
tech2024-02-22  88

Flex-based presentation creation web application SlideRocket is coming out of beta today and announcing pricing plans for its premium service. The company is also announcing partnerships with a handful of vendors as part of a newly launched marketplace that will allow users to purchase products and services for use with their presentations directly within SlideRocket.

基于Flex的演示文稿创建Web应用程序SlideRocket将于今天发布Beta版,并宣布其高级服务的定价计划。 该公司还宣布与少数供应商建立合作伙伴关系,作为新推出的市场的一部分,该市场将允许用户购买产品和服务,以直接在SlideRocket中使用其演示文稿。

SlideRocket is easily the most complete presentation application on the web, and the most likely to really compete with Microsoft’s PowerPoint juggernaut. SlideRocket does basically everything that you’d expect a presentation app to do, but really sets itself apart where many web apps do: collaboration. Every presentation on SlideRocket can be shared down to the slide level, and changes can be dynamically updated across slides. For example, say your sales department creates a sales pitch deck and uses some slides that the marketing department created and shared with them. Then something changes and the marketing guys need to update the slide, when they do those updates are pushed automatically to the slides being used in the sales presentation.

SlideRocket很容易成为网络上最完整的演示应用程序,并且最有可能与Microsoft的PowerPoint巨头竞争。 SlideRocket基本上可以完成您希望演示文稿应用程序执行的所有操作,但实际上可以与许多Web应用程序区分开来:协作。 SlideRocket上的每个演示都可以向下共享到幻灯片级别,并且更改可以在幻灯片之间动态更新。 例如,假设您的销售部门创建了一个销售平台,并使用了市场部门创建并与其共享的一些幻灯片。 然后发生一些变化,营销人员需要更新幻灯片,当他们这样做时,这些更新会自动推送到销售演示中使用的幻灯片。

Founder Mitch Grasso told me that there are about 30,000 people using SlideRocket today. I asked Grasso if he anticipated any push back from users by adding a pricing plan after the fact to a service that has been free for about 8 months. Surprisingly, many of the have been asking for a pricing plan that will allow them to pay for the service, he told me. Many enterprise customers feel more comfortable using web applications if they’re paying for them.

创始人米奇·格拉索(Mitch Grasso)告诉我,今天大约有30,000人在使用SlideRocket。 我问过格拉索(Grasso),他是否希望通过在事实已经过了8个月的免费服务中增加定价计划,来阻止用户的回购。 令人惊讶的是,许多人一直在要求制定定价计划,以使他们能够为服务付费。 如果许多企业客户付费购买Web应用程序,他们会感到更自在。

价钱 (Pricing)

SlideRocket will launch to the public today with a three-tiered price plan: free, $15/month, and $30/month (though the two paid plans are discounted for launch). The biggest difference between free and paid is the amount of storage allowed per account — 250mb for free users, and 1GB for paid users. The highest priced paid account also allows multiple users and opens up SlideRocket’s impressive collaboration features, versioning, and web conference app that allows slides to be shared with remote viewers.

SlideRocket将于今天向公众发布,其价格分为三层 :免费,每月15美元和每月30美元(尽管两个付费计划均已打折发售)。 免费和付费之间的最大区别是每个帐户允许的存储量-免费用户为250mb,付费用户为1GB。 定价最高的付费帐户还允许多个用户使用,并打开了SlideRocket令人印象深刻的协作功能,版本控制和网络会议应用程序,可与远程查看者共享幻灯片。

Paid plans include email support, while phone support is available to all users for $49 per incident. Premium support with unlimited phone calls will be offered to enterprise customers for 20% of subscription fees (at a $1,500 minimum).

付费计划包括电子邮件支持,而所有用户均可获得电话支持,每次事件收费49美元。 将为企业客户提供20%的订阅费用(最低1,500美元)的高级支持,并提供无限制的电话呼叫。

市场 (Marketplace)

The most impressive part of what SlideRocket is announcing today is the marketplace. Current SlideRocket users will already be familiar with the marketplace concept, because the application already has built in search features for free content around the web — such as CC-licensed photos on Flickr.

SlideRocket今天宣布的最令人印象深刻的部分是市场。 当前的SlideRocket用户将已经熟悉市场概念,因为该应用程序已经内置了搜索功能,可以在网络上免费获取内容,例如Flickr上的CC许可照片。

SlideRocket is launching with two partners, stock photo site Fotolia, and printer Mimeo. Presentation template provider PresentationPro will launch soon. Content from each of the marketplace providers is available for purchase within SlideRocket using a unified, built-in credit system.

SlideRocket与两个合作伙伴(股票图片网站Fotolia和打印机Mimeo)一起启动 。 演示模板提供者PresentationPro即将启动。 可以使用统一的内置信用系统在SlideRocket中购买来自每个市场提供商的内容。

Adding the marketplace is a brilliant move for SlideRocket because it allows them to monetize the free plan. Grasso tells me that he has contracts in place with four of five other companies as well, and ultimately, SlideRocket plans to expand the marketplace into a full service portal for vendors of all sizes.

增加市场对SlideRocket来说是一个绝妙的举动,因为它使他们能够通过免费计划获利。 Grasso告诉我,他还与其他五家公司中的四家签订了合同,SlideRocket最终计划将市场扩展为面向各种规模供应商的全面服务门户。

The hope is that the Marketplace will eventually become the “iPhone apps store of presentations,” with all manner of content and services for sale such as video, stock photography, graphics / clip art, fonts, data feeds (for dynamically updated graphs, etc.), graphic design services, copy writing, or public speaking lessons.

希望该市场最终将成为“演示文稿的iPhone应用程序商店”,出售各种形式的内容和服务,例如视频,股票摄影,图形/剪贴画,字体,数据馈送(用于动态更新的图形等)。 。),图形设计服务,文案写作或公开演讲课。

SlideRocket customers will be able to search for and purchase stock photos from Fotolia the same way they can currently search for Flickr images. Purchased images will be added directly to their account’s assets area.

SlideRocket客户将能够像现在搜索Flickr图像一样,从Fotolia搜索和购买照片。 购买的图像将直接添加到其帐户的资产区域。

The above image is a mockup SlideRocket provided of what the eventual services marketplace might look like. Clearly inspiration was drawn from iTunes.

上图是提供最终服务市场外观的样机SlideRocket。 显然,灵感来自iTunes。

SlideRocket, which launched in beta last March, is based in San Francisco, CA and is backed by a $2 million Series A investment from Hummer Winblad Venture Partners.

SlideRocket于去年3月在Beta版中推出,总部位于加利福尼亚州旧金山,并获得了悍马Winblad Venture Partners的200万美元A轮投资。

