
tech2024-02-22  83

Scott Rafer, the founder of Lookery, which is an ad network that caters social network application publishers such as those on Facebook, apparently declared the Facebook platform dead at a developer conference in Berlin. According to Rafer, publishers on the Lookery network have seen a near 50% decline in traffic since Facecbook implemented their redesigned web page and canvas pages.

Lookery的创始人Scott Rafer是一家广告网络,专门为社交网络应用程序的发布者提供服务,例如Facebook上的发布者。他显然在柏林的开发者大会上宣布Facebook平台已经死亡 。 根据Rafer的说法,自从Facecbook实施重新设计的网页和画布页面以来,Lookery网络上的发行商的访问量下降了近50%。

According to Nick O’Neil at AllFacebook.com, Rafer told the audience that in order to survive the new design, platform developers should jump ship and develop for Facebook Connect. Connect is a way to share identity and social graph information securely with third party sites and bring third-party data back into Facebook. In July, we called Facebook Connect Beacon done right.

根据AllFacebook.com上的Nick O'Neil所说,Rafer告诉听众,为了在新设计中生存,平台开发人员应跳水并为Facebook Connect开发。 Connect是一种与第三方站点安全共享身份和社交图信息并将第三方数据重新带回Facebook的方法。 7月,我们称Facebook Connect Beacon做对了 。

Rafer thinks that the opportunity on Connect will be short term for developers, like the platform has turned out to be in his opinion, and developers should create applications with an eye toward an off-platform development.


Rafer’s advice isn’t bad — most app developers should create independent properties that hook into Facebook from the outside rather than pull all their eggs in one basket, so to speak, and put their existence at the mercy of Facebook’s powers that be. And if his assertion that the platform is dead is correct, I say that’s a good thing. But I don’t think it’s really dead — it’s just dead as a get rich quick scheme. There still exists a huge opportunity on the platform to create meaningful, useful, and massively popular applications.

Rafer的建议还不错-大多数应用程序开发人员应该创建独立的属性,这些属性可以从外部连接到Facebook,而不是将所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里,可以这么说,然后将它们的存在置于Facebook的支配之下。 如果他关于平台已死的主张是正确的,那么我说那是一件好事。 但是我不认为这真的死了-作为一种快速致富的计划,它已经死了。 平台上仍然存在巨大的机会来创建有意义,有用且广受欢迎的应用程序。

Many fluff applications will begin to fade away, and instead, Facebook applications will become features of outside apps, and the platform and Connect will play nice in this respect. Having a presence on Facebook still make a lot of sense for a lot of applications, and therein lies the opportunity. It is now a lot harder to gain traction in Facebook with a new application, but having Facebook integration is a value-add for many outside apps that will help them build a user base.

许多绒毛应用程序将开始消失,取而代之的是,Facebook应用程序将成为外部应用程序的功能,并且平台和Connect在这方面将发挥出色的作用。 对于许多应用程序来说,在Facebook上拥有存在仍然很有意义,而这正是机会所在。 现在,使用新应用程序在Facebook中获得吸引力变得困难得多,但是与Facebook集成是许多外部应用程序的增值,这将有助于他们建立用户群。

The same evolution will likely happen with other hot application platforms, such as the iPhone. As things like the AppLoop Application Generator arrive, which lower the barrier to entry for the creating apps on the iPhone platform, the noise to signal ratio will go up. Imagine what the App Store will look like if Apple approves every blog feed app made with the AppLoop Generator? Ugh. Eventually, as the noise levels rise, the same thing will happen that is happening to Facebook — the platform will “die,” and the apps that survive will (mostly) be extensions of useful applications that exist outside. That’s a good thing for consumers, in my opinion.

其他热门应用程序平台(例如iPhone)也可能发生相同的演变。 随着诸如AppLoop Application Generator之类的事物的到来,这降低了在iPhone平台上创建应用程序的进入门槛,噪声/信号比将上升。 想象一下,如果Apple批准使用AppLoop Generator制作的每个博客供稿应用,那么App Store将会是什么样? 啊。 最终,随着噪声水平的上升,Facebook将会发生同样的事情-该平台将“死亡”,而存活下来的应用程序(主要)将是外部存在的有用应用程序的扩展。 我认为这对消费者来说是一件好事。

Emebedded below is Rafer’s presentation from Berlin.


Scott Rafer “Platforms Are Dead” @ FB Dev Con Berlin – 斯科特·拉弗(Scott Rafer)“平台已死” @ FB Dev Con Berlin – Upload a Document to Scribd 上传文档至Scribd

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-facebook-platform-is-dead-good-let-the-innovation-begin/
