕自己的内容建立社区。

Allowing comments on the site was a smart early move, and stories now routinely get hundreds or thousands of comments daily. Huffington is glad that from day one they made the decision to pre-moderate the comments. The site employs about 30 moderators now, whose sole job is to remove any ad hominem attacks before they are published. “Without the moderation the attacks would undermine the conversation,” said Huffington, who lightheartedly appealed to developers in the crowd to accelerate efforts on automated content moderation tools.

允许在网站上发表评论是一个明智的早期举动,如今,故事每天通常会获得数百或数千条评论。 赫芬顿很高兴从第一天开始就决定对这些评论进行预审。 该站点现在雇用大约30位主持人,其唯一工作是在发布任何人为攻击之前将其删除。 霍芬顿说:“如果不进行审核,攻击行为将破坏对话。”他轻松地呼吁人群中的开发人员加快对自动化内容审核工具的投入。

In addition to passion and a strong sense of community, Huffington told the crowd that their success can be owed to the great team they have been able to assemble. “The key is to create a community of people who constantly want to invent and reinvent,” she said, noting that being based in New York has made recruitment of young, passionate editors much easier.

除了热情和强烈的社区意识外,赫芬顿还告诉人群说,他们的成功归功于他们能够组建的伟大团队。 她说:“关键是要建立一个不断想发明和重新发明的人的社区,”她指出,常驻纽约使招聘年轻热情的编辑变得更加容易。

Huffington drew some big laughs when O’Reilly said that he thought she had a lot in common with News Corp.’s Rupert Murdoch, because they both seek use news as a vehicle to shape the way people think. “Huge difference,” said Huffington to a round of applause, “we want to shape the debate based on facts.”

当奥赖利(O'Reilly)说他认为自己与新闻集团的鲁珀特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)有很多共同点时,赫芬顿大笑,因为他们俩都希望利用新闻作为塑造人们思维方式的手段。 赫芬顿在掌声中说:“巨大的差异,我们希望根据事实来形成辩论。”

The job of journalists, according to Huffington, is to seek the truth, and the Internet makes that easier because of its self-correcting nature. “If I have one name or anything wrong in my blog post I know that it will be less than a minute before a commenter points in out and I can correct it transparently,” she said.

赫芬顿说,新闻记者的工作是寻求真相,而互联网由于具有自我纠正的性质,因此使这一过程变得更加容易。 她说:“如果我在博客文章中有一个名字或有任何错误,我知道不到一分钟后评论员会指出,我可以透明地更正它。”

But what’s the next big thing on the Internet? According to Huffington, the next big thing is going to be disconnecting in order to get connected with ourselves. She urged the audience to “unplug and recharge,” saying that sleep deprivation was a bad thing. After a hectic week in New York, I’m rather inclined to agree.

但是,互联网上的下一件大事是什么? 根据赫芬顿的说法,下一件大事将是断开连接以便与自己建立联系。 她敦促听众“拔掉电源并充电”,说睡眠不足是一件坏事。 在纽约忙碌了一周之后,我宁愿同意。

