
tech2024-02-21  96

In July, I called Canadian startup AideRSS “one of the most useful utilities I’ve come across over the past year.” That’s not hyperbole. The feed filtering web application, which uses publicly available social data to separate useful posts from the chaff in RSS feeds, in exceedingly useful for anyone who fights information overload on a daily basis. Today, the company is announcing the second version of the product, and it just got even better.

7月,我称加拿大创业公司AideRSS为“过去一年来我遇到的最有用的工具之一。” 那不是夸张的。 提要过滤Web应用程序使用公开可用的社交数据将有用的帖子与RSS提要中的谷壳分开,对于每天与信息过载作斗争的任何人都非常有用。 今天,该公司宣布了该产品的第二个版本,并且它变得更好。

They’re also rebranding AideRSS as PostRank. PostRank is the name of the underlying algorithm that powers AideRSS, and was launched as a developer site with details on the company’s feed filtering API in July. AideRSS founder Ilya Grigorik told me that they’re rebranding under the PostRank name in an effort to better target their user base.

他们还将AideRSS更名为PostRank 。 PostRank是支持AideRSS的基础算法的名称,并于7月作为开发人员站点启动,其中包含有关公司的Feed过滤API的详细信息。 AideRSS创始人Ilya Grigorik告诉我,他们正在以PostRank名称进行品牌重塑,以更好地定位其用户群。

什么是新的 (What’s New)

The new PostRank service comes with a bunch of new features, the most important of which is the addition of keyword filtering and channels. These are two things that many users were already using AideRSS to accomplish, but in order to do so they needed the help of third party services, like FeedRinse and Dapper.

新的PostRank服务具有许多新功能,其中最重要的是添加了关键字过滤渠道 。 这是许多用户已经使用AideRSS完成的两件事,但是要做到这一点,他们需要第三方服务(如FeedRinse和Dapper)的帮助。

Now, in addition to filtering using the PostRank technology, users of the new service will able to add keyword filters as well. They keyword filters are fairly elementary — right now they can only allows posts with specified keywords, not block posts, and they can’t do more sophisticated filtering like applying rules to specific parts of a post, such as the author field, title field, tags, or just the body. Posts can also be grouped via tags into channels. So they don’t yet fully replace market leader FeedRinse, but they’re nonetheless helpful.

现在,除了使用PostRank技术进行过滤之外,新服务的用户还可以添加关键字过滤器。 它们的关键字过滤器非常基础-现在,它们只能允许使用具有指定关键字的帖子,而不能屏蔽帖子,并且它们不能进行更复杂的过滤,例如将规则应用于帖子的特定部分,例如作者字段,标题字段,标签,或者只是身体。 帖子也可以通过标签分组到渠道中。 因此,他们还没有完全取代市场领导者FeedRinse,但仍然很有帮助。

The channels concept is especially exciting because it means that AideRSS can be used to create single filtered megafeeds from multiple sources that can be output as RSS and subscribed to in your feed reader. For example, a startup owner could create a feed that specifically watched for posts that mention a rival on VentureBeat, TechCrunch, Mashable, ReadWriteWeb, CenterNetworks, and of course, SitePoint. Those feeds could be added to a channel and then exported as a single RSS feed. Traditional AideRSS filtering can also be applied, so I could specify that I only want to be bothered by the most popular stories that match my filtering.

频道概念特别令人兴奋,因为它意味着AideRSS可用于从多个来源创建单个已过滤的超级订阅源,这些订阅源可以作为RSS输出并在订阅源阅读器中订阅。 例如,一家初创企业所有者可以创建一个供稿,该供稿专门监视在VentureBeat,TechCrunch,Mashable,ReadWriteWeb,CenterNetworks以及当然是SitePoint上提及竞争对手的帖子。 这些提要可以添加到频道,然后作为单个RSS提要导出。 也可以应用传统的AideRSS过滤,因此我可以指定只希望被与我的过滤匹配的最受欢迎的故事打扰。

In the past, doing something that like that would have required the use of at least two additional services along side AideRSS.


The company is also announcing improved feed management tools — which include the ability to manage feeds in bulk, and a new Firefox 3 extension that will let users manage feed subscriptions from anywhere on the web and get a PostRank score instantly for the blog post they are currently viewing.

该公司还宣布了改进的提要管理工具-包括批量管理提要的功能,以及新的Firefox 3扩展程序,该扩展程序将使用户可以从网络上的任何地方管理提要订阅,并即时获得所发表博客的PostRank得分当前正在查看。

The entire PostRank service is available to developers via an API (upon which the Firefox addon was built). That means that third party RSS readers could add feed filtering and channel grouping using the PostRank API — here’s hoping that many of them do!

整个PostRank服务可通过API(开发Firefox附加组件的API)供开发人员使用。 这意味着第三方RSS阅读器可以使用PostRank API添加提要过滤和频道分组-希望他们中的许多人这样做!

